aims to be a swiss-army knife for processing RDF and Linked Data on the command line.
stands for "Semantic Operation Pipeline",
or as a shortcut for Sophia,
the library it is based on.
If you have a working Rust toolchain, you might prefer to build directly with cargo.
docker build -t sop_builder .
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/outside sop_builder -c "cp /app/target/release/sop /outside"
cargo build --release
cp target/release/sop .
cargo install --path .
to install it directly in your path.
./sop --help
TODO show how to do basic tasks with sop...
By default, the JSON-LD processor will only accept inline contexts. Two document loaders are available via command-line options:
a local document loader (
): this option expects a path to a directory. Every file or subdirectoryITEM
of that path is interpreted as a local cache for thehttps://ITEM/
namespace. -
a URL document loader (
): with this option, any context IRI will be fetched (from the Web or from the filesystem, depending). This option is provided for convenience, but is not fit for production as it presents security and privacy issues.
With both options, the local version will be used in priority.