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This is a docker container for the flox watchlist. Be sure to check out the original project:

Flox is a self hosted Movie, Series and Animes watch list. It's build on top of Laravel and Vue.js and uses The Movie Database API. The rating based on an 3-Point system for good, medium and bad.

Try live demo and login with demo / demo to add new stuff or change ratings.


Running the container

This image is available for arm64 and amd64. The right version for you system will automatically be pulled.

This container only exposes port 80/tcp. It is advised to run this configuration through a reverse proxy providing SSL if the service will be exposed over the internet. Data is saved in the container at /flox.

To use the container you will need to set the env variable tmdb_api_key with your own TheMovieDatabase API key. It is also recommended that you set flox_admin_pass. On first startup you also need to set flox_db_init to true.

An minimal configuration example would be:

# with docker run
cd <project_root>
docker run -p '80:80' --volume '/<data-directory>/:/flox/' -e tmdb_api_key=<key> -e flox_db_init=true --name flox olofvndrhr/flox-dockerized:latest
# with docker-compose (be sure to check all environment variables and change when neccesary)
cd <project_root>
nano docker-compose.yml # set tmdb_api_key & flox_init
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

In order to create an admin user you will need to run an initialization. This can be done by running the container once with the environment variable flox_init=true. If the env variables flox_username and flox_password are not set, the default login is: admin:admin.

You can then connect to http://localhost to access the application. If you mounted the data directory, all changes will be saved through container recreation.

In the data directory is a file called .lock. This file controls whether or not to "reset" all application data. So don't remove the file unless you want to reset you installation. The removed data will still be available in the running container in the directory /tmp/flox until you remove the container. After a reset you need to start the container with flox_init=true again.

Supportet environment variables

Name Value Description
tmdb_api_key str (required) The TMDB API key to use - required for startup (
flox_init bool (required) Run db initialization at container startup (default: false)
flox_https bool If flox should use https. Mostly used for reverse proxys with ssl termination (default: false)
flox_app_url str The url you will be hosting the app on (default: http://localhost)
flox_username str Inital username. Will not be overwritten after the initialization
flox_password str Initial password. Will not be overwritten after the initialization
flox_client_uri str The relative path you are hosting on (default: /)
flox_timezone str The timezone flox is running in (default: UTC)
flox_daily_reminder_time str/int The daily reminder time (default: 10:00)
flox_weekly_reminder_time str/int The weekly reminder time (default: 20:00)
puid int Unix user id to run the container as (default 4444)
pgid int Unix group id to run the container as (default 4444)
flox_mail_driver str Mail driver (most likely smtp)
flox_mail_host str Hostname of the mail server
flox_mail_port int Port of the mail server (smtp port)
flox_mail_from str Email address from which flox sends the mails
flox_mail_username str User name on the mail server
flox_mail_password str User password
flox_mail_encryption str Encryption type (tls,ssl,none)


Like this project? Want to contribute? Awesome! Feel free to open some pull requests or just open an issue.


Changelogs can be found here. But they may be not fully detailled.


Flox is published under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information. All credits to devfake


Docker container for flox







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