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approval-voting: coalesce multiple approvals in a single signed message #701

Tracked by #26
sandreim opened this issue Mar 6, 2023 · 25 comments
Tracked by #26
I4-refactor Code needs refactoring. I9-optimisation An enhancement to provide better overall performance in terms of time-to-completion for a task.


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sandreim commented Mar 6, 2023

This is aimed at reducing the amount of messages and work done per relay chain block. Currently we send one signed message for each candidate approved under a block as soon as candidate validation completes the check.

We should look at coalescing multiple approval votes for different candidates in a single message, instead of immediately sending individual messages out. This change would introduce some latency and we should calibrate the time we wait for more candidates to be approved to avoid no-shows. I expect this to work really well for tranche 0 approvals with paritytech/polkadot#6782. In the happy case, each validator would send out exactly 2 messages per relay chain block as a tranche0 checker.

We would need to define some V3 primitives for ApprovalVote such that it wraps a bitfield in which each bit represents the candidate by index in the inclusion relay chain block.

Also, IndirectSignedApprovalVote wire message needs be updated to provide the signing context for verification.

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burdges commented Mar 6, 2023

We've discussed lengthening tranche time with a similar lengthening of the no-show time, which likely makes the timing here less tight.

Also, if we do not do that then we could've some extra information in the assignment VRFs which says when we expect to start work, and acts like delaying receiving some of the assignments within the VRF, so giving them a later no-show time.

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Even waiting half a second at a time to send out approval votes shouldn't impact finality much. Waiting a bit longer, i.e. up to 1/2 of 1 GRANDPA round, would probably help reduce message volume a lot as well.

no-show times aren't the only factor here. we obviously don't want to impose delays that cause nodes to be mistakenly seen as no-shows, but we also don't want to delay finality any longer than necessary. I suppose there's a balance here, and it's driven by the performance impact of network message volume vs. amount of bundled messages.

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eskimor commented Apr 25, 2023

That one is going to be tricky with disputes, where we assume that there is one signed message per candidate/dispute. Also in order to verify the signature, we need to provide the candidate hash for the signing payload. Currently we just pass the hash of the candidate in question for checking the signature. If we combine multiple, then suddenly we would need to know all the other candidate hashes as well.

I think this is solvable by reconstructing the signing payload (all signed candidate hashes) at the receiving side of the approval distribution and store it in the local representation of the vote. Some more compact representation might be possible as well. All we need is a proof that a given CandidateHash was in the approved set: But it should be self contained: Having to look up some relay chain block to gather indices in order to check the signature does not sound ideal.

Whether or not a bitfield is ideal is also a different question. If we assume only a couple of candidates to be checked by each validators (which should be the case), having a list of u16 indices might be more efficient and also more future proof:

  1. The list can only grow as large as the maximum number of checks a single validator should do. This is a number that should stay more or less constant with regards to the number of parachains.
  2. The list can grow freely, it does not matter whether it has 1 or 8 entries - message format does not change.
  3. With a u16 we can have up to 65536 cores.

Size: 4xu16 = 8byte
"Future proof bitfield" >16 byte.

Depending on what we do with the above CandidateHash issue, we might end up not doing either, but instead just encoding the hashes themselves.

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Excellent point @eskimor . I actually did not consider disputes at the time of writing this :)

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burdges commented Apr 26, 2023

It's true (relay_chain_hash,u16_bitfield) could unambiguously identify some candidate awaiting approval, but Vec<Hash> should be fine.

As an aside, if there are equivocations then you've the same assignments on all equivocations, but afaik we rerun the whole process on all equivocations, and do not fine tune messages to be applicable across equivocations. We might want to change this really, but overall this requires more nuanced refinements. not necessarily what I original wrote down, but anyways any bitfields need to identify candidates unambiguously.

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burdges commented Jun 13, 2023

I think @alexggh results in #732 suggest the Vec<CandidateHash> optimization should be significant.

It's also a fine optimization when adversaries give us spam across multiple cores.

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sandreim commented Jun 13, 2023

Yes, this I also believe that, but it also depends on the other overheads aside from the sig checks like internal book keeping. Coalescing would make processing approvals in parallel less efficient assuming that a work is split by candidate hash - workers would have to check signatures twice, but the other overhead should not be duplicated.

