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Martin's dotfiles: a clean and minimal Debian Sid (unstable) desktop or laptop.

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Martin's dotfiles

My Debian sid/unstable dotfiles, mostly intended for laptops (and in particular for Asahi macbooks at the time of writing). For a minimal server configuration, use


Once everything is configured correctly, these shortcuts are available:


  • Ctrl-Alt-[ to lower sound volume
  • Ctrl-Alt-] to increase sound volume
  • Ctrl-Alt-\ to mute/unmute sound
  • WheelUp/WheelDown with the cursor positionned at the top pixel row to lower/increase sound volume


  • Ctrl-Alt-c to open calendar
  • Ctrl-Alt-y to open calculator
  • Ctrl-Alt-s to take a screenshot
  • Ctrl-Alt-t to spawn a terminal

Desktop environment

  • Alt-F1 to open the window switcher
  • Alt-F2 to open rofi (app launcher)
  • Alt-F3 to open the Openbox menu
  • Ctrl-Alt-l to lock
  • Ctrl-WheelUp/Ctrl-WheelDown with the cursor positionned at the top pixel row to lower/increase screen brightness

Window management

  • Alt-F10 to maximize/unmaximize the focused window
  • Alt-Space to open the window contextual menu
  • Ctrl-Alt-d to collapse all windows (go to desktop)
  • To go from one desktop to another:
    • Ctrl-Alt-HorizontalWheelUp/Ctrl-Alt-HorizontalWheelUp or
    • Ctrl-Alt-Left/Ctrl-Alt-Right or
    • Ctrl-Alt-j/Ctrl-Alt-k


  • Ctrl-Alt-Home or Ctrl-Alt-MousePrev: vertical split, left side
  • Ctrl-Alt-End or Ctrl-Alt-MouseNext: vertical split, right side
  • Ctrl-Alt-PageUp: horizontal split, top side
  • Ctrl-Alt-PageDown: horizontal split, bottom side

Text editing

  • Ctrl-Alt-f to open the clipboard menu
  • Ctrl-Alt-g to switch input method (e.g. EN/CN)
  • Ctrl-. to insert an emoji (input field)
  • Super-H/Super-J/Super-K/Super-L can be used instead of arrow keys
  • Ctrl-Alt-1 to insert current date and time

Installing from netinst (i.e. not Asahi)

Debian testing netinst from (or even better, take one that includes non-free firmware:

Easiest way to make a bootable usb disk: sudo umount [...] then sudo cp debian.iso /dev/sdX

Install settings: full disk encryption, no root password, user paps in sudoers, en_US.utf8 locale, American English keyboard, no additionnal packages except Standard system utilitiesand optionally SSH server and Laptop (if available).

Suggested initial setup procedure

  • sudo apt install vim
  • sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list
    • deb sid main contrib non-free
    • deb experimental main contrib non-free
  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt dist-upgrade
  • sudo apt install xinit openbox xterm
  • exec startx
  • sudo apt install htop chromium firefox geany
  • cd ~ ; rm -fr Videos Pictures Music Documents Desktop Public Templates
  • sudo rm /etc/fonts/conf.d/70-no-bitmaps.conf (allows bitmap fonts in the standard font list)


  • Install base packages: bc psmisc htop neovim vim xauth git zsh tmux tree curl inotify-tools trash-cli wget dnsutils apache2-utils p7zip-full unrar tig pv pydf zsh-doc vim-doc nmap whiptail obconf firefox gnome-terminal xterm suckless-tools feh numlockx conky-all x11-xserver-utils acpi acpid alsa-utils stalonetray fontconfig gitk libx11-dev build-essential xclip python3 libdatetime-perl zenity thunar thunar-volman thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-gtkhash file-roller unar arj lhasa lzip lzop ncompress rzip unace unalz parcellite libnotify-bin ssh-askpass evince zip unzip cmake xdotool redshift pavucontrol rsync network-manager network-manager-gnome e2fsprogs logsave arandr dbus-x11 apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg2 software-properties-common ibus-libpinyin lemonbar rofi xss-lock xsecurelock polybar
  • Install fonts: xfonts-terminus fonts-croscore ttf-mscorefonts-installer fonts-inter fonts-inter-variable fonts-hack fonts-open-sans
  • Install themes: mate-themes gtk2-engines greybird-gtk-theme elementary-xfce-icon-theme
  • Install utilities: gnome-screenshot peek gpicview ansible scrot vlc mplayer gparted transmission-remote-gtk gimp gsimplecal qalculate geany
  • Recommended: intel-microcode amd64-microcode firmware-linux (other firmware packages might be necessary)
  • Remove: notification-daemon xsel

SSH key

Deploying the new SSH key

First of all, make sure all keys stored on GitHub are still valid and that each one corresponds to a known, live, accessible, owned device. Beware of keys added by tools (e.g. CircleCI) — these MUST be moved to a GitHub machine user, we don't want to give tools access to all our machines.

