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Customizing the pfeed item

parolkar edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

Ok, So you played with default pfeed items which create activity feed by watching the function calls and generating the activity sentences.
like this…

Abhishek bought about 2 minutes ago
Chad found friends about 2 minutes ago
Chad updated attribute Last name about 1 minute ago

But now you want to customize these feeds and make your own sentences and also skin them with CSS/jquery, yeah? This is where Pfeed plugin shines its ability by giving you full control on wrapping any complicated functionality around activity feed item. Here every pfeed item has a model and view ( the M&V of the MVC). Model can store custom attributes when activity feed is created and View renders the model’s data for you.

Let’s assume that , from previous example when is invoked, you want pfeed item model to know about the arguments passed , i.e 10 (Fixnum)
and view to render “Abhishek bought 10 items about 2 minutes ago”

Its just very simple,
create subdirectory “pfeeds” in models directory of your app.
create a model named Pfeeds::UserBought which inherits from PfeedItem

# app/models/pfeeds/user_bought.rb
class Pfeeds::UserBought < PfeedItem
   def pack_data(method_name,method_name_in_past_tense,returned_result,*args_supplied_to_method,&block_supplied_to_method) = {} if !
     hash_to_be_merged = {:no_of_items => args_supplied_to_method[0] }!  hash_to_be_merged

and then create view partial by first creating pfeeds subdirectory in app/views

<%# app/views/pfeeds/user_bought.html.erb >
= user_bought.guess_identification(user_bought.originator) >
=[:action_string] >
=[:no_of_items] >
about <
= time_ago_in_words(user_bought.created
at) %> ago

Thats it, and you are done! This way you can improve each feed item and bring in complex functionality as required.

Key points to remember:

  1. When you start customizing pfeed item as shown above , the older pfeed item (which has already been delivered) remains unchanged , only new activities will consider the subclass for added functionality.
  2. The name of subclass is always concatenation of originator class name and method name in past tense ,i.e UserBought , UserFoundFriends etc.
  3. You can treat these subclases as regular active record objects and write methods validations etc.
  4. You can write partials in any template engine conventions, HAML/SASS , xml, json etc

PS: if you are in hurry, download the sample app here