Where do superstitions sit in a connect world? Inspired by the ‘Tea Towel of Fisheries Superstitions’ in the Scottish Fisheries Museum, we have made our own as a way to see thoughts and new myths.
By Babitha George, Jayne Wallace, Nick Taylor, Mike Shorter, Erika Shorter, Justin Marshall, Sean at the Mozilla Open IoT Design Sprint in Anstruther, June 2016
Inspiration found in Anstruther:
Created by the team:
Tea Towel text:
When the haar rolls in lock all windows and doors or all children will disappear
A cup of tea stirred counter clockwise brings the haar
Hang a loved ones belonging from a pagan tree and they will return safely from their travels
It’s bad luck to post a selfie on a Thursday
If you crack your iphone screen you’ll have 7 years bad luck on tinder
If you screengrab a snapchat the sender will lose their fortune
Never join a what’s app group in bare feet