Then, proceed by SSHing into all relevant managed machines and execute curl '' > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on each. (The cat command is added to visually confirm we're not losing access to the machine by mistake.)

SSH server (if present)

Important: Set PasswordAuthentication to no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Install the dotfiles

  • git clone [email protected]:paps/dotfiles.git
  • cd dotfiles
  • Create all the required links: ./ [absolute-path-to-dotfiles]


  • whereis zsh
  • chsh -s [absolute-path-to-shell]


  • Set Neovim as the "default editor": sudo update-alternatives --config editor then select nvim
  • Only once, before first run: git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
  • Only once, to initialize plugins: nvim -u ~/.paps/vim/bundles.vim +PluginInstall
  • For updating installed plugins: nvim +PluginUpdate
  • For installing a new plugin added in bundles.vim: nvim +PluginInstall
  • Often needed after updates or installs: nvim +UpdateRemotePlugins
  • For removing unused plugins: nvim +PluginClean


If using a wireless device of the "Logitech unifying" type, it's a good idea to install solaar, at least to be aware of the device battery level.

Run sudo apt install solaar.

solaar is automatically started by openbox's when it is detected as installed.

Node & NPM

If needed, install Node from a Nodesource Debian distribution:

Great to have globally: sudo npm install -g jsonlint typescript uglify-js http-server eslint neovim phantombuster-sdk

After having installed TypeScript, for completion support, do this: cd ~/.vim/bundle/nvim-typescript ; ./

If you want to have a Node binary from Nodesource of a lower version than what's available in the Debian unstable repos, use pinning, e.g. edit /etc/apt/preferences.d/99priority-to-nodesource with this:

Package: *
Pin: origin
Pin-Priority: 1001

Local binaries

Add local binaries in ~/.paps/bin (it's in $PATH).


  • Install Bitwarden:
  • Bitwarden configuration (most defaults are fine except these):
    • Set "Clear clipboard" to 5 minutes
    • Don't show cards on tag page
    • Don't show identities on tab page
    • Disable context menu otions
  • Synchronize Firefox
  • Go into the default profile folder ~/.mozilla/firefox/XXXX.default-release then:
    • mkdir chrome
    • ln -s ~/.paps/firefox/userChrome.css chrome/
    • ln -s ~/.paps/firefox/userContent.css chrome/
    • ln -s ~/.paps/firefox/user.js .
    • Firefox needs to be restarted for these to be taken into account
  • In "customize mode", remove URL bar spacers, enable Solarized fox theme, etc
    • Select compact density (this is only possible after applying user.js)
  • Stylus configuration:
    • Go to options and enable Sync to cloud with personal Google Drive
  • uBlock configuration:
    • In the "Settings" tab:
      • Tick "Enable cloud storage support"
      • Untick "Make use of context menu where appropriate"
    • In the "Filter lists" tab:
      • Set the machine's name (top-right cogwheel)
      • Pull the lists from cloud storage

Configure openbox & conky

I will continue having a single machine in the future, so there is reference file to copy anymore. What is versioned is my current configuration and that's it.

Desktop notifications

  • apt install xfce4-notifyd
  • xfce4-notifyd-config
    • Theme: Default
    • Default position: Bottom right
    • Disappear after: 10s
    • Opacity: 100%

