Deployed to: 0xb1a1c1AC9e41298f2570BB8eE4c482E9E32A7f6E
PAC DAO and LeXpunK have partnered to provide developers and DeFi enthusiasts with a template to comment on the SEC Proposed Amendments to Reg ATS. Please visit the dedicated landing page for details on submitting your letter to save Web3!
Users who submit a comment may mint this free commemorative NFT free (minus gas). For minting instructions, send proof of your letter to the dedicated LEX Telegram or PAC Discord channel. The admins will provide you the instructions to mint.
Like all NFTs, you should expect it is worth equal to or less than cost (zero).
Artwork by Zack West: Dreamer, designer, builder working to help build a better world for everyone. HMU:
Uses the Merkle Tree based on @miguelmota with parameters Keccak-256, hashLeaves, sortLeaves, sortPairs, fillDefaultHash
Upon submitting a comment, users should provide proof in the PAC Discord or LEX Telegram, where an admin will provide them the leaf / proof combo to submit to the mint function. There are 1000 combos that can be used exactly once, unless the contract beneficiary address increases this cap.
Within the first mints, a copy of the NFT will be sent to the artist, and 12 copies to LEX and PAC.
View other NFTs by PAC DAO: