Simple and fast tool to find companies (from their Company Number or Company Name).
I realized there was no such console tools for finding a company from Companies House database (similar to the Unix whois command for finding the domain names' details).
Be sure PHP 7.0 or higher is installed
Install Composer (
Then run:
$ composer install
- Rename
$ mv .env.example .env
Request your Companies House API key =>
Open the file (with your favourite text editor)
$ nano .env
Add the Companies House API Key between the double quote
Change the permissions of the
bash file (if you use the bash shortcut file)
$ chmod u+x ./companies
- Run the script:
$ ./companies <COMPANY_NAME / COMPANY_ID>
php bin/companies companies:search <COMPANY_NAME / COMPANY_ID>
With the Company Name:
$ ./companies HSBC
Or with the Company ID:
$ ./companies 06388542
- Enjoy!
- PHP 7.0 or higher
- Composer
- Companies House API key
I'm Pierre-Henry Soria, Software Engineer (love that!) and also passionate about marketing and e-businesses.
You can by email at pierrehenrysoria+github [[AT]] gmail [[D0T]] com
Under General Public License 3 or later.