This is a GRPC File Sharing Client and Server for the Final Project of CS1680 course I have been auditing at Brown. Special and huge thank you to Nick DeMarinis for allowing me to be present in your lectures and for answering my barrage of questions. I have learned a lot with you!
This project aims to replicate in some ways the behavior of a FTP server by allowing a client to connect to the GRPC server and Upload, Download, Remove Files and Directories and more you would expect from a file system on the "cloud".
The motivation for this project was to understand more the benefits of GRPC and some of the intricacies of creating and managing a file server. Also, it seems a better alternative to send files in an API instead of json, as you can have a continuos stream of messages flowing through it. I have not dabbled yet with websockets, but GRPC can seems to be able to replicate the socket behavior well enough with the added error handling.
Clone the project
- Go Version = 1.21
Do not know if any other version works
git clone
export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
make server
make client
- Initialize GRPC Server
This will initialize the server by default at This can be modified in the cmd/main.go file in line 20
- Initialize Client
In all commands you can always use relative paths or absolute paths
cd <remote_folder>
- Changes the directory the client is in
mkdir <remote_folder>
- Creates a folder in the server
rmdir <remote_folder>
- Removes empty directory from server
rm <remote_filename> <remote_folder>
- Creates a folder in the server
ls <remote_folder>
- List files from a directory
download <remote_filename> [<remote_folder>]
- Download a file from the remote directory. Remote folder can be omitted to select the current client directory. Files are download to the ./client_files on the directory the binary is located on. Did not create logic for the folder to be created automatically, so if an errors occurs create a client_files folder with a downloads folder and a tmp folder.
upload <filepath> <remote_folder>
- Upload a file from your local machine to remote folder. Your server should have the following folder structure in the location the binary is created -> server_files with files folder and a tmp folder. Files uploaded to the server are stored in ./server_files/files/ .
- Implement caching of file listing on the client so you do not call the server everytime to know the files in that directory
- Auto-create the server_files and client_files folder
- Create automated tests for relative pathing and for for each RPC service.
- Overall, I had a great experience with GRPC will definitely have it in the back of my mind when creating a new project that uses an API. Thanks again Nick DeMarinis for allowing me to be in lectures!