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Invoice Generation

Gerald Onuigbo edited this page Oct 7, 2021 · 6 revisions

Create Invoice

This web service call will be used by the integrating system to create an invoice in CBS;

Header Parameters

  • Client ID – to be provided
  • Client Secret – to be provided
Property Description Data Format Mandatory
Signature HMACSHA256 hash of the concatenation of RevenueHeadID,
Amount (2 decimal places), CallBackURL, ClientID
string Y
Client ID Identifier of the integrating system on CBS (To be provided) string Y

Note: The signature concatenation is hashed with the client secret

Input Parameters [content-type - JSON]

Property Description Data Format Mandatory (Y/N)
RevenueHeadId Identifier of the revenue head you want to generate an invoice for Numeric Y
RequestReference When passed, it must be unique per request. It must also be
deterministic for the calling application to generate i.e. for the same request this value must always be the same
string Y
CallBackURL API URL you want payment notifications to be sent to string N
ExternalRefNumber Third party reference number string N
TaxEntityInvoice Tax entity invoice object object Y

TaxEntityInvoice Object Property

Property Description Data Format Mandatory
TaxEntity Tax entity object object Y
Amount Amount to be generated. Some revenue heads allow tax payers to
input the amount to be paid for, while some have a fixed amount. For cases where an mount is required, this value must be set to be greater than 0.00. for cases where the amount is fixed, if an amount is supplied, the supplied amount is used for invoice generation
numeric Y
InvoiceDescription Invoice Description string N
CategoryId Category Id numeric Y

TaxEntity Object Property

Property Description Data Format Mandatory
Recipient Name of the invoice recipient string Y
Email Email address of the recipient string Y
Address Address of the recipient string Y
PhoneNumber Phone number of the recipient string N
TaxPayerIdentificationNumber TIN string N
RCNumber RC Number string Y
PayerId Payer Id string Y

Sample Input parameter JSON payload

    "RevenueHeadId": 16,
    "TaxEntityInvoice": {
        "TaxEntity": {
            "Recipient": "Tax Payer",
            "Email": "[email protected]",
            "Address": "API local",
            "PhoneNumber": "0804832361",
            "TaxPayerIdentificationNumber": "7777711",
            "RCNumber": null,
            "PayerId": null
        "Amount": 8903,
        "InvoiceDescription": "Invoice Description here",
        "CategoryId": 1
    "ExternalRefNumber": null,
    "RequestReference": "Unique ref per request, must be deterministic",
    "CallBackURL": "add a call back URL if payment notification is required"

Output Parameters [content-type - JSON]

For every API call a standard response object is returned. If there was anything wrong with the request, the Error value would be true. If in the request a PayerId was not specified a new PayerId is generated, if a PayerId was specified an invoice is generated against the given PayerId

Property Description Data Format Mandatory (Y/N)
Error Indicates if request was processed successfully. If this request was processed successfully,the ResponseObject would contain an object detailing the invoice info. If the error value is true, the ResponseObject would contain a list of ErrorModel Bool Y
ResponseObject This value would either contain the ErrorModel if error is true or the invoice details if Error is false object true or false N

ResponseObject Object Property (False)

Property Description Data Format Mandatory
InvoiceNumber Unique invoice number generated from CBS string Y
InvoicePreviewUrl URL to preview the generated invoice string Y
AmountDue Amount due on the invoice decimal Y
CustomerId Customer Id for ref long N
Recipient Name of the Taxpayer string Y
PayerId Tax payer reference value on CBS. It is unique per tax payer string Y
Email Tax payer email value string N
PhoneNumber Tax payer phone number string Y
TIN Tax payer Identification Number string N
MDAName MDA Name string Y
RevenueHeadName Revenue Head Name string Y
ExternalRefNumber External Reference Number string Y
PaymentURL URL configured for online payments string N
Description Invoice Description string N
RequestReference Reference Passed during request string Y
IsDuplicateRequestReference If the request is a duplicate request (i.e. if multiple requests where sent with the same request reference),this value would be true for subsequent request after the first one bool N

Sample Output parameter JSON payload (False)

    "Error": false,
    "ErrorCode": null,
    "ResponseObject": {
        "CustomerPrimaryContactId": 352613,
        "CustomerId": 332619,
        "Recipient": "Tax Payer",
        "PayerId": "HA-000034",
        "Email": "[email protected]",
        "PhoneNumber": "0804832361",
        "TIN": "7777711",
        "MDAName": "MDA TEST 2018 636788501722459205",
        "RevenueHeadName": "API SELF",
        "ExternalRefNumber": null,
        "PaymentURL": "URL/c/make-payment/1000372608",
        "Description": "API SELF | CODE TEST 2018 636788501722464167/SELF",
        "InvoiceNumber": "1000372608",
        "InvoicePreviewUrl": "",
        "AmountDue": 8903

ResponseObject Array Object Property (True)

Property Description Data Format Mandatory
FieldName Field Name string Y
ErrorMessage Error Message string Y

Sample Output parameter JSON payload (True)###

    "Error": true,
    "ErrorCode": "PPVE",
    "ResponseObject": [
            "FieldName": "Address",
            "ErrorMessage": "Address field is required"