Copyright (C) 2012-2013, Dejan Lukan
All rights reserved.
The Visual Studio Projects contain the projects described below.
A project that was used in the The Sysenter Instruction and 0x2e Interrupt article.
A project that uses CreateRemoteThread function to inject a DLL into chosen process's address space.
The DLL that can be injected into some process so it can hook the IAT import table.
This is a sample DLL that was used in the article accessible here: Api Hooking DetoursInfosec.
A very simple program for reverse engineering where you can see the difference between creating an object on stack versus the heap.
This is a "Hello World" project that uses a software interrupt to instruct a debugger to pause execution just before the printf statement is reached. Basically it uses the __asm { int 0x3 }; code block.
A project that uses IsDebuggerPresent function that can detect whether a debugger is being used to debug the current program. There are two articles where this project is relevant: Anti-Debugging: Detecting System Debugger
A simple project that uses the NtQueryInformationProcess function to get information from the process.
This program was used in the following article Linear Sweep vs Recursive Disassembling Algorithm
A project that uses SetWindowsHookEx function to inject a DLL into chosen process's address space.