- Python 3.6
- pip
- pip install -r requirements.txt
# compilation
populus compile
# tests
pytest -p no:warnings -s
pytest tests/test_auction.py -p no:warnings -s
# Recommended:
pip install pytest-xdist
pytest -p no:warnings -s -n NUM_OF_CPUs
- start:
geth --ipcpath="~/Library/Ethereum/privtest/geth.ipc" --datadir="~/Library/Ethereum/privtest" --dev --rpccorsdomain '*' --rpc --rpcport 8545 --rpcapi eth,net,web3,personal --unlock 0xf590ee24CbFB67d1ca212e21294f967130909A5a --password ~/password.txt # geth console # you have to mine yourself: miner.start() geth attach ipc:/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/privtest/geth.ipc
- change default account: /populus.json#L189
- start https://github.com/paritytech/parity
parity --geth --chain kovan --force-ui --reseal-min-period 0 --jsonrpc-cors http://localhost --jsonrpc-apis web3,eth,net,parity,traces,rpc,personal --unlock 0x5601Ea8445A5d96EEeBF89A67C4199FbB7a43Fbb --password ~/password.txt --author 0x5601Ea8445A5d96EEeBF89A67C4199FbB7a43Fbb
- change default account: /contracts/populus.json#L52
- start:
geth --testnet --rpc --rpcport 8545 --unlock 0xbB5AEb01acF5b75bc36eC01f5137Dd2728FbE983 --password ~/password.txt
- https://www.rinkeby.io/ (has a Faucet)
- change default account: /contracts/populus.json#L224
- start:
# First time geth --datadir="~/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby" --rpc --rpcport 8545 init ~/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby.json geth --networkid=4 --ipcpath="~/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth.ipc" --datadir="~/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby" --cache=512 --ethstats='yournode:Respect my [email protected]' --bootnodes=enode://a24ac7c5484ef4ed0c5eb2d36620ba4e4aa13b8c84684e1b4aab0cebea2ae45cb4d375b77eab56516d34bfbd3c1a833fc51296ff084b770b94fb9028c4d25ccf@ --rpc --rpcport 8545 --unlock 0xd96b724286c592758de7cbd72c086a8a8605417f --password ~/password.txt # use geth console geth attach ipc:/Users/user/Library/Ethereum/rinkeby/geth.ipc
private chain
- private tester chain has a default account at
, loaded with lots of ether - you will need to create an empty password file in order to unlock the account
parity --dapps-hosts="all" --dapps-apis-all --jsonrpc-hosts="all" --gas-floor-target 0 --gasprice 0 --geth --chain dev --force-ui --reseal-min-period 0 --rpc --jsonrpc-apis all --password /tmp/empty_password --unlock 0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72
- private tester chain has a default account at
Deployment script can do both deployment of the auction and can also run the simulation.
- owner must own enough ether to deploy the contracts
- if you want to run the simulation, note the contract addresses
python -m deploy.deploy_testnet --chain privtest --owner 0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72 deploy --price-start 2000000 --price-constant 1574640000 --price-exponent 4
The bidders are given some ether at the beggining. You can use --distribution-limit
option to cap the amount distributed.
Simulation will create n bidders that will send a random amount of ether in random intervals. If bidder runs out of funds, it will stop.
If you set --claim-tokens
option, bidders will also try to claim the tokens at the end of the simulation.
python -m deploy.deploy_testnet --chain privtest --owner 0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72 simulation --bid-interval 3 --max-bid-ceiling 0.9 --max-bid-amount 10000000000 --min-bid-amount 100000000 --bidders 100 --claim-tokens
Both: To simplify things, you can just deploy & simulate:
python -m deploy.deploy_testnet --chain privtest --owner 0x00a329c0648769a73afac7f9381e08fb43dbea72 \
deploy --price-start 2000000 --price-constant 1574640000 --price-exponent 4
simulation --bid-interval 3 --max-bid-ceiling 0.9 --max-bid-amount 10000000000 --min-bid-amount 100000000 --bidders 100 --claim-tokens
python -m deploy.distribute \
--chain privtest \
--distributor 0x8b96503f6b2cefaa83d385fa2cb269999ab4ac9f \
--distributor-tx 0xc4eaffce4009eb13cd432f3c25d6f5eafb42249d4cd81a6164e83225ad65abee \
--auction 0x66b14432eaad5956e57ab02316a50705f2dc4f25 \
--auction-tx 0x989bf8f2cf5bdfdd053c95b4ce711636054f06406df41cd77160b2fad31efe2c \
--claims 2 # number of addresses to be sent in a transaction (wip)
For solidity we generally follow the style guide as shown in the solidity documentation with a few notable exceptions:
Variable Names
All variable name should be in snake case, just like in python. Function names on the other hand should be mixedCase. MixedCase is essentially like CamelCase but with the initial letter being a small letter. This helps us to easily determine which function calls are smart contract calls in the python code side.
function iDoSomething(uint awesome_argument) {
Modifiers in long function declarations
This is how the solidity documentation suggests it:
function thisFunctionNameIsReallyLong(
address x,
address y,
address z,
returns (address)
This is the minor modification we make in order to make the code more readable when quickly skimming through it. The thinking here is to easily spot the start of the function's block when skimming and not have the modifiers appearing as if they are a block on their own due to the hanging parentheses.
function thisFunctionNameIsReallyLong(
address x,
address y,
address z)
returns (address)
Web prototype for testing auction models.
- Meteor 1.5
cd app
meteor npm install
cd app