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burdges commented Jun 13, 2023

Coalescing would make processing approvals in parallel less efficient assuming that a work is split by candidate hash - workers would have to check signatures twice, but the other overhead should not be duplicated.

Why twice? You're talking about a worker thread/future which processes approval (and assignment) gossip messages, and pushes them onto the tallying data structure, yes? We'd need some extra Mutex which then creates blocking risks? There exist data structures which minimize the blocking here, but yes they add complexity.

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eskimor commented Jun 13, 2023

Importing approval-votes for time overruns and for disputes will become very messy with this. @burdges Wouldn't batch verification get us similar speedups?

In case the problem is not clear, let me expand a bit:

If we get a time overrun on one candidate or a dispute, then we would no longer have a single signed approval to import on chain, but one big one - e.g. for X other unrelated candidates. This will lead to either huge amounts of duplicated storage in the dispute coordinator for example and also makes chain imports X times more expensive - in case of multiple disputes/time overruns also importing lots of redundant data. Or we add some indirection to avoid the duplication everywhere, likely possible but would be a significant effort, adding complexity.

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burdges commented Jun 13, 2023

Wouldn't batch verification get us similar speedups?

It's orthogonal, but batch verifications bring exactly the same problem I thought @sandreim described.

This is also not really true:

As messages take different routes, we're not talking huge batches here, so the improved asymptotics of pippenger lag somewhat. Assuming batch verification works out like then we should reach roughly a 50% savings quickly, but afterwards savings do not accrue too quickly. It's possible those benchmarks predate HdV adding pippenger, but that's ages ago, so probably not.

If we can really check a signature on a Vec<CandidateHash> of length 6 sent by each guy, then that's a 6x savings immediately. Also, this and batch verification stack, so 12x or whatever, assuming the batching asymptotics observed in ed25519-dalek.

If we get a time overrun on one candidate or a dispute, then we would no longer have a single signed approval to import on chain, but one big one - e.g. for X other unrelated candidates.

Isn't this irrelevant? We import the approval, which is a signed Vec<CandidateHash>, and the dispute on one candidate listed in that Vec. We'd never put the other candidates on chain obviously.

We should sign a Merkle root of the Vec<CandidateHash> I guess, and provide a Merkle proof in the dispute. As otherwise someone might sign every candidate merely to bloat messages by (num_cores-1) * 32 bytes. We then have special verification rules for approvals messages, so they cannot be processed as a simple (msg,auth,sig_on_msg) tuple, but that's already much worse for assignments.

I'm unsure if this is priority, but yes it becomes a TODO. At 1000 cores we'd risk 32 kb extra per votes to put on chain.

I suppose the batch verification looks less complex, once we count this merkle thing to prevent spaming, but right now we should expect only 50% savings from batch verification, batch verification adds much complexity too, and this Merkle-of-Vec thing should really be a standard tool for us.

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burdges commented Jun 13, 2023

An easier fix, you cap the Vec lengths.

Alternatively, you could cap the approval votes messages from each sender within a time window, not sure if this demands uncapped Vecs or the Merkle thing. This messes up our gossip assumptions, which sucks, but maybe if we used the sender's time stamp here then either their messages become somehow irrelevant, or else we merge these into a slashable equivocation in their approval votes.

Also, we're not talking about backers votes here. I guess those contain more information.

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Coalescing would make processing approvals in parallel less efficient assuming that a work is split by candidate hash - workers would have to check signatures twice, but the other overhead should not be duplicated.

Why twice? You're talking about a worker thread/future which processes approval (and assignment) gossip messages, and pushes them onto the tallying data structure, yes? We'd need some extra Mutex which then creates blocking risks? There exist data structures which minimize the blocking here, but yes they add complexity.

Yeah I talk about having separate threads/workers that get assigned mutually exclusive per candidate work. A mutex could work here, to avoid the work if another thread has checked the signature before, but will defeat the purpose of parallelization of work, since we could block up to the time it takes to check a signature on a different worker. If we do not use the mutex, we need to check the signature twice if 2 workers need to look at the messages because they both have candidates to work on in the same message.

