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feat: evalAndSuggest helper tactic (leanprover#6961)
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This PR adds the auxiliary tactic `evalAndSuggest`. It will be used to
refactor `try?`.
  • Loading branch information
leodemoura authored and tobiasgrosser committed Feb 16, 2025
1 parent f0b9568 commit 8ade4a5
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Showing 4 changed files with 350 additions and 2 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Try.lean
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Expand Up @@ -27,4 +27,7 @@ namespace Lean.Parser.Tactic

syntax (name := tryTrace) "try?" optConfig : tactic

/-- Helper tactic for implementing the tactic `try?`. -/
syntax (name := attemptAll) "attempt_all " withPosition((ppDedent(ppLine) colGe "| " tacticSeq)+) : tactic

end Lean.Parser.Tactic
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/Grind.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ private def elabFallback (fallback? : Option Term) : TermElabM (Grind.GoalM Unit
pure auxDeclName
unsafe evalConst (Grind.GoalM Unit) auxDeclName

private def evalGrindCore
def evalGrindCore
(ref : Syntax)
(config : TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Tactic.optConfig)
(only : Option Syntax)
Expand All @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ private def evalGrindCore
replaceMainGoal []
return result

private def mkGrindOnly
def mkGrindOnly
(config : TSyntax `Lean.Parser.Tactic.optConfig)
(fallback? : Option Term)
(trace : Grind.Trace)
Expand Down
301 changes: 301 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Elab/Tactic/Try.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ import Init.Grind.Tactics
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.Try
import Lean.Meta.Tactic.TryThis
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Config
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.SimpTrace
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Grind

namespace Lean.Parser.Tactic
/-- Internal tactic used to implement `evalSuggest` -/
syntax (name := tryResult) "try_suggestions " tactic* : tactic
end Lean.Parser.Tactic

namespace Lean.Elab.Tactic
open Meta
Expand All @@ -18,6 +25,300 @@ A **very** simple `try?` tactic implementation.

declare_config_elab elabTryConfig Try.Config

`evalSuggest` is a `evalTactic` variant that returns suggestions after executing a tactic built using
combinatiors such as `first`, `attempt_all`, `<;>`, `;`, and `try`.

/-- Returns the suggestions represented by `tac`. -/
private def getSuggestionOfTactic (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : Array (TSyntax `tactic) :=
match tac with
| `(tactic| try_suggestions $tacs*) => tacs
| _ => #[tac]

/-- Adds `tac` to `suggestions`. -/
private def appendSuggestion (suggestions : Array (TSyntax `tactic)) (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : Array (TSyntax `tactic) :=
suggestions ++ getSuggestionOfTactic tac

Given the suggestion sequecences `suggestionsSeqs`, extends each sequence using `tac`.
private def appendSeqResult (suggestionSeqs : Array (Array (TSyntax `tactic))) (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : Array (Array (TSyntax `tactic)) :=
match tac with
| `(tactic| try_suggestions $tacs:tactic*) => suggestionSeqs.foldl (init := #[]) fun result seq => result ++ (seq.push ·)
| _ => (·.push tac)

/-- Returns a tactic representing all given suggestions `tacs`. -/
private def mkTrySuggestions (tacs : Array (TSyntax `tactic)) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
if tacs.isEmpty then
throwError "`mkSuggestions` failed"
else if tacs.size == 1 then
return tacs[0]!
`(tactic| try_suggestions $tacs*)

/-- Erases tactics `skip` and `done` from `tacs` -/
private def filterSkipDone (tacs : Array (TSyntax `tactic)) : Array (TSyntax `tactic) :=
tacs.filter fun tac => match tac with
| `(tactic| done) | `(tactic| skip) => false
| _ => true

Returns a tactic representing the given suggestions.
private def mkSeqResult (suggestionSeqs : Array (Array (TSyntax `tactic))) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
let tacs ← suggestionSeqs.mapM fun tacs => do
let tacs := filterSkipDone tacs
if tacs.size = 0 then
`(tactic| done)
else if tacs.size = 1 then
return tacs[0]!
`(tactic| · $tacs;*)
mkTrySuggestions tacs

/-- Returns `true` if `tac` is `sorry` -/
private def isSorry (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : Bool :=
match tac with
| `(tactic| sorry) => true
| _ => false

/-- Erases `sorry` tactics from `s` -/
private def filterSorry (s : Array (TSyntax `tactic)) : Array (TSyntax `tactic) :=
s.filter fun stx => match stx with
| `(tactic| sorry) => false
| _ => true

/-- Erases duplicate tactics from `s`. -/
private def removeDuplicates (s : Array (TSyntax `tactic)) : Array (TSyntax `tactic) := do
let mut r := #[]
for t in s do
unless r.contains t do
r := r.push t
return r

private def getSuggestionsCore (tac : TSyntax `tactic): Array (TSyntax `tactic) :=
let tacs := getSuggestionOfTactic tac
let tacs := filterSorry tacs
removeDuplicates tacs

