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Color Utilities

Tools for all your color needs

Color utilities is a collection of tools used to work with colors.


  • Color conversions (ansi16, ansi256, cmy, cmyk, tsl, hsl, hsv, lab, luv, lch xyz ...)
  • Color blending
  • Color harmony pallet creation
  • Color mixers ( such as getting shades, tints and tones)
  • Performing Chromatic adaptation

Table of Contents

About Color Utilities

Color Utilities aims to be a one-stop shop for any work related to colors, mostly built with pure functions One can use as little or as much of it as needed or wanted, avoiding unneeded project bloating. In the future, this library will most probably grow further.


Due to the nature of color spaces, certain conversions are more computationally taxing than others. Further, certain conversions lead to data loss like RGB to Ansi16 and then back to RGB will most probably result in a significant difference in color.


npm install --save @dynamize/color-utilities


This library has no dependencies and is completely self-contained.


Importing is done using the ES static import declaration. Example:

import { Color } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

In order to use the import declaration in a source file, the file must be interpreted by the runtime as a module.


A Color class is a representation of a color in Color Utilities. Use case for this is when you know you will need values for more then one color space.

Usage examples:

import { Color } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const color = new Color("rgb", { red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27 });

Param place Description Formats
1st Space in which color values are passed adobe_98_rgb", "apple_rgb", "ansi16", "ansi256", "best_rgb", "beta_rgb", "bruce_rgb", "cie_rgb", "color_match_rgb", "cmy", "cmyk", "don_rgb_4", "eci_rgb_v2" "etka_space_ps5", "hcy", "hex", "hsi", "hsl", "hsv", "hunter_lab", "hwb", "lab", "lch_ab", "lch_uv", "luv", "lms", "ntsc_rgb", "pal_secam_rgb", "pro_photo_rgb", "rgb", "ryb", "tsl", "smpte_c_rgb", "wide_gamut_rgb", "uvw","xvycc", "xyy", "xyz", "ycbcr_BT601", "yccbccrc", "ycocg", "ydbdr", "yiq", "ypbpr"
2nd Color values number, string, or color data object
3rd optional - colors spaces to compute string [] of "all"
  • The first argument we pass is a string value and it represents the space in which color values will be passed.
  • The second argument is the actual color values and it's passed in form of an object.
  • The third argument is optional and has a form of string array or a string "all", if not passed, automatically values for hex, hvs, lab, and cmyk, will be computed, alternatively color spaces listed in the array will be computed.

The result of the above example is:

 Color {
  rgb: { red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27, inGamut: true },
  xyz: { x: 56.11537464609447, y: 59.56827248834963, z: 9.578873171265526 },
  hex: 'EEC81B',
  hsv: { hue: 49, saturation: 89, value: 93 },
  lab: {
    luminance: 81.60296053275202,
    a: -1.2482727232548951,
    b: 79.33052440955292
 cmyk: {
   cyan: 0,
   magenta: 15.96638655462185,
   yellow: 88.65546218487395,
   key: 6.666666666666665

Lets see an alternative use:

import { Color } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const color = new Color("rgb", { red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27 }, [


Result from the above example would be:

Color {
  rgb: { red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27, inGamut: true },
  xyz: { x: 56.11537464609447, y: 59.56827248834963, z: 9.578873171265526 },
  hsl: { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },
  luv: { L: 81.60296053275202, u: 33.50413039331645, v: 84.4716716630059 },
  ryb: { red: 63.346820809248555, yellow: 228, blue: 17 },
  tsl: {
    tint: 0.4209301051592921,
    saturation: 0.27240784750042124,
    lightness: 0.7515294117647058

Note: If you noticed RGB and XYZ values are returned regardless, they are needed for two main family of spaces and there for are computed by default.

If "all" is passed as a third argument, all 45 spaces will be computed (the return example is to big to show here), this option is computationally tasking and it's not a good option for color pickers or other use cases where there is a high frequency of re computation. Accidentally the default (no third argument) will return values utilized in a Photoshop color picker (rgb, hsv, lab, cmyk and hex).


Here is a list of all color conversion methods, they are standalone, and can be utilized on their own. Some of them might have multiple conversions and that will be stated in the table.

