A simple library that can be used to hierarchically aggretate status of different sources and subsources. A valid status consists of at least this info:
{:id-of-source {:status :ok :message "a message"}}
with status beeing one of [:ok :warning :error :timeout]
. The inner map can contain arbitrary addidtional information.
Add [de.otto/status "0.1.0"]
to your project dependencies. See example usage below.
To try this example, start a repl with
$ lein repl
and do something like this
(use 'de.otto.status)
;; you'll need some functions that return status in the given format.
;; either make the map yourself
(def fun1 (fn [] {:component-id1 {:status :ok :message "all ok"}}))
;; or use the factory function
(def fun2 #(status-detail :component-id2 :warning "a warning"))
There is two aggretion strategies: strict and forgiving. The strict one will always aggregate to the worst status:
(aggregate-status :app-id strict-strategy [fun1 fun2])
;; results in
{:status :warning
:message "at least one substatus warn. no error"
{:component-id1 {:status :ok :message "all ok"}
:component-id1 {:status :warning :message "a warning"}}}}
The forgiving strategy on the other hand will be fine if at least one substatus is ok.
(aggregate-status :app-id forgiving-strategy [fun1 fun2])
;; results in
{:status :ok
:message "at least one ok"
{:component-id1 {:status :ok :message "all ok"}
:component-id1 {:status :warning :message "a warning"}}}}
Note, that the resulting statuses could be aggregated again. Additional info can be added like this:
(aggregate-status :app-id strict-strategy [fun1] {:key "value"})
;; results in
{:status :ok
:message "all ok."
:key "value"
{:component-id1 {:status :ok :message "all ok"}}}}
See tesla-microservice as an example of how to use status in a component based application.
Christian Stamm, Felix Bechstein, Ralf Sigmund, Kai Brandes, Florian Weyandt
Apache License