This is a monorepo managed by yarn workspaces powered by turborepo.
Libs are publish to npm and can be used in other projects.
Samples are not published to npm and are used to show how to use the libs. They can be checked out into you project and used as a starting point.
To start a demo with @panter/crud
and @panter/react-forms
- have a postgres db running:
- host: 'localhost',
- port: 5432,
- dbName: 's1-crud',
- password: 'postgres',
- user: 'postgres',
yarn dev --filter=@rummel/s1-crud
-> http://localhost:3000/graphqlyarn dev --filter=@rummel/nextjs-react-prisma-input
: http://localhost:4010- Goto http://localhost:4010
This packages are needed to run the yarn workspace. These are not libraries but packages with scripts and chorse for the workspace.
Packages Directory: packages
To keep the dependency versions consistent across all packages, we use syncpack.
Whenver you added or updated a new dependency, you need to run yarn syncpack:fix-mismatches
allign all the version again.
yarn syncpack:fix-mismatches
- fix all mismatchesyarn syncpack:update
- update libs
This repo uses Changeset and Changeset Gitlab for changes documentation, changelog generation, and release management. The needed access tokens are stored in the CI/CD variables.
npm public:
To publish a new version, follow these steps to generate a new changeset. It is recommended to create the changeset based on your last commit before initiating the final merge request.
Run changeset
in a root of project and follow steps in terminal.
Select the modified packages that you wish to include in the new version by marking them with the spacebar, then proceed to next step by pressing enter. Choose the version you intend to create; for minor updates, focus on patches (0.0.X). Provide a summary - recommended to use conventional commit messages from your changes and confirm.
Once completed, you will find a new Markdown file in the .changeset
directory. Push this record along with your
changes. Following a successful merge, this action will trigger in main pipeline new merge request with updating
changelog and package.json while publishing a new versions. Merge it and your process is now complete.
- A patch for [Changeset] has been applied because of a known issue in changeset. As soon as the issue is fixed, the patch can be removed. ->
- also don't update changesets to new versions unless you know what you are doing