Life long project for studying and implement features on frontend.
- create list of goals smart
- create list of potential blockers and steps to sucess (todo list)
- manage the reasons of each letter in Smart method.
- testing unit
- study tdd [V]
- domain driven design
- study ddd
- react routes
- protecting routes in login
- use hooks:
- useState [V]
- useContext (use for change theme over the application)
- useRef
- provider??
- useCustomHook
- Unit test frameworks:
- jest
- cypress
- Mutation test: Stryker
- React Testing Library:
- Sonar
- Profiler
- Linter checking
- styling framework:
- ant design [V]
- material
- bootstrap
- StoryBook
- styled components [V]
- Dark, Light and system default theme: Useful for modern applications to adapt to the user preferences. [V]
- use styled-components library: a way of creating styled components [V]
- colors:
- use vivid colors [V]
- use pastel colors [V]
- internationalization i18n