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Sphinx extension for creating cross-reference links to arbitrary inline text


Have you ever tried to create a cross-reference to a specific bullet point? Or a hyperlink to a line of a literal block? Or in any other way attempted to refer to an arbitrary part of the document? If yes, you have probably run into a wall, because in sphinx the only way to designate a target to link to via :ref: is a directive:

.. _my-ref:: my_label
* list

which means that links can be created only to higher-level elements, like headings, figures, entire lists, paragraphs, etc. However, this extension removes that limitation by providing a role for creating targets for links.


The extension can be installed via pip (see Installation):

pip install git+

Then, you have to add the extension to your

extensions = [

And with that, you are ready to use it in your .rst documents; inline_reference provides a sphinx domain (:iref:), within which all the roles are available:

  • :iref:ref:
  • :iref:target:
  • :iref:backlink:
  • :iref:mref:

The simplest use-case is the combination of :iref:ref:, which functions effectively identical to the base sphinx :ref: role, and :iref:target:, which is the role equivalent of the .. _name: domain:

This is my text, and I want to create a :iref:ref:`link to a list item<id-list>` and a 
:iref:ref:`link to a word in a paragraph<id-word>` and a 
:iref:ref:`link to a part of a literal<id-literal>`. To do that, I need to

1. Used ``:iref:ref:`` to specify where the cross-reference hyperlink will be placed

   * I need to have used the full ``:ref:title<link-id>`` syntax to specify the ``title``, or the 
     text to be displayed, and the ``link-id``, or the name of the link.
2. Used ``:iref:target:`` to specify where I want the link to piont to, for example 
   :iref:target:`right here<id-list>`
   * I need to have used the same ``:iref:target:text<link-id>`` syntax here. The ``link-id`` must 
     correspond to an ``:iref:ref:`` role with the same ``link-id``.
There can be multiple ``:iref:ref:`` roles pointing to the same ``:iref:target:``, 
:iref:ref:`like so<id-list>`, but there cannot be multiple ``:iref:target:`` with the same 
``link-id``. Still, if properly managed, I can create links to (almost) anywhere, e.g. 
:iref:target:`right here<id-word>`.

.. parsed-literal::

    I can even create a link that points to the inside of a literal block, 
    :iref:target:`like here<id-literal>`, but I need to have used the parsed-literal directive 
    instead of the literal directive.

For more information, see the documentation.


Inline reference can be installed via pip:

pip install inline_reference

or manually from GitHub:

pip install git+

or a local copy:

git clone
pip install inline_reference


This extension exposes a sphinx domain which contains 4 roles:

  • :iref:ref: creates a cross-reference to the specified ID, like the default sphinx :ref:
  • :iref:target: creates a target for :iref:ref:, i.e. the location that the created link points to. The text specified in :iref:target: appears with the same formatting as surrounding text.
  • :iref:backlink: creates a target for :iref:ref: while also creating a link to every :iref:ref: that is linked to it.
  • :iref:mref:, or mutual reference, can be used instead of :iref:ref:; it creates both a link to the matching :iref:mref: while serving as a target to the matching :iref:mref:. These must come in pairs. These links look like sphinx links.