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cnf ran: ztp acm crs and clusters app tests
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This PR adds the first two tests cases for the ZTP functional test suite along with the helpers they require. Additionally, the OCP versions of each cluster are now logged.
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klaskosk committed Jul 8, 2024
1 parent cc9c30d commit d7b7c68
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Showing 13 changed files with 446 additions and 3 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tests/cnf/ran/internal/ranconfig/config.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -117,6 +117,8 @@ func (ranconfig *RANConfig) newHubConfig(configFile string) {
glog.V(ranparam.LogLevel).Infof("Failed to get OCP version from hub: %v", err)

glog.V(ranparam.LogLevel).Infof("Found OCP version on hub: %s", ranconfig.HubConfig.HubOCPVersion)

ranconfig.HubConfig.HubOperatorVersions = make(map[ranparam.HubOperatorName]string)

ranconfig.HubConfig.HubOperatorVersions[ranparam.ACM], err = ranhelper.GetOperatorVersionFromCsv(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,6 +184,8 @@ func (ranconfig *RANConfig) newSpoke1Config(configFile string) {
glog.V(ranparam.LogLevel).Infof("Failed to get OCP version from spoke 1: %v", err)

glog.V(ranparam.LogLevel).Infof("Found OCP version on spoke 1: %s", ranconfig.Spoke1Config.Spoke1OCPVersion)

if len(ranconfig.Spoke1Config.BMCHosts) > 0 &&
ranconfig.Spoke1Config.BMCUsername != "" &&
ranconfig.Spoke1Config.BMCPassword != "" {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,6 +228,8 @@ func (ranconfig *RANConfig) newSpoke2Config(configFile string) {
if err != nil {
glog.V(ranparam.LogLevel).Infof("Failed to get OCP version from spoke 2: %v", err)

glog.V(ranparam.LogLevel).Infof("Found OCP version on spoke 2: %s", ranconfig.Spoke2Config.Spoke2OCPVersion)

func readConfig[C any](config *C, configFile string) error {
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions tests/cnf/ran/internal/ranhelper/ranhelper.go
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package ranhelper

import (
v1 ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,6 +44,17 @@ func DoesContainerExistInPod(pod *pod.Builder, containerName string) bool {
return false

// AreClustersPresent checks all of the provided clusters and returns false if any are nil.
func AreClustersPresent(clusters []*clients.Settings) bool {
for _, cluster := range clusters {
if cluster == nil {
return false

return true

// UnmarshalRaw converts raw bytes for a K8s CR into the actual type.
func UnmarshalRaw[T any](raw []byte) (*T, error) {
untyped := &unstructured.Unstructured{}
Expand Down
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions tests/cnf/ran/ztp/internal/helper/git_details.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
package helper

import (

. ""

// GetArgoCdAppGitDetails initializes tsparams.ArgoCdAppDetails with the details for each of tsparams.ArgoCdApps.
Expand All @@ -24,3 +33,159 @@ func GetArgoCdAppGitDetails() error {

return nil

// SetGitDetailsInArgoCd updates the git details for the provided Argo CD app.
func SetGitDetailsInArgoCd(
appName string, gitDetails tsparams.ArgoCdGitDetails, waitForSync, syncMustBeValid bool) error {
app, err := argocd.PullApplication(HubAPIClient, appName, ranparam.OpenshiftGitOpsNamespace)
if err != nil {
return err

appSource := app.Definition.Spec.Source
if appSource.RepoURL == gitDetails.Repo &&
appSource.TargetRevision == gitDetails.Branch &&
appSource.Path == gitDetails.Path {
glog.V(tsparams.LogLevel).Info("Provided git details already configured, no change required.")

return nil

glog.V(tsparams.LogLevel).Infof("Updating argocd app %s to use git details %v", appName, gitDetails)

appSource.RepoURL = gitDetails.Repo
appSource.TargetRevision = gitDetails.Branch
appSource.Path = gitDetails.Path

_, err = app.Update(true)
if err != nil {
return err

if waitForSync {
err = waitForArgoCdChangeToComplete(appName, syncMustBeValid, tsparams.ArgoCdChangeTimeout)
if err != nil {
return err

return nil

// UpdateArgoCdAppGitPath updates the git path in the specified Argo CD app, returning whether the git path exists and
// any error that occurred.
func UpdateArgoCdAppGitPath(appName, ztpTestPath string, syncMustBeValid bool) (bool, error) {
gitDetails := tsparams.ArgoCdAppDetails[appName]
testGitPath := JoinGitPaths([]string{

if !DoesGitPathExist(gitDetails.Repo, gitDetails.Branch, testGitPath+tsparams.ZtpKustomizationPath) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("git path '%s' could not be found", testGitPath)

gitDetails.Path = testGitPath
err := SetGitDetailsInArgoCd(appName, gitDetails, true, syncMustBeValid)

return true, err

// JoinGitPaths is used to join any combination of git strings but also avoiding double slashes.
func JoinGitPaths(inputs []string) string {
// We want to preserve any existing double slashes but we don't want to add any between the input elements
// To work around this we will use a special join character and a couple replacements
special := "<<join>>"

// Combine the inputs with the special join character
result := strings.Join(

// Replace any special joins that have a slash prefix
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, "/"+special, "/")

// Replace any special joins that have a slash suffix
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, special+"/", "/")

// Finally replace any remaining special joins
result = strings.ReplaceAll(result, special, "/")

// The final result should never have double slashes between the joined elements
// However if they already had any double slashes, e.g. "http://", they will be preserved
return result

// DoesGitPathExist checks if the specified git url exists by sending an HTTP request to it.
func DoesGitPathExist(gitURL, gitBranch, gitPath string) bool {
url := JoinGitPaths([]string{
strings.Replace(gitURL, ".git", "", 1),

glog.V(tsparams.LogLevel).Infof("Checking if git url '%s' exists", url)

client := &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},

resp, err := client.Get(url)
if err == nil && resp.StatusCode == 200 {
glog.V(tsparams.LogLevel).Infof("found valid git url for '%s'", gitPath)

return true

glog.V(tsparams.LogLevel).Infof("could not find valid url for '%s'", gitPath)

return false

// waitForArgoCdChangeToComplete waits up to the specified timeout for the Argo CD configuration to be updated.
func waitForArgoCdChangeToComplete(appName string, syncMustBeValid bool, timeout time.Duration) error {
return wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(
context.TODO(), tsparams.ArgoCdChangeInterval, timeout, true, func(ctx context.Context) (done bool, err error) {
glog.V(tsparams.LogLevel).Infof("Checking if change to Argo CD app %s is complete", appName)

app, err := argocd.PullApplication(HubAPIClient, appName, ranparam.OpenshiftGitOpsNamespace)
if err != nil {
return false, err

for i, condition := range app.Object.Status.Conditions {
// If there are any conditions then it probably means theres a problem. By printing them
// here we can make diagnosing a failing test easier.
glog.V(tsparams.LogLevel).Infof("Argo CD app %s condition #%d: '%v'", appName, i, condition)

// The sync result may also have helpful information in the event of an error.
operationState := app.Object.Status.OperationState
if operationState != nil && operationState.SyncResult != nil {
for i, resource := range operationState.SyncResult.Resources {
if resource != nil {
glog.V(tsparams.LogLevel).Infof("Argo CD app %s sync resource #%d: '%v'", appName, i, resource)

statusSource := app.Object.Status.Sync.ComparedTo.Source
appSource := app.Object.Spec.Source

if statusSource.RepoURL == appSource.RepoURL &&
statusSource.TargetRevision == appSource.TargetRevision &&
statusSource.Path == appSource.Path {
if syncMustBeValid {
return app.Object.Status.Sync.Status == "Synced", nil

return true, nil

return false, nil
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions tests/cnf/ran/ztp/internal/helper/helper.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package helper

import (


// WaitForPolicyToExist waits for up to the specified timeout until the policy exists.
func WaitForPolicyToExist(
client *clients.Settings, name, namespace string, timeout time.Duration) (*ocm.PolicyBuilder, error) {
var policy *ocm.PolicyBuilder

err := wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(
context.TODO(), tsparams.ArgoCdChangeInterval, timeout, true, func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
var err error
policy, err = ocm.PullPolicy(client, name, namespace)

if err == nil {
return true, nil

if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "does not exist") {
return false, nil

return false, err

return policy, err

// WaitUntilSearchCollectorEnabled waits up to timeout until the KAC has the search collector addon enabled.
func WaitUntilSearchCollectorEnabled(kac *ocm.KACBuilder, timeout time.Duration) error {
"Waiting until search collector is enabled for KAC %s in namespace %s", kac.Definition.Name, kac.Definition.Namespace)

return wait.PollUntilContextTimeout(
context.TODO(), tsparams.ArgoCdChangeInterval, timeout, true, func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
if !kac.Exists() {
"KAC %s in namespace %s does not exist", kac.Definition.Name, kac.Definition.Namespace)

return false, fmt.Errorf("kac %s in namespace %s does not exist", kac.Definition.Name, kac.Definition.Namespace)

return kac.Definition.Spec.SearchCollectorConfig.Enabled, nil
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions tests/cnf/ran/ztp/internal/tsparams/consts.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,10 +9,19 @@ import (
const (
// LabelSuite is the label for all the tests in this suite.
LabelSuite = "ran-ztp"
// LabelArgoCdAcmCrsTestCases is the label for the ACM CRs test cases.
LabelArgoCdAcmCrsTestCases = "ztp-argocd-acm-crs"
// LabelArgoCdClustersAppTestCases is the label for the Argo CD clusters app test cases.
LabelArgoCdClustersAppTestCases = "ztp-argocd-clusters"

// TestNamespace is the namespace used for ZTP tests.
TestNamespace = "ztp-test"

// MultiClusterHubOperator is the name of the multi cluster hub operator.
MultiClusterHubOperator = "multiclusterhub-operator"
// AcmPolicyGeneratorName is the name of the ACM policy generator container.
AcmPolicyGeneratorName = "acm-policy-generator"

// ArgoCdPoliciesAppName is the name of the policies app in Argo CD.
ArgoCdPoliciesAppName = "policies"
// ArgoCdClustersAppName is the name of the clusters app in Argo CD.
Expand All @@ -23,9 +32,18 @@ const (
// ArgoCdChangeTimeout is the time to use for polling for changes to Argo CD.
ArgoCdChangeTimeout = 10 * time.Minute

// ZtpTestPathAcmCrs is the git path for the ACM CRs test.
ZtpTestPathAcmCrs = "ztp-test/acm-crs"
// ZtpTestPathClustersApp is the git path for the clusters app test.
ZtpTestPathClustersApp = "ztp-test/klusterlet-addon"
// ZtpTestPathRemoveNmState is the git path for the remove nm state test.
ZtpTestPathRemoveNmState = "ztp-test/remove-nmstate"
// ZtpKustomizationPath is the path to the kustomization file in the ztp test.
ZtpKustomizationPath = "/kustomization.yaml"

// AcmCrsPolicyName is the name of the policy for ACM CRs.
AcmCrsPolicyName = "acm-crs-policy"

// LogLevel is the verbosity of glog statements in this test suite.
LogLevel glog.Level = 90

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