This is a Next.js project, demoing how to build a dapp frontend backed by smart contracts on Stellar. Learn more about this project @
soroban-cli v0.4.0
. See
(both Standalone and Futurenet backends require it).Node.js v17
Freighter wallet v2.9.1
. Download it from and Enable "Experimental Mode" in the settings (gear icon).
- Run the backend docker container with
./ standalone
, and wait for it to start. - Run
./ standalone
to load the contracts and initialize it.
- Note: this state will be lost if the quickstart docker container is removed.
- Add the Standalone custom network in Freighter
Name Standalone URL http://localhost:8000/soroban/rpc Passphrase Standalone Network ; February 2017 Allow HTTP connection Enabled Switch to this network Enabled - Add some Standalone network lumens to your Freighter wallet.
a. Copy the address for your freighter wallet.
b. Visit
http://localhost:8000/friendbot?addr=<your address>
- Run the backend docker container with
./ futurenet
, and wait for it to start.
- Note: This can take up to 5 minutes to start syncing. You can tell it is
working by visiting http://localhost:8000/, and look at the
, field. If it is0
, the quickstart image is not ready yet.
- Run
./ futurenet
to load the contracts and initialize it. - Add the Futurenet custom network in Freighter
(Note, the out-of-the-box "Future Net" network in
Freighter will not work with a local quickstart container, so we need to add
our own):
Name Futurenet Local RPC URL http://localhost:8000/soroban/rpc Passphrase Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022 Allow HTTP connection Enabled Switch to this network Enabled - Add some Futurenet network lumens to your Freighter wallet.
- Visit, and follow the instructions to create your freighter account on Futurenet.
Then, run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Note: Before you can "Approve transfer & Back this project", you'll need to have some EXT (example token) in your freighter wallet. There is a "Mint 100 EXT" button, which will gift you 100 EXT tokens for that purpose.
The contract dev should be able to:
- Clone the example repo (this one)
- Choose their target amount and deadline
- Deploy their contract to futurenet
- Deploy a soroban rpc server somewhere (TBD)
- Deploy the example web ui somewhere (e.g. netlify)
Then via the web UI, users should be able to:
- Connect their wallet (freighter for now)
- See their current balance(s)
- See the current fundraising status (total amount & time remaining)
- See allowed assets (xlm-only for now?)
- Deposit an allowed asset
- See their deposit(s) appear on the page as the transactions are confirmed.
- "Live"-Update the page with the total amount with the new amount
There is a ./wallet
directory, which contains a small library to connect to
the user's freighter wallet, as well as some React hooks to talk to a
soroban-rpc server (e.g. soroban-cli serve
), to fetch data and send
Data from contracts is fetched using the useContractValue
hook in
. Transactions are submitted to the network
using the useSendTransactions
hook in ./wallet/hooks/useSendTransaction.tsx