This is a fork of scisci/go-mobile-collection that has been refactored to suit our needs. It is in its infancy and may be released as a separate package once it reaches maturity.
The reason for this is that go mobile doesn't currently support slices. So a current work around is to wrap a go slice with another type and expose methods that operate on that slice. So a wrapper may have methods like push, pop, insert, count, etc for modifying or reading from the array.
What this repo does is build a command line utility that can then be automatically called using go generate semantics.
- Find the file you that contains the struct definition you want to have a collection wrapper for.
- At the top of the file add the following:
//go:generate go-mobile-collection $GOFILE
- Before the struct, add a comment to flag it:
// @collection-wrapper
type Example struct {
ExampleField string
- When you build your project a new file should now be generated called ($GOFILE)_collection.go that contains the automatically generated definitions.
The repository contains utility Collections inside the natives folder for natively supported types :
- string
- int
- int32
- int64
- float32
- float64
In order to link against these collections, add the package to the gomobile bind command
gomobile bind -target=android .