This is the simple application to rule electronic library.
Technologies that have been used to realize:
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy
- SQLite
- Jinja2 Templates
- WTForms
- jQuery
Key features:
- Sign In with OpenID
- ability to add/edit/remove book
- ability to manage writers (add/edit/remove)
- search by the name of writer or book title
- user info editor
- minimalistic GUI
Script adds a user and a few books posted by that user to fill the application with some data.
Also repository contains database created with script I signed in once with my OpenID to post a few books to make Library not empty at all.
Repository does not contain installed Flask environment and required expansions. runs the application in debug mode.
Deployed application:
Required installations to run app from computer (on Windows):
install Python 2.7
execute following command to install all required packages:
pip install flask flask-login flask-openid sqlalchemy flask-sqlalchemy sqlalchemy-migrate flask-whooshalchemy flask-wtf pytz flask-babel flup -
create Virtual environment: install virtualenv ('pip install virtualenv') and execute 'virtualenv flask' to set it up