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Tracking: OpenVR SDK

Kevin Kellar edited this page Aug 10, 2017 · 5 revisions


One way to use Vive tracking is Valve's OpenVR API: a C/C++/C# library that allows the developer to interface with SteamVR. However, there isn't just one way to interface with OpenVR. This page goes through the progress made in working with OpenVR.

Quick Links

Interfacing with the Valve's OpenVR API directly in C++

This example sets up the basic framework for working with OpenVR and runs cross-platform on both Windows and Linux. Follow the instructions in its readme file for instructions in building the example from source and for troubleshooting.

Supplemental troubleshooting resources

The following pyopenvr issue threads were helpful in getting both pyopenvr and Valve's openvr working on Linux:

  • Link: missing linux 64bit library.
  • Link: troubleshooting an OpenVr error message VRClientDLLNotFound
  • Link: getting both openvr and the python wrapper working on Linux.

Problems and Troubleshooting

See the Vive troubleshooting guide in this wiki.