/-- Return tactics that could solve all subgoals. -/
private def getTacsSolvedAll (tacs2 : Array (Array (TSyntax `tactic))) : Array (TSyntax `tactic) := do
if tacs2.isEmpty then
return #[]
let mut r := #[]
for tac2 in tacs2[0]! do
if tacs2[1:].all (·.contains tac2) then
r := r.push tac2
return r

/-- Erases from `tacss` tactics occurring in `tacs`. -/
private def eraseTacs (tacss : Array (Array (TSyntax `tactic))) (tacs : Array (TSyntax `tactic)) : Array (Array (TSyntax `tactic)) := fun ts => ts.filter fun t => !tacs.contains t

/-- Returns tactic kinds that could solve all subgoals. -/
private def getKindsSolvedAll (tacss : Array (Array (TSyntax `tactic))) : Array SyntaxNodeKind := do
if tacss.isEmpty then
return #[]
let mut r := #[]
for tacs0 in tacss[0]! do
let k := tacs0.raw.getKind
if tacss[1:].all fun tacs => tacs.any fun tac => tac.raw.getKind == k then
r := r.push k
return r

private def mkChainResultCore (tac1 : TSyntax `tactic) (tacs2 : Array (TSyntax `tactic)) : TacticM (Array (TSyntax `tactic)) := do
let tacs2 := getSuggestionsCore
let mut acc := #[]
let solvedAll := getTacsSolvedAll tacs2
for tac2 in solvedAll do
acc := acc.push (← `(tactic| $tac1 <;> $tac2))
let tacs2 := eraseTacs tacs2 solvedAll
-- TODO: mixed cases
trace[Meta.debug] "CHAIN tacs2: {tacs2}"
trace[Meta.debug] "CHAIN kinds: {getKindsSolvedAll tacs2}"
return acc

private def mkChainResult (tac1 : TSyntax `tactic) (tacs2 : Array (TSyntax `tactic)) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
match tac1 with
| `(tactic| try_suggestions $tacs1:tactic*) =>
let tacs ← tacs1.foldlM (init := #[]) fun acc tac1 => return acc ++ (← mkChainResultCore tac1 tacs2)
mkTrySuggestions tacs
| _ => mkTrySuggestions (← mkChainResultCore tac1 tacs2)

private def evalSuggestAtomic (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
let goals ← getGoals
evalTactic tac.raw
let goals' ← getGoals
if goals == goals' then
`(tactic| skip)
return tac

private def grindTraceToGrind (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
match tac with
| `(tactic| grind? $config:optConfig $[only%$only]? $[ [$params:grindParam,*] ]? $[on_failure $fallback?]?) =>
`(tactic| grind $config:optConfig $[only%$only]? $[ [$params:grindParam,*] ]? $[on_failure $fallback?]?)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

private def simpTraceToSimp (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
match tac with
| `(tactic| simp? $config:optConfig $[only%$only]? $[[$args,*]]? $(loc)?) =>
`(tactic| simp $config:optConfig $[only%$only]? $[[$args,*]]? $(loc)?)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

private def evalSuggestGrindTrace (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
match tac with
| `(tactic| grind? $config:optConfig $[only%$only]? $[ [$params:grindParam,*] ]? $[on_failure $fallback?]?) =>
let trace ← evalGrindCore tac config only params fallback? true
mkGrindOnly config fallback? trace
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

private def evalSuggestSimpTrace (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := withMainContext do
match tac with
| `(tactic| simp? $_:optConfig $[only%$only]? $[[$args,*]]? $(loc)?) =>
let tac ← simpTraceToSimp tac
let { ctx, simprocs, .. } ← mkSimpContext tac (eraseLocal := false)
let stats ← simpLocation ctx (simprocs := simprocs) none <| ( expandLocation).getD (.targets #[] true)
mkSimpCallStx tac stats.usedTheorems
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

abbrev TacticResult (α : Type) := EStateM.Result Exception SavedState α

def observing (x : TacticM α) : TacticM (TacticResult α) := do
let s ← saveState
let e ← x
let sNew ← saveState
s.restore (restoreInfo := true)
return EStateM.Result.ok e sNew
| ex =>
let sNew ← saveState
s.restore (restoreInfo := true)
return .error ex sNew

@[extern "lean_eval_suggest_tactic"] -- forward definition to avoid mutual block
opaque evalSuggest (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic)

/-- `evalSuggest` for `tac1 <;> tac2` -/
private def evalSuggestChain (tac1 tac2 : TSyntax `tactic) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := focus do
let tac1 ← evalSuggest tac1
let goals ← getGoals
setGoals []
let mut tac2s := #[]
for goal in goals do
setGoals [goal]
let tac2' ← (evalSuggest tac2) <|> `(tactic| sorry)
unless (← getGoals).isEmpty do
throwError "unsolved goals, `<;>` in `try?` requires all goals to be solved"
tac2s := tac2s.push tac2'
if tac2s.all isSorry then
throwError "`<;>` failed"
mkChainResult tac1 tac2s

/-- `evalSuggest` for a sequence of tactics. -/
private def evalSuggestSeq (tacs : Array (TSyntax `tactic)) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
go 0 #[#[]]
go (i : Nat) (accs : Array (Array (TSyntax `tactic))) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
if i < tacs.size then
let tac' ← evalSuggest tacs[i]!
go (i+1) (appendSeqResult accs tac')
mkSeqResult accs

private def evalSuggestSeqCore (tacs : Array Syntax) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
evalSuggestSeq ( fun tac => ⟨tac⟩)

private def evalSuggestTacticSeq (s : TSyntax ``Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
let tacs ← match s with
| `(tacticSeq| { $t;* }) => pure t.getElems
| `(tacticSeq| $t;*) => pure t.getElems
| _ => throwError "unexpeted sequence"
evalSuggestSeq tacs

/-- `evalSuggest` for `first` tactic. -/
private partial def evalSuggestFirst (tacs : Array (TSyntax ``Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq)) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
go 0
go (i : Nat) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
if i = tacs.size - 1 then
evalSuggestTacticSeq tacs[i]!
evalSuggestTacticSeq tacs[i]! <|> go (i+1)

/-- `evalSuggest` for `try` tactic. -/
private partial def evalSuggestTry (tac : TSyntax ``Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
(do evalSuggestTacticSeq tac)
`(tactic| skip)

/-- `evalSuggest` for `attempt_all` tactic. -/
private partial def evalSuggestAttemptAll (tacs : Array (TSyntax ``Parser.Tactic.tacticSeq)) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
go 0 none #[]
go (i : Nat) (saved? : Option SavedState) (acc : Array (TSyntax `tactic)) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
if i < tacs.size then
match (← observing (evalSuggestTacticSeq tacs[i]!)) with
| .ok tac s => go (i+1) (saved? <|> some s) (appendSuggestion acc tac)
| _ => go (i+1) saved? acc
if let some saved := saved? then
mkTrySuggestions acc
throwError "`attempt_all` failed"

-- `evalSuggest` implementation
@[export lean_eval_suggest_tactic]
private partial def evalSuggestImpl (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : TacticM (TSyntax `tactic) := do
match tac with
| `(tactic| $tac1 <;> $tac2) => evalSuggestChain tac1 tac2
| `(tactic| first $[| $tacs]*) => evalSuggestFirst tacs
| `(tactic| ($tac:tacticSeq)) => evalSuggestTacticSeq tac
| `(tactic| try $tac:tacticSeq) => evalSuggestTry tac
| `(tactic| attempt_all $[| $tacs]*) => evalSuggestAttemptAll tacs
| _ =>
let k := tac.raw.getKind
if k == ``Parser.Tactic.seq1 then
evalSuggestSeqCore tac.raw[0].getSepArgs
else if k == ``Parser.Tactic.grindTrace then
evalSuggestGrindTrace tac
else if k == ``Parser.Tactic.simpTrace then
evalSuggestSimpTrace tac
evalSuggestAtomic tac

private def toSuggestion (t : TSyntax `tactic) : Tactic.TryThis.Suggestion :=

private def getSuggestions (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : Array Tactic.TryThis.Suggestion :=
let tacs := getSuggestionsCore tac toSuggestion

private def throwEvalAndSuggestFailed : TacticM Unit := do
let goal ← getMainGoal
Meta.throwTacticEx `«try?» goal "consider using `grind` manually"

private def addSuggestions (tk : Syntax) (s : Array Tactic.TryThis.Suggestion) : TacticM Unit := do
if s.size == 1 then
Tactic.TryThis.addSuggestion tk s[0]! (origSpan? := (← getRef))
Tactic.TryThis.addSuggestions tk ( fun stx => stx) (origSpan? := (← getRef))

def evalAndSuggest (tk : Syntax) (tac : TSyntax `tactic) : TacticM Unit := do
let tac' ← evalSuggest tac
let s := getSuggestions tac'
if s.isEmpty then
addSuggestions tk s

-- TODO: rewrite the following code using `evalSuggest`

structure Try.Context where
mvarId : MVarId
config : Try.Config
Expand Down
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions tests/lean/run/eval_suggest1.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.Try
import Std.Tactic.BVDecide

open Lean Elab Tactic Try
elab tk:"eval_suggest" tac:tactic : tactic => do
evalAndSuggest tk tac

set_option hygiene false in
macro "try_simple?" : tactic => `(tactic| eval_suggest (intros; attempt_all | rfl | (first | simp; done | simp +arith; done) | grind | grind?))

opaque f : Nat → Nat
@[simp, grind =] theorem fthm : f x = x := sorry

info: Try these:
• simp +arith
• grind
• grind only [= fthm]
#guard_msgs (info) in
example (x : Nat) : 1 + 1 + f x = x + 2 := by

info: Try these:
• rfl
• simp
• grind
• grind only
#guard_msgs (info) in
example (x : Nat) : x + 1 = Nat.succ x := by

info: Try these:
• · intros; rfl
• · intros; simp
• · intros; grind
• · intros; grind only
#guard_msgs (info) in
example (x : Nat) : True → x + 1 = Nat.succ x := by

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