Nominatim (from the Latin, 'by name') is a tool to search OpenStreetMap data by name and address (geocoding) and to generate synthetic addresses of OSM points (reverse geocoding). An instance with up-to-date data can be found at Nominatim is also used as one of the sources for the Search box on the OpenStreetMap home page.
The documentation of the latest development version is in the
subdirectory. A HTML version can be found at .
The latest stable release can be downloaded from There you can also find installation instructions for the release.
Detailed installation instructions for the development version can be found at as well.
A quick summary of the necessary steps:
Compile Nominatim:
mkdir build cd build cmake .. make
Get OSM data and import:
./build/utils/setup.php --osm-file <your planet file> --all
Point your webserver to the ./build/website directory.
The source code is available under a GPLv2 license.
For questions you can join the geocoding mailinglist, see
Bugs may be reported on the github project site: