Contains first official release of target-syslibs.
Library is installed as <install-path>/lib/
What's Changed
- First commit by @saynb in #1
- Removing old license by @saynb in #3
- Correcting readme by @saynb in #4
- Adding previous contributors by @saynb in #5
- Ignoring parentheses in zlog build till a new release contains https:… by @saynb in #6
- Gperf by @saynb in #7
- Changing header paths and directories from target_sys to target-sys by @saynb in #8
- Adding gperftools and CI check by @saynb in #9
- Fail timer start/stop/delete if it is not initialized. by @saynb in #10
- Fix the TARGET_SYS_LIBS_DEBUG_MODE option by @slicking in #11
- Add a BF_MOD_SWITCHD module by @ravi861 in #12
- Add missing BF_MOD_SWITCHD enum by @ravi861 in #13
- Klocwork ipdk target syslibs issues by @sharanakumarpatil in #14
- Changing headers to the correct Apache license. Correcting files acco… by @saynb in #16
- Guarding header includes with kernel checks by @saynb in #17
- do not install "install/" by @karolrom-intel in #15
Full Changelog: