A MERN stack project that features on online ecommerse application which allows a user to save items to their cart, checkout, and view all item descriptions.
To install this app simply open the terminal ,run the command "npm i" on the root level directory.
Open the terminal and run the command "npm run develop" on the root level directory.
User could Sign up and Login ,and will display different path to Logout and Order History if Logged in/after Signed up.
Display with the asociated products
WHEN user click on brand buttons.
Lead to single page for product details
WHEN click on the product buttons
Cart will pop up
WHEN adding product
And provide input area to adjust amount
Also display the sum price of everything in the cart
User could remove the unwanted product via the bin button
User will be leaded to the stripe test system for checkout and displayed with thank message and redirect back to the homepage.
User logged in can review order history
WHEN click on Order History button
Better HTML layout
Add a button display all categories
Optimize Cart layout
Some minor bugs fix