This repository offers a user-friendly R
package for an optimizer minimizing the density power divergence proposed by Basu et al. (1998) :
This optimizer needs minimal effort for users to obtain the optimal parameter, to estimate general parametric models. To cite this package, please cite the following manuscript:
year = {2024},
volume = {},
number = {},
pages = {},
author = {Akifumi Okuno},
title = {Minimizing robust density power-based divergences for general parametric density models},
journal = {Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics},
note = {To appear.}
Please enter and execute the following command to install our sgdpd
install.packages("", repos=NULL, type="win.binary")
In order to showcase the capabilities of our optimizer, we perform a univariate skew-normal density estimation. Initially, we define the skew-normal density function, parameterized by theta. This is achieved using the dsnorm function, which is sourced from the fGarch package:
f <- function(z, theta) dsnorm(x=z, mean=theta[1], sd=theta[2], xi=theta[3])
Using the Z
, along with a specified learning rate lr
, an initial parameter theta0
, and an exponent parameter exponent
, we can efficiently compute the optimal parameter as follows:
sgdpd(f=f, Z=Z, lr=0.1, theta0=c(0,1,1), exponent=0.2)
No further operation is needed! Please also see our user manual for more details.
- Akifumi Okuno (ISM and RIKEN AIP)