这是一个免费且功能齐全的GPT:http://link.fuckicoding.com https://onlyguo.github.io/chatgpt-mirror/
Nginx GUI 项目恢复开发,已新建2.0的文件夹: https://github.com/onlyGuo/nginx-gui-2
Nginx GUI 2.0 将是一个从头构建的全新本本,将会使用自有的轻量级解库完成对conf文件的操作:https://github.com/onlyGuo/nginx-conf-analysis
The nginx GUI makes maintenance easy
If you want to download this package, please go to this link: https://github.com/onlyGuo/nginx-gui/releases/tag/1.6
感谢CrazyLeoJay提供的Docker版本, 分支地址: gradle-master CrazyLeoJay/nginx-gui
ducker hub https://hub.docker.com/r/crazyleojay/nginx_ui
docker pull crazyleojay/nginx_ui
docker run --detach \
--publish 80:80 --publish 8889:8889 \
--name nginx_ui \
--restart always \
docker run --detach \
--publish 80:80 --publish 8889:8889 \
--name nginx_ui \
--restart always \
--volume /home/nginx.conf:/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf \
这里提供了国内下载节点, 如果您无法通过以上连接下载release包,可以尝试从下方连接下载(但您需要支付流量费用):
- Nginx-GUI-For-Linux_X64_v1.6.zip
- Nginx-GUI-For-Linux_X86_v1.6.zip
- Nginx-GUI-For-Mac_v1.6.zip
- Nginx-GUI-For-Windows_x64_v1.6.zip
- 国内节点采用的云盘项目开源地址
If you like algorithms, you can implement them here.
In the future, it will be a nginx configuration file management tool library supporting complete modules and files.
- Download the release package.
- Unzip pachage to your {dir}.
- Edit the {dir}/conf/conf.properties, set your nginx path.
- Run {dir}/startup.sh or {dir}/startup.bat
If your system is Mac os or idea, please copy "conf.properties" to parent directory。
Please eidt "conf.properties", fill in your nginx path to "conf.properties".
Now, please experience!, the default account and pwssword is "admin".
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