- Adds Merkle-tree functionality to a Subversion install.
- The Merkle tree is kept up to date on the server-side for all users, obeying each user's potentially different read permissions
- MOD_DAV/Apache only - not the binary Subversion (svn://) protocol
- Subversion does not know anything about:
- The endpoints for this are outside Subversion's understanding
- History of the Merkle tree changes are not retained
A system of using hashes (SHA1 in Subversion's case) to track a directory tree of resources to allow fast determination of whether "your" tree is out of step with "their" tree, and from that efficiently determine what needs to be updated in order to keep you in step. It is a field of science in itself (Ralph Merkle invented this in 1979), and underpins BlockChain, though vanilla Merkle trees are not blockchains, and massively under appreciated in the industry and indeed society.
When it receives a GET to /foo/bar/baz/.merkle
the SvnMerkleizer service handles the request and issues a number of
PROPFIND an OPTIONS (WebDAV) operations to Subversion in respect of the directory /foo/bar/baz/
. These operations
are a depth-first traversal of the director tree working out where its SHA1 directory hash is out of date and needs
to be recalculated.
SvnMerkleizer caches all those results for directories and sends a response back to the requester (for the directory. in question). Depending on the client library and how out of date the tree is, the GET request could timeout. The backend would continue calculating the tree, and a subsequent GET request for the same URL would be quicker in practice. It is possible that you could GET the root directory's SHA1 with a cron job to keep it fresh ahead of need.
Because of the caching of SHA1s for directories, time is saved when doing subsequent GETs of SHA1s for
, /foo/.merkle
, or /.merkle
You can configure SvnMerkleizer to have a different file name for the SHA1 endoint: .mt
or .sha1
or whatever
you want.
Obviously that is a lot of I/O that makes it all imperfect. This can be mitigated by moving the SvnMerkleizer service closet in terms of TCP/IP to the Apache/Subversion machine(s). See 'Docker' below.
Subversion allows uers and groups of users to have different permissions (read and write) for directories and files within the same repo. Subversion has has a coupled "Authz" technology that uses a textual grammar to represent the users and group permissions. This "Authorization" technology is secondary to authentication which itself is pluggable in Subversion/Apache. SvnMerkleizer calulates a Merkle tree for each user, and attempts to utilize the same tree where more than one user has the same Authz setup. It processes the Authz file at startup to determine any similarities toward that. The supported permutations of Authz settings are shown in AuthzExamples.md. Indeed that source file is used in unit tests.
As well as the GET-centric hidden .merkle
resources, there is a alternate setup that uses a new HTTP verb/method
on the directory (URL). You would deploy one or the other. You could for example have a method 'MERKLETREE' or 'MT'
instead of GET. The name of the verb is up to you.
It is written in Java and uses Maven for the build mvn install -DskipTests
. If you want to run all tests, you will have
to stand up a testing instance of Subversion. I have a handy Docker solution for that here:
SvnMerkleizer-test-repo (instructions in that repo).
Be aware that the integration tests for SvnMerkleizer are many minutes long, and not needed if you're only trying
to play with this technology.
Within SvnMerkleizer build, there is a use of Servirtium to allow playback of the previously recorded
interactions. This means you don't have to launch the latter with Docker. To see integration
tests run with Servirtium emulating Subversion + MOD_DAV_SVN + Apache, do:
mvn install -Dtest=PlayedBackSubversionServiceTests
The recorded conversations are stored src/test/mocks/subversion
If you have SvnMerkleizer-test-repo
running per it's instructions, you can re-record the interactions for the same
service test:
mvn install -Dtest=RecordedSubversionServiceTests
This overwrites the pertinent markdown sources in src/test/mocks
. If you then do git diff
and there are any
differences you're perhaps seeing an incompatibility. I've blogged about TCKs for the usefulness of that.
The same tests are run for RecordedSubversionServiceTests
and PlayedBackSubversionServiceTests
. For that
matter, the same tests are run for DirectServiceTests
and for that test class, there's no use of Servirtium
at all.
In Maven terms depend on SvnMerkleizer
And one of three HTTP servers abstracted by the excellent Jooby:
Two alternates:
Then pick one of the ways of booting it, and deploy it close to your Subversion/Apache service (minimizing HTTP distance is a good idea as it is chatty).
I have a Docker image that is Apache WebServer, Subversion's MOD_DAV_SVN and the SvnMerkleizer service in one image. That's unorthodox as you're supposed to have a single process(*) in a docker container, to allow smooth stutdown and restarts.
BSD 2-Clause license (open source).
All sorts of super huge record keeping applications. Perhaps ones where the change rate does not exceed one change every
10 seconds. Larger changes (say video files) will be much longer than 10 seconds each, but storable in Subversion.
If you deploy with a Subversion install that has SVNAutoversioning on
then you can do HTTP PUTs of resources in
addition to commits, and that would suit a file-sync agent. Indeed
Git breathes the SHA1 hashes of files, and changes. It is possible (if history has not been purged/rewritten via force-push) to bring back a repo to exact same content represented by a commit hash. At any time, the correctness of Git's Merkle tree over content and meta data can be verified. SvnMerkleizer is not holding history of the Merkle tree (see "Alternatives" below). You could verify the entire Merkle tree as you have it, but if the canonical server repo gets updated, the only thing you know now about your client-side 'checkout' is that the tree is different to the server one (out of date).
Git isn't very good at large binaries or terabytes of history though. You could say that Git-LFS delivers on the former, but I might like to see something more built-in.
Git also doesn't allow per-user or per-group read/write permissions for directories/files, whereas Subversion does. Perhaps Git will deliver on all of these in the fullness of time. Or a successor takes over that's not objectionable to the Git intelligentsia.
That said, I'm willing to say that Git is a near perfect history-retaining Merkle tree.
A better solution would be to have a Rust/Nim/Zig (or C) commit hook that recalculated the merkle tree for the in-progress commit on the server, and wrote real .merkle files to the pertinent directories, and included them in the commit itself. That could force the committer to do a 'svn up' operation immediately following the commit, but that should be quick (and never clash). I say "could", because Subversion does not require to to be "up to date" with working copy before you commit, unless one of the files your trying to change has changed server-side too. The downside of a commit-hook equivalent is that it can only really be for a single 'admin' user, and if you yourself did a checkout and you're only permitted to see a subset of the directories/files in the repo, then you'll not be able to verify the the merkle tree (because branches are hidden from you).