@eskimor you make an excellent point about duplicating storage, while yes, as @burdges suggests, capping how many approvals can we coalesce at a time would mitigate some of that.

We could also add some additional constraints to how the coalescing works, such that the message itself is for candidates that will be checked by a single worker - assuming we define a function f(candidate_hash) -> worker_id. Of course we would need to check that the approval messages obey these new rules, thus more complexity.

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burdges commented Jun 13, 2023

As for data structures, if you're worried about stalling on mutexes, then at the extreme each candidate record could contain:

    incoming_approvals: [Mutex<LinkedList<(ValidatorId,CheckerStatus)>>; NUM_APPROVALS_THREADS],

As a signature checker thread, you append only to your own linked list, so they never compete for the Mutex. About ever half second the tallier does

let mut incoming_approvals = [LinkedList::new(), NUM_APPROVALS_THREADS];
for ia in incoming_approvals.iter_mut() {
    mem::swap( candidate.incoming_approvals[i].lock().deref_mut(), ia );

so the tallier only holds each mutex for one swap instruction every half second or so. It's now the talliers job to integrate each linked list into it's data structure before doing its tally.

These linked lists are not mmap friendly of course, even if the talliers data structures are made mmap friendly, so this limits syncing to disk, but that's not too bad.

We definitely have some complexity costs here so maybe we should double check how much this'll really save.

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I don't think the solution above can be applied to our already complicated codebase.

The complexity goes really deep as we process approvals/assignments in 2 subsystems. In approval distribution we do some minimal processing to ensure deduplication of messages, avoiding working on finalized blocks as well as book keeping of individual messages via finger printing. All of this requires us to keep some state that we inspect in order to decide how we process an individual approval - for example, if we haven't seen an assignment before the approval we discard the approval (without importing it) and decrease the reputation of the peer that sent it.

However, the heavy lifting is done by approval voting when approval distribution requests it to import approvals and assignments. It's important to note that approval voting reads/writes to the DB, so having multiple workers requires that they work on differenet data sets. This makes sense wrt to the in memory state that we keep about the assignments and votes -
own assignments, and no-shows, approvals seen already, tranches - such that the subsystem can know when to trigger own assignment and approval work. For all this to work nicely in parallel, candidates need to be processed exclusively by a single worker - all assignments and approval for that candidate have to be processed by same thread, written in the same DB without needing synchornization with other workers that would block and make things run in a serial fashion again.

That being said, the simplest way I see forward for implementing this parallel processing is to shard the state at the DB level by candidates, having the workers operate on different candidates in approval voting and enabling approval distribution to do the processing without waiting for individual approvals/assignments to be imported by approval voting workers.

I totally agree this complicates things some more, but it will be mostly plumbing work to avoid the serial processing of requests that we do now.

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eskimor commented Jun 13, 2023

Also worth reconsidering the lazy checking idea again, should be even faster and probably ends up being less complicated/invasive. Major blocker: Gossip concerns.

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Also worth reconsidering the lazy checking idea again, should be even faster and probably ends up being less complicated/invasive. Major blocker: Gossip concerns.

By lazy you mean only checking the signature of approvals if the sender is not the signer?

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burdges commented Jun 13, 2023

We'd need to check before forwarding the message ourselves. Abstractly I'd expect this adds complexity for little gain in the worst case (and the worst case matters)

If we do not use the mutex, we need to check the signature twice if 2 workers need to look at the messages because they both have candidates to work on in the same message.

I suspect this breaks batch verification too, indeed batch verification should be harder than checking a short Vec.

Ignoring our specific subsystem divisions, we abstractly have roughly 4 phases in the pipeline:

  1. Receive gossip messages over the wire and separate them from all the other message types
  2. Check message validity
  3. Do approval tallies
  4. Forward gossip messages as appropriate

We've diverse concerns at boundaries between these phases, like 1-2 risks spam if messages accumulate unchecked, and 2 must know the forwarder to adjust reputation. Yet, we cannot do any fancy signature optimizations if 2 does not happen independently first before 3 and 4.

In particular, we cannot do batch verification for messages forwarded by multiple peers: If Alice and Eve both send us messages, then we can batch verify the messages from each on separately. If otoh we've some abstract verifier that batch verifies them both together then Eve can poison Alice's batch, and we must then reject everything before we touch reputation, so we've made our DoS problem worse, not better. Also, this abstract batch verifier has its own internal mutexes, etc.

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alexggh commented Jun 13, 2023

In particular, we cannot do batch verification for messages forwarded by multiple peers: If Alice and Eve both send us messages, then we can batch verify the messages from each on separately. If otoh we've some abstract verifier that batch verifies them both together then Eve can poison Alice's batch, and we must then reject everything before we touch reputation, so we've made our DoS problem worse, not better. Also, this abstract batch verifier has its own internal mutexes, etc.

One thing to note is that we do have batches of assignments or approvals coming from the same peer here, and we are processing those right now serially by sending them one by one to the approval-voting and waiting for the result of the signature. You are saying we could batch those and check them all at once, with a possible max speedup of 50% compared with checking them individually ?

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burdges commented Jun 13, 2023

Yes, that's true, but..

We're seemingly not verifying them there, only later in the pipeline, where likely they're separated by core, right? We'd gain less by then because mostly they'd all land on different cores.

I suppose our information dependency here is the candidate hash itself being "valid", so maybe the current system first checking the candidate hashes exist and splits them by candidate, yes? I'm essentially saying this candidate hash check should only "attach" where the message goes, but not do the split until after the signature check happens.

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burdges commented Jun 13, 2023

If we do this then we should consider what happens when processing a vote in which some candidate hashes make sense, but not others.

We presumably now run politeness at the level of relay chain blocks now, no? Assuming yes then we'd require approval votes always derive from only one specific relay chain block, maybe even include its block hash. I think then little changes during the regular path, but..

  • Are there new places where we should enforce this restriction? I suspect no but not sure.
  • Does anything change when two relay chain blocks contain the same candidate?

@alexggh alexggh self-assigned this Jun 14, 2023
alexggh referenced this issue in alexggh/polkadot Jun 19, 2023
…er approval-voting

In, the current implementation every time we process an assignment or an
approval that needs checking after the approval voting, we will wait till
approval-voting answers the message.

Given that approval-voting will execute some signatures checks that take
significant time(between 400us and 1 millis) per message, that's where most of
the time in the approval-distribution, see for
the numbers.

So, modify approval-distribution, so that it picks another message from the
queue while the approval-voting is busy doing it's work.

This will have a few benefits:
1. Better pipelinening of the messages, approval-voting will always have work to
do and it won't have to wait for the approval-distribution to send it a message.
Additionally, some of the works of the approval-distribution will be executed in
parallel with work in approval-voting instead of serially.
2. By allowing approval-distribution to process messages from it's queue while
approval-voting confirms that a message is valid we give the
approval-distribution the ability to build a better view about what messages
other peers already know, so it won't decide to gossip messages to some of it's
peers once we confirm that message as being correct.
3. It opens the door for other optimizations in approval-voting subsystem, which
would still be the bottleneck.

I still expect the amount of work the combo of this two systems can do, to still
be bounded by the numbers of signatures checks it has to do, so we would have to
stack this with other optimizations we have in the queue.

[] Evaluate impact in versi
[] Cleanup code an make CI happy to make the PR meargeable.

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
alexggh referenced this issue in alexggh/polkadot Jun 19, 2023

In, the current implementation every time we process an assignment or an
approval that needs checking in the approval voting, we will wait till
approval-voting answers the message.

Given that approval-voting will execute some signatures checks that take
significant time(between 400us and 1 millis) per message, that's where most of
the time in the approval-distribution, see for
the numbers.

So, modify approval-distribution, so that it picks another message from the
queue while the approval-voting is busy doing it's work.

This will have a few benefits:
1. Better pipelinening of the messages, approval-voting will always have work to
do and it won't have to wait for the approval-distribution to send it a message.
Additionally, some of the works of the approval-distribution will be executed in
parallel with work in approval-voting instead of serially.
2. By allowing approval-distribution to process messages from it's queue while
approval-voting confirms that a message is valid we give the
approval-distribution the ability to build a better view about what messages
other peers already know, so it won't decide to gossip messages to some of it's
peers once we confirm that message as being correct.
3. It opens the door for other optimizations in approval-voting subsystem, which
would still be the bottleneck.

I still expect the amount of work the combo of this two systems can do, to still
be bounded by the numbers of signatures checks it has to do, so we would have to
stack this with other optimizations we have in the queue.

[] Evaluate impact in versi
[] Cleanup code an make CI happy to make the PR meargeable.

Signed-off-by: Alexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
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burdges commented Jul 3, 2023

As both this and #607 look complex, should we experiment with a faster signature anyways? I guess not right now, as doing that is not completely trivial either.

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alexggh commented Jul 3, 2023

As both this and #607 look complex, should we experiment with a faster signature anyways?

What do you mean by faster signatures, do you mean pulling the improvements mentioned here: #732 or using a different algorithm ?

Another path, that I plan to experiment with is the lazy checking(suggested by @eskimor) where we do not check the approvals at all the moment we received them and check them in the moment we have to import them on chain, but that has some other implication with the gossip algorithm, which I'm currently trying to fully understand. On the best case, we would have to not gossip at all and ask each validator to send its approval to all others.

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alexggh commented Jul 25, 2023


Alright, based on the feedback and data I've got in paritytech/polkadot#7482, paritytech/polkadot#7393 and other discussions we had inside the team, I think this optimisation is what should implement next and this together with paritytech/polkadot#6782 should gives us enough gains, so that the approvals-voting & approvals-distribution, not be the bottleneck when increasing the numbers of validators and parachains.

Addressing concerns

Why not core groups #607 ?

The idea should give us gains across the stack, however that has a longer term horizon, since it would require changes everywhere. However, we plan to implement the coalescing of approvals in a generic way, so it can be used for core-groups as well, so this work can be seen as sub-task for implementing core-groups.

Why give up on no-gossip of approvals + lazy signature checks paritytech/polkadot#7482 ?

The idea has some merits and could theoretically give us better gains, however it a few major drawabacks:

Other ideas considered

Perform just parallelization: paritytech/polkadot#7393

This will gives us some gains, but they are definitely lower than reducing the amount of work with coalescing, however if need be, we can implement some sort of parallelization of the crypto work in the unlikely case where we would still need gains after the coalescing approvals work.

Approval votes by hash inversion vs faster assignment VRF #593

@burdges doesn't endorse it either, because of the added complexity and its downsides, so I don't think we should go this route either.

Proposed approach.

  1. Vote for multiple candidate with a single signatures.
  2. The number of candidates we can included will be bounded. The obvious bound could be relayVrfModuloSamples, but we can define a separate configuration parameter if we want to decouple it.
  3. Change IndirectSignedApprovalVote to reflect the fact that we signed more than one candidate. To be consistent with approval-voting improvement: include all tranche0 assignments in one certificate polkadot#6782, it will be a bitfield.
  4. For disputes when we have to store the votes on chain we will have to modify DisputeStatementSet here, to include a Vec<CandidateHash>. This has the downside it that would increase the necessary storage requirements by 192 bytes relayVrfModuloSamples * size_of(CandidateHash). Given disputes are not the happy path and should be rare, I think that increase shouldn't be deal breaker.

Other considerations

Time disputes implementation #742

The timing information for all candidates included in the signature would have to be imported on-chain, but assuming it is just an u32 and the fact the number of candidates we can sign is small, the necessary storage shouldn't be a problem.

@burdges @sandreim @eskimor @ordian let me know what you think about this, meanwhile I'll go ahead and implement a PoC on top of paritytech/polkadot#6782

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sandreim commented Jul 25, 2023

Addressing concerns

Why not core groups #607 ?

The idea should give us gains across the stack, however that has a longer term horizon, since it would require changes everywhere. However, we plan to implement the coalescing of approvals in a generic way, so it can be used for core-groups as well, so this work can be seen as sub-task for implementing core-groups.

Also I think these could stack. Once core groups implemented, assignments/approvals will refer to a core group index. A bitfield representing the signed core groups or a vec of core group indices (assuming u8). It will however require to get know all candidate hashes when checking the signature on node side and runtime.

Proposed approach.

  1. Vote for multiple candidate with a single signatures.
  2. The number of candidates we can included will be bounded. The obvious bound could be relayVrfModuloSamples, but we can define a separate configuration parameter if we want to decouple it.

