LilyPond markup commands for displaying chords and making chord/lyric sheets
\include ""
\markup {
\column {
\line { Single chords: \chord d:maj7 \chord e:m \chord c:1.5.8 }
\line { Multiple chords: \chord { d:maj7 e:m c:1.5.8 } }
\markup { \with-chord f This is the \with-chord a/e last time I'll \concat { a \with-chord d:m bandon } you }
Or use \ch
instead of \with-chord
Chords use lyric dimensions and may sometimes overlap successive chords. To fix it, use chord dimensions:
\markup { \override #'(full-extent . 1) \with-chord fis:m I \with-chord e:m lie. }
Or use \chf
instead of \override #'(full-extent . 1) \with-chord
You can transpose chords in existing markup. Use this with \book
to make chord sheets in different keys:
chordList = \markup { \chord { c f g } }
\markup {
\column {
\line { Original: \chordList }
\line { Transposed: \override #'(transpose . ("c" . "f")) \chordList }
Or use \transpose c f \existingChordMarkup
Color, font, etc, can be controlled via \layout
\layout {
\override ChordNames.ChordName.font-size = #0.0
\override ChordNames.ChordName.color = #red
You can place arbitrary text over lyrics, positioned and formatted as chord markup. Use this for instructions, parenthesis, etc.
\markup { \with-chord-text \concat { \chord e:m " (2x)" } There's no time }
Or use \cht
instead of \with-chord-text