Bot for the git-diary project.
Setup you bot name and telegram bot token at config/config.ex
Then run at your shell:
λ mix deps.get
λ mix
Hi! You are talking with the git-diary bot. It is part of the [git-diary]( project.
To start using the bot you must first have an instance of the
[git-diary-api]( running. Then, execute
the /register command to initialize the bot for your user.
Below are the available commands and their parameters.
/register <api-url> <api-token>
* Configures the bot for your user to use the <api-url> endpoint with the
provided <token>
/posts <date>
* Returns the list of available posts. Use the optional <date> parameter to
filter the results by date, in the format YYYY-MM-DD. For example, /posts
2019-06 will return all posts from june 2019
/new <title> \\n <body>
* Creates a new post with <title> and <body>. Note that there must be a break
line between <title> and <body>. Returns the git url of the new post.