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io-web-profile is the IO web platform that allows citizens to logout from the IO App session.

This repository contains the code that composes the io-web-profile front-end.


My Skills

This is Next.js 13 with app route project



In order to run the io-web-profile front-end locally you need the following tool installed on your machine.

  • Node.js 18.16.1
  • yarn 1.22

The preferred way to set up the local environment is using nodenv to manage Node.js installation and corepack (included with Node.js) to manage the installation of yarn.

Login SP

Given that the login for io-web-profile relies on the JWT generated by hub-spid-login, it is necessary to run hub-spid-login-ms service in the background. In order to enable JWTs we recommend following this part of the documentation.

You can find the hub-spid-login project at this GitHub repository:

To ensure proper execution of the service, please follow the documentation provided by hub-spid-login. Additionally, make the following modifications to the default values within the hub-spid-login .env file:

ENDPOINT_ERROR=http://localhost:3000/accedi/errore ENDPOINT_SUCCESS=http://localhost:3000/it/accedi/ ENABLE_JWT=true

This will help align the necessary settings for successful integration.

Note: The port used here is the same one used to expose the web app.

BackEnd API Mock

In order to simulate the backend, we can use Mockoon as a service to mock the backend. Install Mockoon (or start the portable version) downloadable from the website:

Once it's launched, click on:

File -> Open Environment

and select the api mock file (mockoon_api.json) located in /mock folder.

Once the environment is loaded, press the "play icon" to start the Mockoon server.



  • mock/
  • openApi/
  • public/
    • assets/
    • login/
    • onetrust/
  • src/
    • api/
    • dictionaries/
    • app/[locale]/
      • (pages)/
      • _component/
      • _enums/
      • _hooks/
      • _icons/
      • _model/
      • _redux/
      • _utils/

mock/: This folder contains files related to mocking or simulating different parts of the application.

openApi/: This folder contains files related to OpenAPI specification.

public/: This folder contains publicly accessible files added during the package build (CIE/SPID metadata, OneTrust SDK for cookies consent banner and the product list for the footer)

src/: This is the root folder of the source code, where all the application code resides.

api/: This folder contains API clients

dictionaries/: This folder contain files related to localization or dictionaries used to provide translations or language-specific content in the application.

[locale]/: This is a placeholder representing a specific locale (language) code, such as it for it for Italian, etc. This folder is used for internationalization (i18n) purposes.

/(pages)/: Pages folder contains folders for different routes.

/_component/: This folder is used to store shared global components.

/_enums/: This folder contains enum declarations or constant values that are used across different parts of the application.

/_hooks/: This folder contains custom hooks.

/_icons/: Here, you can find icon files (e.g., SVGs) that are specific to this project.

/_model/: This folder contains data models or types.

/_redux/: This folder store Redux-related files, such as actions, reducers and store configurations.

/_utils/: This folder contain utility functions.


To test the webapp locally:

Install the project (if you haven't already). Run from the root folder the following commands.

# to install the dependencies
yarn install
# to generate the client and types with openapi-codegen-ts
yarn generate


Make sure that the environment variables in the nev files are filled in, refer to the example file (.env.example). If you are in development mode, remember to add NEXT_PUBLIC_DEV_MODE=true

To run the webapp locally:

# to run in dev mode
yarn run dev

The application will be running in development mode, you can access it locally by visiting: http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.

# to build
yarn run build

#to run build solution
yarn run start-static

You can access the application in production mode by visiting: http://localhost:3000 in your web browser.

Enabling Email Validation Flow

To enable the email validation flow routes in your application, you need to set the NEXT_PUBLIC_VALIDATION_EMAIL=true flag in the .env file.

Email Validation Routes

With the flag enabled, the /conferma-email routes will be available.

These routes are part of the email validation flow that allows users to confirm their email addresses.