Name Description Conversions Notes Parameter
ansi16ToRgb Converts an Ansi16 numeric value to sRGB values Ansi16 to sRGB Possible data loss number
ansi256ToRGB Converts an Ansi256 numeric value ro sRGB values Ansi256 to sRGB Possible data loss number
cmyToSRgb Converts colors CMY values in to sRGB values CYM to sRGB No major data loss { cyan: number, magenta: number, yellow: number}
cmykToRgb Converts colors CMYK values in to sRGB values CMYK to sRGB No major data loss { cyan: number, magenta: number, yellow: number, key: number }
hclToLab Converts colors HCL values in to CIE-L*ab values HCL to LAB No major data loss { luminance: number, hue: number, chroma: number }
hcyToSrgb Converts colors HCY values in to sRGB values HCY to sRGB No major data loss { hue: number, chroma: number, Yluminance: number }
hexToRgb Converts a HEX string value in to sRGB values HEX to sRGB No major data loss string
hextToInt Converts a Hex string value in to a integer value HEX to Integer string
hexToDecimal Converts a Hex string value in to a decimal value HEX to Decimal string
hsiToSrgb Converts a colors HSI values in to sRGB values HSI to sRGB No major data loss { hue: number, saturation: number, intensity: number }
hslToToHex Converts a colors HSL values in to a HEX string HSL to HEX No major data loss { hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number }
hslToHsv Converts a colors HSL values in to HSV values HSL to HSV No major data loss { hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number }
hslToRgb Converts a colors HSL values in to sRGB values HSL to sRGB No major data loss { hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number }
hsvToAnsi16 Converts a colors HSV values in to Ansi16 numeric HSV to Ansi16 Possible data loss { hue: number, saturation: number, value: number }
hsvToHsl Converts a colors HSV values in to HSL values HSV to HSL No major data loss { hue: number, saturation: number, value: number }
hsvToRgb Converts a colors HSV values in to sRGB values HSV to sRGB No major data loss { hue: number, saturation: number, value: number }
hwbToRgb Converts a colors HWB values in to sRGB values HWB to sRGB No major data loss { hue: number, whiteness: number, blackness: number }
labToLch_ab Converts a colors CIE-L*ab values in to LCH(ab) LAB to LCH No major data loss { luminance: number, a: number, b: number }
labToSrgb Converts a colors CIE-L*ab values in to sRgb LAB to XYZ to sRGB No major data loss { luminance: number, a: number, b: number }
labToXyz Converts a colors CIE-L*ab values in to XYZ LAB to XYZ No major data loss { luminance: number, a: number, b: number }
hunterLabToXyz Converts a colors Hunter's Lab values in to XYZ LAB to XYZ No major data loss { luminance: number, a: number, b: number }
lch_abToLab Converts a colors LCH(ab) values in to CIE-L*ab LCH to LAB No major data loss { lightness: number, chroma: number, hue: number }
lch_abToXyz Converts a colors LCH(ab) values in to XYZ LCH to XYZ No major data loss { lightness: number, chroma: number, hue: number }
lch_uvToLuv Converts a colors LCH(uv) values in to LUV LCH to LUV No major data loss { lightness: number, chroma: number, hue: number }
lch_uvToXyz Converts a colors LCH(uv) values in to XYZ LCH to XYZ No major data loss { lightness: number, chroma: number, hue: number }
lmsToXyz Converts a colors LMS values in to XYZ values LMS to XYZ No major data loss { long: number, medium: number, short: number }
luvToLch_uv Converts a colors LUV values to LCH(uv) values LUV to LCH No major data loss { L: number, u: number, v: number }
luvToXyz Converts a colors LUV values to XYZ values LUV to XYZ No major data loss { L: number, u: number, v: number }
sRgbToAdobeRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to Adobe 98 RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToAppleRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to Apple RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToBestRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to Best RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToBetaRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to Beta RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToBruceRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to Bruce RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToCieRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to CIE RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToColorMatchRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to Color Match RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToDonRgb4 Converts a colors sRGB values in to DON RGB 4 RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToEtkaSpacePs5 Converts a colors sRGB values in to Etka Space ps5 RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToNtscRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to NTSC RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToPalSecamRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to PAL/SECAM RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToProPhotoRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to PRO PHOTO RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToSmpteCRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to SMPTE-C RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToWideGamutRgb Converts a colors sRGB values in to Wide Gamut RGB RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToEciRgbV2 Converts a colors sRGB values in to ECI RGB V2 RGB to XYZ to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToAnsi16 Converts a colors sRGB values in to Ansi16 numeric RGB to Ansi16 Possible data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToAnsi256 Converts a colors sRGB values in to Ansi256 numeric RGB to Ansi256 Possible data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToCmy Converts a colors sRGB values in to CMY values RGB to CMY No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToCmyk Converts a colors sRGB values in to CMYK values RGB to CMYK No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToHcy Converts a colors sRGB values in to HCY values RGB to HCY No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToHex Converts a colors sRGB values in to a HEX string RGB to HEX No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbaToHex Converts a colors sRGBA values in to a HEX string RGBA to HEX No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToHsi Converts a colors sRGB values in to HSI values RGB to HSI No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToHsl Converts a colors sRGB values in to HSL values RGB to HSL No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToHsv Converts a colors sRGB values in to HSV values RGB to HSV No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToHwg Converts a colors sRGB values in to HSV values RGB to HWG No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToLab Converts a colors sRGB values in to CIE-L*ab values RGB to XYZ to LAB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToLch_ab Converts a colors sRGB values in to LCH(ab) values RGB to XYZ to LAB to LCH No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToLch_uv Converts a colors sRGB values in to LCH(uv) values RGB to XYZ to LUV to LCH No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToLuv Converts a colors sRGB values in to LUV values RGB to XYZ to LUV No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToRyb Converts a colors sRGB values in to RYB values RGB to RYB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToTsl Converts a colors sRGB values in to TSL values RGB to TSL No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToUvq Converts a colors sRGB values in to UVW values RGB to XYZ to UVW No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToYCbCrBT601 Converts a colors sRGB values in to Y′CbCr (YUV) RGB to YCbCr No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToYCbCrBT709 Converts a colors sRGB values in to Y′CbCr BT.709 RGB to YCbCr No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToYDbDr Converts a colors sRGB values in to YDbDr values RGB to YDbDr No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToYPbPr Converts a colors sRGB values in to YPbPr values RGB to YPbPr No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToYcCbcCrc Converts a colors sRGB values in to YcCbcCrc values RGB to YcCbcCrc No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToYCgCo Converts a colors sRGB values in to YCoCg values RGB to YCoCg No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToYiq Converts a colors sRGB values in to YIQ values RGB to YIQ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToXvYcc Converts a colors sRGB values in to xvYCC values RGB to xvYCC No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
