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Luis Diogo Couto edited this page Jul 10, 2014 · 11 revisions

This pages list the various branches in the project. If you start a new branch or branch prefix, please record it in this file.

Primary Branches

Branch Name Owner Notes
HEAD @joey-coleman Special reference branch, points to master
master @joey-coleman Main Overture branch
release @joey-coleman Transient branch used for staging releases before moving master forward
development @joey-coleman Main development branch
test (@joey-coleman) Open branch to allow ad hoc builds; branch must always merge forward; highly unstable

Feature Branches

Branch Name Owner Notes
cpusleep @peter-wvj CPU sleep feature in VDM-RT
docs @pglvdm Documentation for the Overture Tool
newpog @ldcouto New AST-based POG development

User Branch Prefixes

Branch Prefix Owner
cbn/ @clausbn
his/ @ishihiro
jwc/ @joey-coleman
kel/ @lausdahl
ldc/ @ldcouto
ncb/ @nickbattle
pvj/ @peter-wvj
swo/ @sunewolff
mve/ @nlmave
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