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This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 13, 2021. It is now read-only.

Collection of simple Substrate smart contract examples written in Rust, AssemblyScript, Solang and the smart contract language ink! to test substrates pallet-contracts module


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pallet-contracts test site

⚠️ This repository has been archived! ⚠️

It has been superseded by ink-waterfall.

This repo hosts tests for pallet-contracts.

It uses git submodules for some tests. To checkout the repository including the linked submodules, run the following command to clone it:

git clone --recursive


For running this test suite you would need to have:

  1. A nightly rust compiler equipped with the wasm32-unknown-unknown target.

    The easiest way to install it is with rustup. Please see

    rustup toolchain install nightly
    rustup update
    rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
    rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly

    Also, you might need to put cargo's bin directory on PATH. You can typically do it by executing:

    source ~/.cargo/env
  2. Yarn.

    Read on how to install it here.

  3. JavaScript test environment

    To install all depenmdencies used by the Jest testing suite, run the following command:


    To upgrade to the latest versions of the Polkadot JS dependencies, run the following command:

    yarn upgrade --pattern @polkadot

  4. Initialize submodules manually

    If you cloned the repository without the --recursive parameter, you need to initialize the submodules manually:

    git submodule update --init

    If you were running this test suite before and want to update your local version to the latest master branches of the submodules, run:

    git submodule update --remote --merge

Compiling the examples

To build all artifacts required for running the tests, you need to invoke


This will also install on your computer.

Optional Solang test relying on Docker:

The recommended way to install Solang is currently to use the latest docker image from For this reason, the Solang tests-cases will only be compiled by running the script if Docker is installed and running on your machine. Alternatively you can also install Solang manually on your local machine.

Please see for details.

Execute tests

To run the tests, launch the substrate node locally and run

yarn test

To only run a language specific subset of tests, the following commands are available:

Run AssemblyScript tests only: yarn test:as

Run Rust and ink! tests only: yarn test:rust

Run Solang tests only: yarn test:solang

Using a Docker image of Substrate for testing

To run this tests, you need to run a local Substrate on port ws:// The other alternative is to use one of the Docker images that are being automatically generated with every update to the master branch and published

The script to run this container is docker-compose.yml file in the root of this repository.

Before you can run this script, you need to install Docker and 'Docker Compose' on your machine. Please follow the steps described here (including the prerequisites):


  1. BUILD: Run docker-compose pull && docker-compose up to pull the latest docker imaged and run the Docker image of the latest Subtrate master.
  2. INFO: Run docker ps to get a list of Docker containers running in the background including their mapped ports on localhost
  3. QUIT: Run docker-compose down to stop and remove all running containers.

Provided endpoint for localhost: Substrate Master ws://

Find more Docker images of Substrate


Collection of simple Substrate smart contract examples written in Rust, AssemblyScript, Solang and the smart contract language ink! to test substrates pallet-contracts module




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