sRgbToXyz Converts a colors sRGB values in to XYZ values RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
adobeRgbToXyz Converts a colors Adobe 98 values in to XYZ values RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
appleRgbToXyz Converts a colors Apple RGB values in to XYZ values RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
bestRgbToXyz Converts a colors Best RGB values in to XYZ values RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
betaRgbToXyz Converts a colors Beta RGB values in to XYZ values RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
bruceRgbToXyz Converts a colors Bruce RGB values in to XYZ values RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
cieRgbToXyz Converts a colors CIE RGB values in to XYZ values RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
colorMatchRgbToXyz Converts a colors COLOR MATCH RGB values in to XYZ RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
donRgb4ToXyz Converts a colors DON RGB 4 values in to XYZ values RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
etkaSpacePs5ToXyz Converts a colors ETKA SPACE PS5 values in to XYZ RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
ntscRgbToXyz Converts a colors NTSC RGB values in to XYZ values RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
palSecamRgbToXyz Converts a colors PAL/SECAM RGB values in to XYZ RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
proPhotoRgbToXyz Converts a colors PRO PHOTO RGB values in to XYZ RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
smpteCRgbToXyz Converts a colors SMPTE-C RGB values in to XYZ RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
wideGamutRgbToXyz Converts a colors WIDE GAMUT RGB values in to XYZ RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
eciRgbV2ToXyz Converts a colors ECI RGB V2 values in to XYZ RGB to XYZ No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
rybToSrgb Converts a colors RYB values to a sRGB values RYB to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
tslToSrgb Converts a colors TSL values to a sRGB values TSL to RGB No major data loss { red: number, green: number, blue: number }
uvwToXyz Converts a colors UVW values to a XYZ values UVW to XYZ No major data loss { u: number, v: number, w: number }
xvYccToYcbcrBT601 Converts a colors xvYCC values to Y′CbCr (YUV) xvYCC to YCbCr No major data loss { Y: number, Cb: number, Cr: number }
xvYccToSrgb Converts a colors xvYCC values to a SRGB values xvYCC to YCbCr to sRGB No major data loss { Y: number, Cb: number, Cr: number }
xyYToXyz Converts colors xyY values to XYZ values XYY to XYZ No major data loss { x: number, y: number, Y: number }
xyzToAdobeRgb Converts colors XYZ values to Adobe 98 values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToAppleRgb Converts colors XYZ values to Apple RGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToBestRgb Converts colors XYZ values to Best RGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToBetaRgb Converts colors XYZ values to Beta RGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToBruceRgb Converts colors XYZ values to Bruce RGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToCieRgb Converts colors XYZ values to CIE RGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToColorMatchRgb Converts colors XYZ values to COLOR MATCH RGB XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToDonRgb4 Converts colors XYZ values to DON RGB 4 values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToEtkaSpacePs5 Converts colors XYZ values to ETKA SPACE PS5 values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToNtscRgb Converts colors XYZ values to NTSC RGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToPalSecamRgb Converts colors XYZ values to PAL/SECAM RGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToProPhotoRgb Converts colors XYZ values to PRO PHOTO RGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToSmpteCRgb Converts colors XYZ values to SMPTE-C RGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToWideGamutRgb Converts colors XYZ values to WIDE GAMUT RGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToEciRgbV2 Converts colors XYZ values to ECI RGB V2 values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToLab Converts colors XYZ values to CIE-L*ab values XYZ to LAB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToLuv Converts colors XYZ values to LUV values XYZ to LUV No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToLch_uv Converts colors XYZ values to LCH(uv) values XYZ to LCH No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToUvw Converts colors XYZ values to UVW values XYZ to UVW No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToSrgb Converts colors XYZ values to sRGB values XYZ to RGB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToLms Converts colors XYZ values to LMS values XYZ to LMS No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToHunterLab Converts colors XYZ values to Hunter's Lab values XYZ to LAB No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
xyzToXyY Converts colors XYZ values to XYY values XYZ to XYY No major data loss { x: number, y: number, z: number }
yCbCrBT601ToSrgb Converts colors Y′CbCr (YUV) values to sRGB values YCbCr to RGB No major data loss { Y: number, Cb: number, Cr: number }
yCbCrBT601ToXvYcc Converts colors Y′CbCr (YUV) values to xvYCC values YCbCr to xvYCC No major data loss { Y: number, Cb: number, Cr: number }
yCbCrBT601ToYPbPr Converts colors Y′CbCr (YUV) values to YPbPr values YCbCr to YPbPr No major data loss { Y: number, Cb: number, Cr: number }
yCbCrBT709ToSrgb Converts colors Y′CbCr BT.709 values to sRGB values YCbCr to RGB No major data loss { Y: number, Cb: number, Cr: number }
ycCbcCrcToSrgb Converts colors YcCbcCrc values to sRGB values YcCbcCrc to RGB No major data loss { Yc: number, Cbc: number, Crc: number }
yCgCoToSrgb Converts colors YCoCg values to sRGB values YCoCg to RGB No major data loss { Y: number, Co: number, Cg: number }
yDbDrToSrgb Converts colors YDbDr values to sRGB values YDbDr to RGB No major data loss { Y: number, Co: number, Cg: number }
yiqToSrgb Converts colors YIQ values to sRGB values YIQ to RGB No major data loss { Y: number, Co: number, Cg: number }
yPbPrToSrgb Converts colors YPbPr values to sRGB values YPbPr to RGB No major data loss { Y: number, Co: number, Cg: number }
yPbPrToYCbCr Converts colors YPbPr values to YCbCr values YPbPr to YCbCr No major data loss { Y: number, Co: number, Cg: number }

