Self-hosted PyPI server with automatic updates for Insiders versions of projects.
This project will soon be integrated into
Some open source projects follow the sponsorware release strategy, which means that new features are first exclusively released to sponsors as part of an "Insiders" version of the project. This Insiders version is usually a private fork of the public project.
To use the Insiders projects as dependencies, sponsors have two options:
- specify the dependency as a Git URL (HTTPS or SSH), or as a direct HTTPS URL to a build artifact
- build and store the artifact in a self-hosted PyPI-like index
The first option is problematic when sponsors' projects are also open source, because most of their contributors will probably not have access to the Insiders version. It means they won't be able to resolve the dependency, even less install it locally. As a result, maintainers must specify the public version of the project as a dependency, and override it with the Insiders version in Continuous Integration / Deployment.
In contrast, the second option allows maintainers to specify the dependency normally, i.e. using the same name/identifier as the public version. Maintainers/contributors with access to the Insiders version will resolve and get the Insiders version, while maintainers/contributors without access to the Insiders version will simply get the public one.
However, self-hosting a PyPI-like index, and building artifacts for each new Insiders version is not a trivial, straight-forward task: companies and organizations might already have such a setup (with an Artifactory server, a Google Cloud registry, etc.), but individual contributors often won't, and automatically updating repositories, building artifacts and uploading them requires custom scripts.
In both cases (company setup or individual contributor) PyPI Insiders comes to the rescue, and manages repository/package updates for you. It comes bundled with a PyPI-like index that you can serve locally, and it watches Insiders repositories, building and uploading distributions to your local index (or any other online index) for each new Insiders version getting published.
See below how to install and use PyPI Insiders!
pip install pypi-insiders
With uv
uv tool install pypi-insiders
Run the server with:
pypi-insiders server start
The local PyPI server should be running:
pypi-insiders server status
Now, if you wish, you can configure your tools to use your local index by default:
export PIP_INDEX_URL=http://localhost:31411/simple/
export PDM_PYPI_URL=http://localhost:31411/simple/
export UV_INDEX_URL=http://localhost:31411/simple/
Your local index will give precedence to its own packages, and redirect to if it doesn't know the specified packages. It means that Insiders versions will always take precedence over public versions, even if the latter are higher (more recent).
Configuring your tools with environment variables makes it easy to temporarily "deactivate" your local index:
# This will install directly from
env -u PIP_INDEX_URL pip install something
env -u PDM_PYPI_URL pdm sync
env -u UV_INDEX_URL uv sync
You can declare a shell alias to make things even simpler:
alias no-insiders='env -u PIP_INDEX_URL -u PDM_PYPI_URL -u UV_INDEX_URL'
no-insiders uv sync
Configure the repositories to watch:
pypi-insiders repos add pawamoy-insiders/devboard:devboard
Only GitHub projects are supported for now.
List watched repositories:
pypi-insiders repos list
Remove watched repositories:
pypi-insiders repos remove pawamoy-insiders/devboard
Start/stop the local PyPI index, get the server status:
pypi-insiders server start
pypi-insiders server status
pypi-insiders server stop
Update all packages from watched repositories:
pypi-insiders update
Update a specific package:
pypi-insiders update pawamoy-insiders/devboard
Start/stop the watcher, get the watcher status:
pypi-insiders watcher start
pypi-insiders watcher status
pypi-insiders watcher stop
Show logs of the server/watcher:
pypi-insiders server logs
pypi-insiders watcher logs
Upload the packages to a private index that requires authentication.
pypi-insiders update --index-url <url> --index-user user --index-password <password>
pypi-insiders watcher start --index-url <url> --index-user user --index-password <password>