We also need to implement some constraints here like maximum wait time until we sign approval and gossip such that it doesn't interfere with finality. I'd have two different configuration options: maxApprovalCoalesceCount which refers to candidate count, maxApprovalCoalesceWait in relay relay chain blocks which should be less than no show slots.

FWIW, this sounds like a good plan.

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alexggh commented Jul 28, 2023

Added an initial draft of the proposal here: paritytech/polkadot#7554, feedback welcomed.

@Sophia-Gold Sophia-Gold transferred this issue from paritytech/polkadot Aug 24, 2023
@the-right-joyce the-right-joyce added I4-refactor Code needs refactoring. I9-optimisation An enhancement to provide better overall performance in terms of time-to-completion for a task. T8-parachains_engineering and removed I8-refactor labels Aug 25, 2023
@the-right-joyce the-right-joyce moved this to In Progress in parachains team board Oct 23, 2023
@alexggh alexggh moved this from In Progress to Review in progress in parachains team board Nov 15, 2023
claravanstaden added a commit to Snowfork/polkadot-sdk that referenced this issue Dec 8, 2023
* Adds minimal config for snowbase.

* Formatting

* Removes space.

* Adds runtime benchmarks for eth beacon client for snowbase

* Adds generated weights for snowbase and updates template path comments in weights files.

* Fix formatting.
alexggh added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 13, 2023
Initial implementation for the plan discussed here: #701
Built on top of #1178
v0: paritytech/polkadot#7554,

## Overall idea

When approval-voting checks a candidate and is ready to advertise the
approval, defer it in a per-relay chain block until we either have
MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT candidates to sign or a candidate has stayed
MAX_APPROVALS_COALESCE_TICKS in the queue, in both cases we sign what
candidates we have available.

This should allow us to reduce the number of approvals messages we have
to create/send/verify. The parameters are configurable, so we should
find some values that balance:

- Security of the network: Delaying broadcasting of an approval
shouldn't but the finality at risk and to make sure that never happens
we won't delay sending a vote if we are past 2/3 from the no-show time.
- Scalability of the network: MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT = 1 &
MAX_APPROVALS_COALESCE_TICKS =0, is what we have now and we know from
the measurements we did on versi, it bottlenecks
approval-distribution/approval-voting when increase significantly the
number of validators and parachains
- Block storage: In case of disputes we have to import this votes on
chain and that increase the necessary storage with
MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT * CandidateHash per vote. Given that
disputes are not the normal way of the network functioning and we will
limit MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_COUNT in the single digits numbers, this
should be good enough. Alternatively, we could try to create a better
way to store this on-chain through indirection, if that's needed.

## Other fixes:
- Fixed the fact that we were sending random assignments to
non-validators, that was wrong because those won't do anything with it
and they won't gossip it either because they do not have a grid topology
set, so we would waste the random assignments.
- Added metrics to be able to debug potential no-shows and
mis-processing of approvals/assignments.

## TODO:
- [x] Get feedback, that this is moving in the right direction. @ordian
@sandreim @eskimor @burdges, let me know what you think.
- [x] More and more testing.
- [x]  Test in versi.
MAX_APPROVAL_COALESCE_WAIT_MILLIS a parachain host configuration.
- [x] Make sure the backwards compatibility works correctly
- [x] Make sure this direction is compatible with other streams of work:
#635 &
- [x] Final versi burn-in before merging


Signed-off-by: Alexandru Gheorghe <[email protected]>
@alexggh alexggh moved this from Review in progress to Completed in parachains team board Dec 13, 2023
helin6 pushed a commit to boolnetwork/polkadot-sdk that referenced this issue Feb 5, 2024
Bumps [lru]( from 0.7.5 to 0.7.6.
- [Release notes](
- [Changelog](
- [Commits](jeromefroe/lru-rs@0.7.5...0.7.6)

- dependency-name: lru
  dependency-type: direct:production
  update-type: version-update:semver-patch

Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <[email protected]>

Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
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I4-refactor Code needs refactoring. I9-optimisation An enhancement to provide better overall performance in terms of time-to-completion for a task.
Status: Completed

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