- Configuration
env variable use something like this:
# During rounding you loose precesion, need to make it again a distribution
d_unnormalized = ([0] * 6 + [1.0/12] * 15 + [0] * 3).map{ |e| e + 0.01 }
sum_d = d_unnormalized.sum.to_f
d_normalized = d_unnormalized.map{ |e| (e / sum_d).round(2) }
sum_d = d_normalized.sum.to_f
max_index = d_normalized.each_with_index.max[1]
d_normalized[max_index] += (1 - sum_d)
d_normalized[max_index] = d_normalized[max_index].round(2)
raise "Distribution does not sum to 1" unless d_normalized.sum.round(4) == 1.0
raise "Distribution is not of length 24" unless d_normalized.length == 24
p d_normalized.join(',')
This gives a tiny chance to nighly emails!
This website is deployed on a fly.io cluster. It uses a Dockerfile to build the image.
For local development, there is no Dockerfile yet. TODO
- Database creation
sudo su - postgres
psql template1
create user zatresi with password 'pass';
CREATE DATABASE "zatresi-api_development";
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "zatresi-api_development" to zatresi;
CREATE DATABASE "zatresi-api_test";
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "zatresi-api_test" to zatresi;
- Database initialization
foreman run bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
foreman run bundle exec rake db:test:prepare
Import latest production backup to local db
heroku pg:backups:capture
heroku pg:backups:download
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U zatresi -d zatresi-api_development latest.dump
rm latest.dump
Altnatively, run rake db:seed
to seed default data into the database.
- How to run the test suite
foreman run bundle exec rspec spec/
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deploy to Fly.io
fly deploy --dockerfile Dockerfile --build-arg RAILS_MASTER_KEY=$(cat config/master.key)
- Postgres with Postgis
Postgres setup:
fly postgres connect -a klubi-api-db
CREATE EXTENSION postgis # Crashes if less than 512MB ram.
Setup the cron job to execute rake sitemap:refresh
regularly (e.g. daily)
rake sitemap:refresh
rake sitemap:refresh:no_ping
In /etc/hosts add api.app.local
In /etc/hosts add admin.app.local
Run server, then open:
Or to see the Administrate dashboard, open
- Daily: Send an email for accepted klub updates
foreman run rake updates:send_emails
- Daily: Send email to request data verification to klubs
foreman run rake klubs:send_emails
foreman run rails s puma -b 'ssl://'
- Manual: To import data
Create a new DataSource and a new Transformer for the data. Register it in data_import.rake
foreman run rake import:your_import_script
Cronjobs are run via a separate Fly project called fly-cron-manager. To define the cronjobs, update the schedules.json file in that project. Note/TODO: periodically build images for the jobs. Currently relying on some random deployment image.
shp2pgsql -I -s 3912:4326 f1f60b8a-6513-5102-987c-4950a36c72ec.shp public.statisticne_regije_testff | psql -h localhost -U zatresi -d zatresi-api_development
- PostGIS and Google Maps in Rails Part 1
- Geo-Rails Part 2: Setting Up a Geospatial Rails App
- PostGIS and Rails: A Simple Approach
Source of administrative regions: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia.
lavenshtein gem does not seem to be building the so file.
If you get this error:
./ext/levenshtein/levenshtein: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
Follow the steps here dbalatero/levenshtein-ffi#13 to build the gem.