Team Name: Slayathon
Goals: Minimize wasted time looking for a seat and increase community spirit and connection. We developed a website to track study space occupancy.
Include the names of all your team members. For each, describe in a few words how they contributed to the project!
Isabelle Bain: Worked on overall design with Figma, page of Building Specific Stats
Pablo Duran: Check-in page
Emory Haines: Page connection and general stats page
Georgia Power: Management, brainstorming, general debugging and research
Acknowledgements: If your project uses major pieces of code from other sources— external libraries, other hackers, and ChatGPT— please cite them here! We’d love to give credit where credit’s due.
ChatGPT, React library
What motivated your team to choose this project? Are there bigger ideas or features for the project that you’d want to implement in the future?
Frustration stemming from not finding study spaces in desired buildings after walking long distances in uncomfortable weather.
Tell us about a tricky bug, a design challenge, or that you encountered. How did your team tackle it together?
We had a bug where if we did not “use client” at the header of each file, the project wouldn’t compile. Figuring out data permanence across reloads is also a frustrating issue we ran into that we did not have time to finish debugging.
Tell us about one fun or interesting experience that you had with other hackers! Did you get coffee with new friends? Did you attend a workshop that inspired you? Did you ask out your hackathon crush?
Made new friends among our team <3!