Take a seat, and get ready to have your HEAD rocked.
- WORK IN PROGRESS - Scoring system
- WORK IN PROGRESS - 0-5 stars based on if you pick hairstyles/colors/accessories that fit the description
- WORK IN PROGRESS - Create an animation for when the client is waiting for their look: there will be some sort of hairspray/cloud covering her head
- WORK IN PROGRESS - Paint bucket pouring color over hair
- WORK IN PROGRESS - The client proposes a prompt (randomly drawn)
- WORK IN PROGRESS - Import colors
- WORKD IN PROGRESS - Import the hairstyles already drawn from the tabletop version, edit them with colors/accessories
- WORK IN PROGRESS - Card deck with prompts
- Import pics of hair as wigs
- The player is the hairstylist
- The player is then prompted with a series of yes/no questions or select multiple style questions, producing a hairstyle
- At the end, the client spins around to reveal the finished look
- We will code each prompt card to have certain choices that are rewarded with points, other choices will diminish points
- Draw a client in Photoshop
- Animation of chair spinning around at end w client (finished look)
- Animations/drawings needed: (SVG??)
- scissors, dyes, paint brushes that the stylist holds/places them on the ‘cloud’, any other styling supplies
- Add background!
Say on which task you are working on, so we do not end up working on the same task
- Scoring System DONE
- 0-5 stars based on... - that's just the scoring system...
- Paint bucket pouring color over hair, half done!
- tag cards with scoring
- Animation for waiting
- Color change
- Scroll bar
- Client
- Styling supplies
- Upload card deck with prompts
- Code prompts to be associated with points
- Thought bubble animation
Here you can post questions we want to discuss with TAs or with ourselves