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Local install


  • Docker (v2.10+)
  • npm

Run locally

In a terminal:

  • docker compose up (This can take a while when building for the first time! 1300s on my last attempt)
  • docker compose exec php sh
  • chmod 777 -R public/uploads/dishes (This is a fix to allow uploading of images through the website. It is probably not optimal)

In a second terminal:

  • npm install
  • npm run watch (The node container seems to not compile the files)

Open https://localhost (you might have to accept an unsigned certificate)

Create the user admin

You can generate the fixtures on the dev database and use the account [email protected]:root

You can also make your own admin account through the database:

  • docker compose exec php sh
  • php bin/console security:hash-password
  • Follow the prompt and copy the password hash
  • exit
  • docker compose exec database psql -U app
  • Run the following command, replacing EMAIL with your email and PASSWORD with the copied hash
  • INSERT INTO "user" (id, email, roles, password) VALUES (nextval('user_id_seq'), 'EMAIL', '["ROLE_ADMIN"]', 'PASSWORD');

Generate some blank data (opening hours, maximum number of guests

  • docker compose exec php sh
  • php bin/console app:generate-entities

Generate some fixture data on the dev database

  • docker compose exec php sh
  • php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  • Accept the prompt


Create the test database with fixture data

  • docker compose exec php sh
  • php bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test
  • php bin/console doctrine:schema:create --env=test
  • php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --env=test
  • Accept the prompt

Running tests

You must start the containers with docker compose up

  • docker compose exec php sh
  • php bin/phpunit (available test suites to use with the --testsuite option: unit, integration, functional


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