Gnome terminal

  • Preferences
    • General
      • Uncheck all
      • Theme: default
      • Allow blinking text: never
    • Shortcuts, everything disabled except:
      • Zoom in: Ctrl++
      • Zoom out: Ctrl+_
      • Normal size: Ctrl+0
      • Copy and paste: Ctrl+Shift+c, Ctrl+Shift+v
    • Profiles: just one profile
  • Profile preferences
    • Text
      • Custom font: Hack Nerd Font Mono Regular 9
      • Cursor shape: block
      • Disabled cursor blinking
      • No terminal bell
    • Colors
      • Dont use colors from system
      • Built-in scheme: Solarized light
      • Palette: Solarized
    • Scrolling
      • No scrollbar
      • Dont scroll on output
      • Scroll on keystroke
      • Limit scrollback to 10000 lines
    • Command:
      • Run custom command instead of shell: tmux
    • Compatibility: the default
  • Useful to know: gnome-terminal --show-menubar and shift-right-click for context menu

Startup script

As root: Edit ~/.paps/scripts/ as needed, then run sudo contrab -e and add this line @reboot sleep 5 && /home/paps/.paps/scripts/ (assuming paps is the current user) (a sleep is added as a cheap workaround to wait for most things to be ready, daemons to be loaded, etc).

Note: when using a home directory encrypted with fscrypt, this file needs to be moved outside of the home directory (because it will be run before the user logs in, therefore before home directory decryption).


sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales, add en_US.ut8 and fr_FR.utf8 if not present, make sure the default locale is en_US.ut8.


Use sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata to change timezone. A change like this should come with a change to redshift configuration, see openbox/

Accurate clock

sudo apt install systemd-timesyncd
sudo systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd
sudo systemctl start systemd-timesyncd

Force default browser

  • sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser and select Firefox
  • xdg-settings set default-web-browser firefox.desktop

IBus input methods

By default ibus-daemon comes with Super-Space as a shortcut to switch between input methods (e.g. between EN and CN). This doesn't work because it conflicts with the xmodmap settings.

To fix, go into IBus preferences, and changes the "Next input method" setting to <Control><Alt>g.

In the Emoji tab, change the keyboard shortcut to <Control>period.

For Chinese input support:

  • Add the Intelligent Pinyin input method
  • Change Simplified to Traditional
  • Change number of candidates to 6, and orientation to Vertical
  • Enable dynamic adjustment of candidates order
  • Sort candidates by frequency
  • Important: in the Pinyin mode tab, enable Cloud Input with Baidu source


Get it from (Asahi: get the AppImage because they don't have an ARM deb). Once installed, enable sync.

Important: in the settings, go to 'Sync' and check all the boxes (sync files of all types, sync all configuration), and then restart Obsidian.

Other settings to change in 'Appearance': do use 'Native menus', do use 'Native frame'. And in 'Editor': add 'French (France)' to the spellchecker.

Network and DNS

First of all, replace the contents of /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf with this:


# Do not handle DNS, in particular:
#  - do not update /etc/resolv.conf with servers received via DHCP,
#  - and do not talk to any local DNS server daemon that might be present (in our case, systemd-resolved)
# And just to make sure: don't send DNS information to systemd-resolved
# (i.e. leave it alone with its own config, meaning NextDNS)

# Make NetworkManager manage interfaces, including wired

Then install systemd-resolved and follow the instructions from NextDNS' dashboard to properly configure /etc/systemd/resolved.conf (basically add the 4 server lines and 1 line to force DNS over TLS) AND IMPORTANT: add Cache=no (because we want to use NextDNS' cache and not ours). When done, restart the service.

Then make sure the NetworkManager service is enabled (which is apparently not the case on Debian by default?): run sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager (and sudo systemctl start NetworkManager the first time). In any case, after the config change, make sure the service is restarted.

(To target NextDNS' configuration on poorly configurable devices (e.g. a Samsung TV) behind the same NAT as a desktop PC, the public IP is bound thanks to a crontab entry similar to this one: 21 */4 * * * curl --fail --silent --show-error '' 2>&1 | logger -t nextdnslinkip.)

To observe the current DNS configuration, simply run resolvectl.

If there is a need to clear the local cache (improbable as we're using Cache=no), run resolvectl flush-caches.


When using Mullvad, go to Settings > VPN Settings > Use custom DNS server and set

Switching off NextDNS

In some cases (such as wifi portals), it might be necessary to disable NextDNS:

  1. Comment out dns=none and systemd-resolved=false in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
  2. Comment out the 4 NextDNS server lines and DNSOverTLS=yes in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf (but keep Cache=no)
  3. Restart systemd-resolved: sudo service systemd-resolved restart
  4. Restart NetworkManager: sudo service NetworkManager restart

To go back to using NextDNS, do the reverse.


Install bluetooth bluez-firmware blueman and restart. blueman-applet will be automatically run on session start by openbox/

Mouse acceleration

Before libinput existed, the xset m command found in openbox/ had an effect. Now, as I understand it, it's a no-op.

To disable mouse acceleration for standard mice (i.e. not touchpads), copy x/configs/40-mouse.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/.

Asahi touchpad

Copy x/configs/30-asahi-touchpad.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/.

Laptops (non-Asahi)

x/configs/20-intel.conf is an example of a good integrated Intel Graphics configuration. x/configs/30-touchpad.conf is an example of a good touchpad configuration (but don't use this on Asahi). Copy these to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ to use them.

Use tlp for battery optimizations:

  • apt install tlp tlp-rdw
  • service tlp start
  • service tlp status
  • tlp-stat -s

Use powertop for monitoring power usage (however, when used in parallel with tlp, some of the information displayed seems wrong, beware).

  • apt install powertop

Intel driver provided by package xserver-xorg-video-intel is deprecated and should not be used on any recent hardware. The newer alternative is referred to as the Modesetting driver. Use that.

Laptop screen backlight and keyboard light control

  • Install brightnessctl brightness-udev
  • Run sudo usermod -a -G video paps (assuming paps is the current user)
  • Run sudo usermod -a -G input paps (assuming paps is the current user)
  • Logout/login as a group membership was changed
  • Screen backlight and keyboard light controls should now be working

High DPI

  • touch ~/.paps/x/dpi144 then restart X for 50% more pixels
  • touch ~/.paps/x/dpi168 then restart X for 75% more pixels (good for 16" M2 Macbook)
  • touch ~/.paps/x/dpi192 then restart X for 100% more pixels

The xsession defines a $dpi variable according to the precense of this file, which is then passed to Xresources.

Apple keyboards

  • Respect standard layout: # echo 0 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/iso_layout
  • Have ctrl & alt were it's expected: # echo 1 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/swap_opt_cmd
  • F keys are F keys: # echo 2 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode

If such a keyboard is present at boot (e.g. it's not a bluetooth keyboard), these options should already be set by scripts/ — no intervention required, provided the script is correctly launched by cron on @reboot.

White noise focus


Linux kernel config

Add the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf:

# --- Personal dotfiles settings below ---
# Debian's default of 8192 is easily hit, we want to be able to watch more files
# Much more aggresive TCP "link down" detection (~30s instead of 1+h)

Notification of jack plugged in/plugged out

In /etc/acpi/events/notify-jack (this is a new file), put the following:

action=su paps -c 'bash /home/paps/.paps/openbox/ "%%{r}%e"'

There are ways to make the daemon take this change into account, but a reboot should do the trick.

Notification of AC adapter plugged in/plugged out

In /etc/udev/rules.d/99-ac-adapter.rules (this is a new file), put the following:

SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", ATTR{online}=="1", ACTION=="change", RUN+="/usr/bin/su paps -c 'bash /home/paps/.paps/openbox/ %{c}Plugged-in'"
SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", ATTR{online}=="0", ACTION=="change", RUN+="/usr/bin/su paps -c 'bash /home/paps/.paps/openbox/ %{c}Unplugged'"

There are ways to make the daemon take this change into account, but a reboot should do the trick.

Power button configuration

Run sudo vim /etc/systemd/logind.conf and do the following:

  • Find HandlePowerKey, uncomment it and set it to lock - resulting line: HandlePowerKey=lock (thanks to xss-lock in openbox/, this has the correct intended effect of locking the laptop on key press)
  • Find HandlePowerKeyLongPress, uncomment it and set it to poweroff - resulting line: HandlePowerKeyLongPress=poweroff

Run a script on laptop suspend

Copy systemd/before-suspend.service to /etc/systemd/system/, then run sudo systemctl daemon-reload, then run sudo systemctl enable before-suspend.

Apple Color Emoji

Download the latest AppleColorEmoji.ttf and put it in fonts/ (it's already ignored by .gitignore) (fonts/fonts.conf is already configured to trigger the use of Apple Color Emoji for emojis).

Note: It is not clear to me how fonts take priority over others. For Apple Color Emoji to work well, it's best to uninstall other emoji fonts such as fonts-noto-color-emoji.


Martin's dotfiles: a clean and minimal Debian Sid (unstable) desktop or laptop.







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