Releases: opsani/cli
5c94708 Add placeholder for copy
a7f6035 Add Prometheus metrics annotations
967d498 Add baseline Servo config
b1d60c9 Add basic ignite docs
ee654a3 Add binaries to gitignore
8a2ee7f Add config edit command
aead9a1 Add copy for ignite measure learning command
454f571 Add e-mail support via Gmail SDK
cb59850 Add env vars
8ec4318 Add explicit limits so restarting ignite resets to a correct baseline
0badb9f Add init by token
4460600 Add library for sane formatting of the outbound email
ba55935 Add missing error handling for pre-flight checks
48f682d Add next steps after token based auth
67023bf Add null behavior handling for Prometheus
d0327f9 Add optimizer alias for app commands
7afb5bd Add secret manifest
e54302c Add snapshot builds for serving installable artifacts
a347d0a Add spinner and success/failure helpers
7530524 Add support for OPSANI_PROFILE
f865ec8 Add warning for goreleaser
373533b Break out conditional compilation to restore builds under Windows (PTY breakage)
63a1d6b Bump pkger
276e6f9 Change duration to 1m45s
6b78fa3 Clean up the test suite
c8b2773 Cleanup help formatting
6ee12c6 Cleanup modules
6380586 Cleanup output alignment
954076b Cleanup tests
dc62a3a Collapse the servo registry into profiles
e0f1615 Compress help text a bit
fad5622 Configure backend when setting up ignite
3805539 Configure sign-up handler to round-trip config via tokens
fcd465a Design the Vital CLI experience
64f02ec Detect if there is already a minikube profile and prompt for recreation
0aed580 Drop dead code
e6427f4 Drop to 1 gig of RAM to avoid outlier exhaustion cases
997449d Eliminate profileName attribute to avoid common errors
e589cae Finish initial Kubernetes servo support
3c656f0 Fix boneheaded settings
45ca19c Fix config file loading errors
c22b5a3 Fix error handling bug from existing minikube check
60537e3 Fix error handling for profile loading and 4xx/5xx status codes
5275f27 Fix invalid env var reference
62c1496 Fix typo
a0bdced Fix wrong dependency import for Pty
a223bc0 Further refine help output
88dedf3 Golang + Prometheus initial demo assembly
b0d4c48 Implement actual checks and version reporting for Docker, Kubernetes, and minikube
5853254 Implement key-generation demo experiment
f30a7be Implemented installer via curl
308c147 Improve help text on the ignite commands
c3b63e3 Initial attempt at a task for Ignite once its running
3245786 Initial check in of raw managed Kubernetes demo based demo
47d32a0 Initial commit of Kubernetes demo flow
0e02b10 Initial support for Kubernetes servos
e6a684d Integrate pkger
27d3a0c Integrate productized emails
93c29a7 Let the user page through the content
50fdfa6 Lower CPU allocations to avoid scheduling errors
675c26e Lower memory maximum a bit during optimization
8e4b6a4 Merge in Ignite flow
dae10f0 Merging ignite branch
cbd7a95 Move secrets into a manifest instead of invoking kubectl
eb7179e Move timeout up to 5 mins
8bb77c4 Only run one Prometheus replica
db2d763 Overhaul UI and ensure the servo can reach Prometheus
1a41edf Pare the settings back to accommodate transient instances during adjustments
668cea0 Prompt before overwriting servo config and include profile options in command examples
1c9b3d2 Remove Nginx and Docker Compose in favor of a single container Go Fiber based setup
167a781 Remove noisy logger
28f9063 Remove the vital command
43637d9 Rename app to optimizer in profile list command
b8d2bc5 Restore terminal state before proceeding
06536f1 Scaffolding for demo backend
fc941bc Scope manifests in .gitignore to root
156b1ce Show minikube output during create
369fd1e Simplify demo by putting everything into the default k8s namespace
f3d8993 Snapshot functional servo
74687d5 Support init via a token
e4f5090 Switch Servo base image
e3014c4 Switch back to Alpine image for consistency
f338f1e Switch to Opsani optimizer naming convention
75fd15c Throw error if pkger iteration fails
3801771 Tweak command help strings
a93ab81 Tweak help output to add some more hints
c1ea75e Tweak the copy
11ae45e Update changelog for v0.2.0
582ce7e Update demo command instructions during init
e01707d Update manifests
c665c0d Update spinner dependency
e024faf Update test for error mapping change
998ba63 Use a more reasonable load config
0eb4e74 Use an explicit pager invocation of less
to ensure rendering isn't b0rked
9cac8af Use green bold for status
9196283 Add docs about env vars
9c7fba1 Add support for OPSANI_PROFILE
0c92c7f Add warning for goreleaser
9635a0c Fix copy paste sloppiness
62a3b33 Fix error handling for profile loading and 4xx/5xx status codes
156e6ef Remove spinner dep
2603d96 Update changelog for v0.1.4
37041cf Update spinner dependency
774fdb5 Update test for error mapping change
95eda1d Add --confirmed to init
ce569ac Add
326c0ef Add Docker API based experimental interface
9ad6ae8 Add Go extension to recommendations
ba4e5ca Add Golang .gitignore
06d9e65 Add details about the test harness
a9a6031 Add Servo config command
34b0e1c Add VSCode workspace resources
3094e61 Add opsani app console
862e96f Add a few basic tests with Testify and httptest
54a18cd Add a functional Dockerfile
8a691e4 Add baseURL support
8859c37 Add basic Delve debugger config for VSCode
ecc0b46 Add basic tests for all modules (--help)
1ad8401 Add config command for displaying current config
408154e Add enforcement of client initialization where appropriate
038119d Add goreleaser build automation
167f4df Add init command, Viper configuration, and env support
