This software provides an Erlang client for Firebase Cloud Messaging
to enable notifications to
- Browser
- Android
- iOS notifications
1.1.0 [ 10 June 2020 ]
- Added support for firebase http v1 cloud messaging.
- Remove qdate dependency
- Initial Release
as make system. To compile
$ make
To generate release
$ make rel
You can use fcm_app as a dependency in your rebar.config:
{deps , [
{fcm, ".*", {git, "", {tag, "1.1.0"}}}
make rel
will create a release under _rel/fcm
$ cd _rel/fcm
$ bin/fcm console
Two connection types are supported.
supports legacy apistart_pool_with_json_service_file
supports http v1 api
3> fcm:start_pool_with_api_key(foo, "google_console_server_key").
4> fcm:start_pool_with_json_service_file(bar, "google_service_file_path.json").
6> fcm:stop(foo).
6> fcm:stop(bar).
At any time you can send a FCM message to one or more mobile devices by calling:
7> fcm:push(RegisteredName, RegIds, Message, Retry).
* `RegistereName` is the atom used during registration
* `RegId` is Registration Id specified as Erlang binary (e.g., `<<"APA91bHun4MxP5egoKMwt2KZFBaFUH-1RYqx...">>`)
* `RegIds` is a list (max 1000 elements) of `RegId` * `Message` is an Erlang Map.
* `Retry` is only valid for legacy api.
In order to understand Message
payload see Message Syntax.
or Refer to HTTP v1
The project was inspired from pdincau/gcm-erlang. I would like to thank Paolo for the same.