This feeds holds the SDK wifi driver and the config/meta package for the LinkIt Smart 7688 (Duo)
Start by downloading the OpenWrt CC source code
git clone git://
Copy the feeds.conf.default file
cp feeds.conf.default feeds.conf
Add the linkit-smart-feed by calling
echo src-git linkit >> feeds.conf
To get access to all of the packages availbale we must first update the feeds
./scripts/feeds update
And then install all packages
./scripts/feeds install -a
Next we need to tell OpenWrt tat we want to build an image for the LinkIt Smart 7688
make menuconfig
Then select these option
- Target System (Ralink RT288x/RT3xxx) --->
- Subtarget (MT7688 based boards) --->
- Target Profile (LinkIt7688) --->
finally start the compile job by calling
make V=99