Add custom interpolation for Agilent 8800 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS
This script runs only on Python3 and processes data from Excel files (*.xlsx) with a specific format from Agilent 8800-QQQ ICP-MS. Plotting a comparison graph between the instrument linear fitting and custom 1-degree interpolated spline requires Numpy and Matplotlib. However, these two packages are completely optional.
The following Python3 packages are required:
These packages can be installed manually using
pip3 install ...
or please follow the full instruction below to install all the dependencies.
Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd icpms_process/
Install dependencies
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 [-v] [-p] [-k K] [-h] element std_filename raw_filename analyzed_filename
element: the abbreviation of the chemical element to be modified. eg. Te, P, Cd std_filename: Excel filename containing the calibration concentration (normally 10 concentrations of 50% dilution each) raw_filename: Excel filename with ICP-MS raw readout in CPS analyzed_filename: Excel filename for the processed data from ICP-MS, but with linear interpolation
-v: increase the level of verbosity -p: plot the fitting comparison at the end of the script -k K: specify the degree of smoothing spline in the fitting (default K = 1)
For help, use -h or --help
python3 -h
Modify ICP-MS result for tellurium (Te) concentration using 1D smoothing spline
python3 Te Examples/std.xlsx Examples/raw.xlsx Examples/alz.xlsx
The terminal would display
Loading standard file: Examples/std.xlsx
Loading raw file: Examples/std.xlsx
Loading analyzed file: Examples/std.xlsx
Converted successfully. Saved as Examples/alz_mod.xlsx
The result is now saved as the same filename as the analyzed data with "_mod" at the end.
Additionally, an option -p can be added to display the comparison graph
python3 -p Te Examples/std.xlsx Examples/raw.xlsx Examples/alz.xlsx
- Pai Pakpoom Buabthong - Initial work - pbuabthong
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details