- 🤔 Exploring new technologies and developing software solutions and quick hacks.
- 🎓 Studying Computer Science.
- 💼 I'm currently working full-time with awesome peeps at TREZO
- 🌱 Learning more about Cloud Architecture, Systems Design and Artificial Intelligence.
- ✍️ Pursuing Graphic Design and Blog Writing as hobbies/side hustles.
- 🌱 Learning more about and studying: Open Source, React, CS Algorithms
- 💬 Ping me about: wed design, social media, diversity & inclusion, mentorship
- 💼 Connecting and sharing professional updates on LinkedIn
- 💻 PHP | C | C++ | Python | SQL
- 🌐 HTML | CSS | JavaScript | TypeScript | Nodejs | Jquery | Bootstrap | Materialize | Linux | VIM | Node.js | ReactJS | VueJS | Angular 7/8/9
- 🛢 MySQL | MongoDB
- 🔧 Git | Markdown | Selenium | Tidyverse
- 🖥 Illustrator| Photoshop | InDesign
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