2e7d35e Add initial unit and integration test coverage
d7619d0 Add install target to Makefile
636079b Add multi-shell command completion because at this point why not
66ea50f Add readme and changelog to releases
4ae3853 Add servo ls
00e9ebf Add servo start, stop, restart, status
d999068 Add snapshot build task
dc03b99 Add stub login command to continue exploring
75ece5a Add support for editing via key path expressions
d1ccced Add support for pulling image
c563040 Add support for writing config to output file
e202bfa Add verbose list and tests
1d3e6ac Adjust wrapping with Rewrap
2852301 Apply some stylistic cleanups to compress the code
01c3584 Bastion host add support, more cleanups
d886450 Bind subcommands anonymously
3529bd4 Bump version to v0.1.0
fe130fe Cleanup Makefile
ecbce7a Cleanup error and help output
d84bc3c Cleanup lingering code smells
3cad934 Cleanup redundant type warning
3783153 Cleanup servo subcommand
bac6b68 Cleanup test naming and eliminate global state
5a2f710 Colorize the config output
25463a3 Craft the help and usage text into groups using annotations
664ed1e Disambiguate ignore path
d2aa52a Drop dead Nginx assets
8064f89 Dump Ginkgo and Gomega for Testify
89e9a35 Dynamically map in supplemental paths
e560630 Eliminate all instances of panic(), add positional argument constraints, and normalize error handling everywhere
f9261fb Eliminate custom version implementation
f00de6d Eliminate global state and support re-init
beef36c Eliminate global state in discover
e3db9b7 Eliminate global state on login command
2779d1b Enable execution without a config file when app and token are supplied via env or args
39af19b Expand Docker documentation
68813c7 Experiment with Survey CLI library
f23cc30 Experiments in a CLI driven activation workflow
c69b2f9 Factor tests into a separate package and eliminate all singleton command instances
2b4c646 Fix broken log follow binding
2b31b89 Fix config file loading errors
c7abc1e Fix default config file hydration
e39fa99 Fix docker-compose invocations
baeed5d Fix horrific build problems
f9337d7 Fix incorrect Docker image name in discover command
faedf19 Fix missing pass by reference
670aa9a Fix regressions
14c0269 Fix typo
b0a5eae Ignore manifest directories for testing IMB without generating a dirty working copy
8ae1a34 Implement all lifecycle actions
ea9828e Implement file copying from container on successful exit
e097242 Implement goreleaser for build and packaging automation
f57dd4b Implement interactive CLI testing through virtual terminal emulation
6445f7d Implement interactive config editing
ad46c56 Implement literal and file based config set & patch
a398012 Implement plugin clone operation
eba686f Implement profile registry for managing multiple apps
d2077d6 Implement progress reporting for Docker image pull
762e4b6 Implemented Survey based UI flow with context, namespace, and discovery prompts
bf258a7 Implemented bastion support
1a26777 Initial demo of the Golang CLI orchestrator
c374f64 Initial support for testing through a virtual terminal
556303a Integrate addlicense and flip all copyright attribution to Opsani
2d5b366 Interactive terminal testing (#1)
7cf2bda JSON arg validators and cleanups
7c52c9e List images and plugins
d012714 Merge pull request #2 from opsani/demo
81f2513 Migrate completion to Opsani command and add tests
58814f9 Model Servo -- add tests for add, remove, ls
632fae6 Move Docker pull to servo images
7c5fe65 Move config over to displaying colorized YAML
0cb8b0d Move temp config file cleanup into OpsaniCommandExecutor
eaf2aab Move test utilities to a package for sharing between unit and integration tests
49d21ff Pin dependencies to deal with upstream breakage
baa8f82 Pin to an older build of x/sys to fix Windows builds
66821ff Play with command format templating
89c2957 Refactor command and config architecture to stop fighting against Golang idioms
d355858 Refactor config and implement config get
15b9501 Refactor discover command to modularize Docker. Add pull
and imb
temporary sub-commands for testing
c87a45e Refactor networking layer and introduce key-path filters on config get
737bdd9 Refactor test code to remove use of deeply nested structs
e119f2a Refactor to use constants and factor run into a function
c78c20f Reimplement app using Cobra and Viper
2f4660e Remove all work in progress moved to branch
111e212 Remove dangling comments
a30db00 Remove escape sequence hyperlinking trick because it messes up table output
84a38cc Remove fatal errors from SSH
a047356 Replace CLI exec hackery with direct Docker SDK invocation
572474b Respect NO_COLOR
2532bf3 Restore servo registry from prerelease branch
51abd7b Rev README
ce18361 Rough in the Servo plugin command and tests
2c8c4d9 Roughed in servo ssh and servo logs support
8dced53 Run tests with ginkgo
48fc871 Scaffold everything but Vital
fcc494a Servo SSH beginnings
3e4dfc5 Support bastions in servo list
8d88389 Tricky for help with embedded structs
3b927b7 Truncate repo descriptions at 48 characters
6a4f5ba Uncapitalize assemblies, images, and plugins as they aren't first class concepts
bdd1bcf Update Docker support to handle arbitrary arguments
1562313 Update Makefile to reflect command module rename
214f1d0 Update README for release
0bbe0d5 Update README to reflect current state
1994d4e Update docs and tidy dependencies
5f9fc87 Update goreleaser config
278452a Use a private viper and add option for controlling colored output
67d67a8 Use richgo for CLI test execution
da33c72 Wrap init into an Opsani Command struct