Color Converter

In situations where you might need to covert from one space into multiple spaces, you can use a color converter. Color Converter is faster and less task-intensive than using Color. There are two prebuilt Color Converters, RGB Converter and the XYZ Converter.

RGB Converter

RGB Converter is a prebuilt Color Converter that takes a single attribute of a type: { red: number, green: number, blue: number } or { r: number, g: number, b: number }.

It has a single method, "get" and it takes an attribute of type string which represents a color space you would like back. Supported conversion are: adobe_98_rgb, apple_rgb, ansi16, ansi256, best_rgb, beta_rgb, bruce_rgb, cie_rgb, color_match_rgb, cmy, cmyk, don_rgb_4, etka_space_ps5, eci_rgb_v2, hcy, hex, hsi, hsl, hsv, hwb, lab, lch_ab, lch_uv, luv, ntsc_rgb, pal_secam_rgb, pro_photo_rgb, ryb, smpte_c_rgb, tsl, uvw, wide_gamut_rgb, ycbcr_BT601, ycbcr_BT709, ycbcr_BT2020, ydbdr, ypbpr, yccbccrc, ycocg, yiq, xvycc, xyz.

Usage example:

import { RgbConverter } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const rgbCon = new RgbConverter({ red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27 });


This will return HSV values for the above-given color.

XYZ Converter

XYZ Converter is a prebuilt Color Converter that takes a single attribute of a type: { x: number, y: number, z: number }.

It has a single method, "get" and it takes an attribute of type string which represents a color space you would like back. Supported conversion are: lab, lch_ab, lch_uv, luv, uvw, rgb, adobe_98_rgb, apple_rgb, best_rgb, beta_rgb, bruce_rgb, cie_rgb, color_match_rgb, don_rgb_4, etka_space_ps5, eci_rgb_v2, ntsc_rgb, pal_secam_rgb, pro_photo_rgb, smpte_c_rgb, wide_gamut_rgb, xyy, lms, hunters_lab.

Usage example:

import { XyzConverter } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const xyzCon = new XyzConverter({ red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27 });


This will return LUV values for the above-given color.

Color Blending

In Color Utilities, there are two ways you can blend colors: either by using the standalone method "blend" or by using a Color Blender.


Color Blender is quite powerful, it allows you to blend two colors in rgb ,cmyk, hex, hsl ,hsv, hwb, hex, ryb and xyz formats. The two colors do not have to be in the same format to blend them, and the returned color can have any of the following formats: rgb ,cmyk, hex, hsl ,hsv, hwb, hex, ryb, xyz.

Usage example:

import { Blender } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const color = new Blender(
  { c: 0, m: 7, y: 100, k: 0 },
  { h: 0, s: 100, v: 100 },
  { weight: 0.67, returnType: "hex" }


Color Blender can return two things: color or blend data. Color will just be a color value in the format that was requested, blend data will give you more information. Below, you can see the blend data for the above example:

    color1: {
      data: { cyan: 0, magenta: 7, yellow: 100, key: 0 },
      rgb: { red: 255, green: 237.14999999999998, blue: 0, inGamut: true },
      amount: 0.67,
    color2: {
      data: { hue: 0, saturation: 100, value: 100 },
      rgb: { red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0, inGamut: true },
      amount: 0.32999999999999996,
    resultColor: "FF9F00",


Using the blend method is pretty straight-forward. It takes three parameters, the first two being the RGB values of colors to blend, and the last one is a percentage of the first color, the remaining percentage will be allocated to the second one.

Usage example:

import { blend } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const blended = blend(
  { red: 255, green: 237, blue: 0 },
  { red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0 },


Color Harmonies

With Color utilities, you can also generate a number of Harmony pallets. For more information about Harmonies, visit: All Harmonies are a standalone functions and they all the a color in a HSL format ({ hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number }) and return an array of hex values. In addition, in addition the second optional parameter is a boolean, which represents if returned hex values should start with a #.


Usage example:

import { analogousHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = analogousHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },



Usage example:

import { clashHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = clashHarmony({ hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 }, true);



Usage example:

import { complementaryHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = complementaryHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Split Complementary

Usage example:

import { splitComplementaryHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = splitComplementaryHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Usage example:

import { splitComplementaryCWHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = splitComplementaryCWHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Usage example:

import { splitComplementaryCCWHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = splitComplementaryCCWHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Four Tone

Usage example:

import { fourToneCWHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = fourToneCWHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Usage example:

import { fourToneCCWHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = fourToneCCWHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Five Tone

Usage example:

import { fiveToneAHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = fiveToneAHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Usage example:

import { fiveToneBHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = fiveToneBHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Usage example:

import { fiveToneCHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = fiveToneCHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Usage example:

import { fiveToneDHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = fiveToneDHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Usage example:

import { fiveToneEHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = fiveToneEHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Six Tone

Usage example:

import { sixToneCWHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = sixToneCWHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },


Usage example:

import { sixToneCCWHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = sixToneCCWHarmony(
  { hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 },



Usage example:

import { neutralHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = neutralHarmony({ hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 }, true);



import { squareHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = squareHarmony({ hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 }, true);



import { tetradicHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = tetradicHarmony({ hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 }, true);



import { triadicHarmony } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const pallet = triadicHarmony({ hue: 49, saturation: 86, lightness: 52 }, true);


Color Mixes

Color Utilities also provides three types of color mixes you can get: Shades, Tints and Tones. All of these are generated by a standalone function that receives two arguments, the first being a base color in RGB format, and the second one is an optional options object that can have two values: size (number of colors generated in the pallet) and prefixed (boolean stating if the colors should start with a #). The return value is an array of strings representing hex values.


import { getTones } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const tones = getTones(
  { red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27 },
  { size: 10, prefixed: true }



import { getTints } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const tones = getTints(
  { red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27 },
  { size: 10, prefixed: true }



import { getShades } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const tones = getShades(
  { red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27 },
  { size: 10, prefixed: true }


Chromatic adaptation

Chromatic adaptation can be preformed in two ways, either by using a standalone "adapt" function or by using an Adapter class.


"adapt" function which takes two arguments, first being XYZ values 0f the color to be adapted, and a string value representing reference illuminant and a destination illuminant.

import { adapt } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const adapted = adapt({ x: 56.11537464609447, y: 59.56827248834963, z: 9.578873171265526 }, 'A_B');


The above example will adapt from a from reference illuminant A to destination illuminant B.


The Adapter class is a little bit more powerful but slower, it takes two optional arguments, first being color values, second is the color space of those values, if not passed default values will be for color white in XYZ format.

Here is a table of all available formats and values:

Param place Description Formats
# 1 Color data { r: number, g: number, b: number }, { red: number, green: number, blue: number }, { l: number, a: number, b: number }, { luminance: number, a: number, b: number }, { L: number, u: number, v: number }, { l: number, c: number, h: number }, { lightness: number, chroma: number hue: number }, { long: number, medium: number, short: number }, { u: number, v: number, w: number }, { x: number, y: number, Y: number }, { x: number, y: number, z: number }
# 2 Color Space of the given color adobe_98_rgb, apple_rgb, best_rgb, beta_rgb, bruce_rgb, cie_rgb, color_match_rgb, don_rgb_4, eci_rgb_v2, etka_space_ps5, ntsc_rgb, pal_secam_rgb, pro_photo_rgb, rgb, smpte_c_rgb, wide_gamut_rgb

Example 1:

import { Adapter } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const adapted = new Adapter(
  { x: 56.11537464609447, y: 59.56827248834963, z: 9.578873171265526 }


Example 2:

import { Adapter } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const adapter = new Adapter();
const adapted = adapter.set(
  { x: 56.11537464609447, y: 59.56827248834963, z: 9.578873171265526 }


The above example is using the "adapt" method with in the Adapter. The difference being that it takes an optional second argument, which is the desired color space of returned color values.

Example 3:

import { Adapter } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const adapter = new Adapter();
const adapted = adapter.set(
  { x: 56.11537464609447, y: 59.56827248834963, z: 9.578873171265526 }


Delta E / Color Difference

There are multiple ways to calculate the color difference or color distance. More information about color difference:

Name Description Formats
comparativeDistance Euclidean distance { red; number, green: number, blue: number }
deltaECIE76Lab Delta E using the CIE76 algorithm { luminance: number, a: number, b: number }
deltaECIE76Lch Delta E using the CIE76 algorithm { lightness: number, chroma: number, hue: number }
deltaECIE76Rgb Delta E using the CIE76 algorithm { red; number, green: number, blue: number }
deltaECIE94Lab Delta E using the CIE94 algorithm { luminance: number, a: number, b: number }
deltaECIE00Lab Delta E using the CIE2000 algorithm { luminance: number, a: number, b: number }
deltaECIE00Rgb Delta E using the CIE2000 algorithm { red; number, green: number, blue: number }

Usage examples:

import { comparativeDistance } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const diff = comparativeDistance(
  { red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27 },
  { red: 217, green: 122, blue: 37 }


CIE 76

import { deltaECIE76Lab } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const diff = deltaECIE76Lab(
  { luminance: 81.60296053275202, a: -1.2482727232548951, b: 79.33052440955292 } ,
  { luminance: 60.61218950864361, a: 31.243719367882505, b: 58.52164206596838 }

import { deltaECIE76Rgb } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const diff =  deltaECIE76Rgb(
  { red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27 },
  { red: 217, green: 122, blue: 37 }


CIE 94

import { deltaECIE94Lab } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const diff = deltaECIE94Lab(
  { luminance: 81.60296053275202, a: -1.2482727232548951, b: 79.33052440955292 } ,
  { luminance: 60.61218950864361, a: 31.243719367882505, b: 58.52164206596838 }


CIE 00

import { deltaECIE00Lab } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const diff = deltaECIE00Lab(
  { luminance: 81.60296053275202, a: -1.2482727232548951, b: 79.33052440955292 } ,
  { luminance: 60.61218950864361, a: 31.243719367882505, b: 58.52164206596838 }

import { deltaECIE00Rgb } from "@dynamize/color-utilities";

const diff = deltaECIE00Rgb(
  { red: 238, green: 200, blue: 27 },
  { red: 217, green: 122, blue: 37 }
