Kubernetes autoscaler for vsphere/esxi including a custom resource controller to create managed node without code
- 1.25.6
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.25
- 1.25.7
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.25 and support k3s
- 1.26.1
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.26
- 1.26.2
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.26 and support k3s
- 1.27.1
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.27 and support k3s
This tool will drive vSphere to deploy VM at the demand. The cluster autoscaler deployment use vanilla cluster-autoscaler or my enhanced version of cluster-autoscaler.
This version use grpc to communicate with the cloud provider hosted outside the pod. A docker image is available here cluster-autoscaler
A sample of the cluster-autoscaler deployment is available at examples/cluster-autoscaler.yaml. You must fill value between <>
You can do it from scrash or you can use script from project autoscaled-masterkube-vmware to create a kubernetes cluster in single control plane or in HA mode with 3 control planes.
Parameter | Description |
version |
Print the version and exit |
save |
Tell the tool to save state in this file |
config |
The the tool to use config file |
The build process use make file. The simplest way to build is make container
Instead using kubeadm as kubernetes deployment tool, it is possible to use k3s
You can also use the vanilla autoscaler with the externalgrpc cloud provider
A sample of the cluster-autoscaler deployment with vanilla autoscaler is available at examples/cluster-autoscaler-vanilla.yaml. You must fill value between <>
Now it's possible to disable dhcp-default routes and custom route
Version 1.24.6 and 1.25.2 and above are vsphere cloud provider by building provider-id conform to syntax vsphere://<VM UUID>
This new release include a CRD controller allowing to create kubernetes node without use of govc or code. Just by apply a configuration file, you have the ability to create nodes on the fly.
As exemple you can take a look on artifacts/examples/example.yaml on execute the following command to create a new node
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/example.yaml
If you want delete the node just delete the CRD with the call
kubectl delete -f artifacts/examples/example.yaml
You have the ability also to create a control plane as instead a worker
kubectl apply -f artifacts/examples/controlplane.yaml
The resource is cluster scope so you don't need a namespace. The name of the resource is not the name of the managed node.
The minimal resource declaration
apiVersion: "nodemanager.aldunelabs.com/v1alpha1"
kind: "ManagedNode"
name: "vmware-ca-k8s-managed-01"
nodegroup: vmware-ca-k8s
vcpus: 2
memorySizeInMb: 2048
diskSizeInMb: 10240
The full qualified resource including networks declaration to override the default controller network management and adding some node labels & annotations. If you specify the managed node as controller, you can also allows the controlplane to support deployment as a worker node
apiVersion: "nodemanager.aldunelabs.com/v1alpha1"
kind: "ManagedNode"
name: "vmware-ca-k8s-managed-01"
nodegroup: vmware-ca-k8s
controlPlane: false
allowDeployment: false
vcpus: 2
memorySizeInMb: 2048
diskSizeInMb: 10240
- demo-label.acme.com=demo
- sample-label.acme.com=sample
- demo-annotation.acme.com=demo
- sample-annotation.acme.com=sample
network: "VM Network"
use-dhcp-routes: false
- to: x.x.0.0/16
metric: 100
- to: y.y.y.y/8
metric: 500
network: "VM Private"
use-dhcp-routes: false
The release 1.24 and above allows to add additionnal route per interface, it also allows to disable default route declared by DHCP server.
As example of use generated by autoscaled-masterkube-vmware scripts
"use-external-etcd": false,
"src-etcd-ssl-dir": "/etc/etcd/ssl",
"dst-etcd-ssl-dir": "/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd",
"kubernetes-pki-srcdir": "/etc/kubernetes/pki",
"kubernetes-pki-dstdir": "/etc/kubernetes/pki",
"network": "unix",
"listen": "/var/run/cluster-autoscaler/vmware.sock",
"cert-private-key": "/etc/ssl/client-cert/tls.key",
"cert-public-key": "/etc/ssl/client-cert/tls.crt",
"cert-ca": "/etc/ssl/client-cert/ca.crt",
"secret": "vmware",
"minNode": 0,
"maxNode": 9,
"maxNode-per-cycle": 2,
"node-name-prefix": "autoscaled",
"managed-name-prefix": "managed",
"controlplane-name-prefix": "master",
"nodePrice": 0,
"podPrice": 0,
"image": "jammy-kubernetes-cni-flannel-v1.27.1-containerd-amd64",
"pricing": false,
"getAvailableMachineTypes": false,
"newNodeGroup": false,
"templateNodeInfo": false,
"createNodeGroup": false,
"deleteNodeGroup": false,
"address": "",
"token": "h1g55p.hm4rg52ymloax182",
"ca": "sha256:c7a86a7a9a03a628b59207f4f3b3e038ebd03260f3ad5ba28f364d513b01f542",
"extras-args": ["--ignore-preflight-errors=All"],
"default-machine": "large",
"tiny": { "memsize": 2048, "vcpus": 2, "disksize": 10240 },
"small": { "memsize": 4096, "vcpus": 2, "disksize": 20480 },
"medium": { "memsize": 4096, "vcpus": 4, "disksize": 20480 },
"large": { "memsize": 8192, "vcpus": 4, "disksize": 51200 },
"xlarge": { "memsize": 16384, "vcpus": 4, "disksize": 102400 },
"2xlarge": { "memsize": 16384, "vcpus": 8, "disksize": 102400 },
"4xlarge": { "memsize": 32768, "vcpus": 8, "disksize": 102400 },
"package_update": false,
"package_upgrade": false,
"echo 1 > /sys/block/sda/device/rescan",
"growpart /dev/sda 1",
"resize2fs /dev/sda1",
"echo ' vmware-ca-k8s-masterkube vmware-ca-k8s-masterkube.acme.com' >> /etc/hosts",
"ssh-infos": { "user": "kubernetes", "ssh-private-key": "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" },
"scaleDownUtilizationThreshold": 0.5,
"scaleDownGpuUtilizationThreshold": 0.5,
"scaleDownUnneededTime": "1m",
"scaleDownUnreadyTime": "1m",
"url": "https://[email protected]:[email protected]/sdk",
"uid": "[email protected]",
"password": "mySecret",
"insecure": true,
"dc": "DC01",
"datastore": "datastore1",
"resource-pool": "ACME/Resources/FR",
"vmFolder": "HOME",
"timeout": 300,
"template-name": "jammy-kubernetes-cni-flannel-v1.26.0-containerd-amd64",
"template": false,
"linked": false,
"customization": "",
"domain": "acme.com",
"dns": { "search": ["acme.com"], "nameserver": [""] },
"primary": false,
"exists": true,
"network": "VM Network",
"adapter": "vmxnet3",
"mac-address": "generate",
"nic": "eth0",
"dhcp": true,
"use-dhcp-routes": true,
"to": "",
"via": "",
"metric": 500,
"primary": true,
"exists": true,
"network": "VM Private",
"adapter": "vmxnet3",
"mac-address": "generate",
"nic": "eth1",
"dhcp": true,
"use-dhcp-routes": false,
"address": "",
"gateway": "",
"netmask": "",
"routes": [],
- 1.15.11
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.15
- 1.16.9
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.16
- 1.17.5
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.17
- 1.18.2
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.18
- 1.19.0
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.19
- 1.20.5
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.20
- 1.20.5
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.20
- 1.21.0
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.21
- 1.22.0
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.22
- 1.23.0
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.23
- 1.24.0
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.24
- 1.24.2
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.24
- 1.24.3
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.24
- 1.24.6
- This version is supported kubernetes v1.24