Besides supporting a rich set of popular features, GridX is optimized and extremely capable of supporting huge dataset.
GridX is consisted of:
- A compact and lightweight core
- A flexible plugin machinery with comprehensive module life-cycle and conflict management
- A rich and extend-able set of modules which can be loaded on demand.
GridX is available under Dojo Toolkit CLA with the same [BSD/AFLv2 license] (
CPM installation with the following command:
cpm install gridx
Bower install:
bower install gridx
Manual installation by putting GridX at the same level as Dojo, e.g:
- dojo
- dijit
- dojox
- gridx
GridX works best with Dojo 1.8.0 or higher.
- Feature Coverage
- Module Compatibility Matrix
- Demo gallery (
- Benchmaks (in progress)
- Tutorial (in progress)
- API Doc (in progress)
- Known limitations (in progress)
- Release download (v1.3)
- Report bugs
Please also check out GridX Home Site for more details on how GridX can help you.
##Current Maintainer
- Xiao Wen Zhu (Oliver) - IBM, CCLA
- Pei Wang (Nate) - IBM, CCLA
- Bing Jian Guo (Evans) - IBM, CCLA
- Qi Ruan (Rock) - IBM, CCLA
- Xiang Zhou (JayZ) - IBM, CCLA
- Wei Huang (Evan) - Dojo Committer
Please contact us if you have got any questions. We really appreciate any suggestions or fix patches to improve GridX.