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This is a template repo to create SaaS apps using:

  • NextJS: ( unbeatable support for all modern React features and tooling.
  • TypeScript: ( Catch early a whole set of bugs that otherwise might plague your app.
  • MaterialUI: ( This UI Kit has full TypeScript support and a very complete set of components, Along with a great themable API and the versatile Box and Grid components.
  • StorybookJS: ( There is no better and simpler way to build interfaces in a React app.
  • Jest: ( Tests? for sure! How would you otherwise know your code is correct. Start with small unit tests and then progress to more complex integration tests.
  • SWR: ( We love this small set of hooks for data fetching. There are agnostic enough that we can use it with REST or GraphQL if we want to. (I use axios as HTTP Client)

To install

$ yarn

To run Storybook

$ yarn storybook

Run Tests

$ yarn test

To run development mode

$ yarn dev

Deploy to vercel

Deploy with Vercel

Open on Gitpod

Open in Gitpod

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