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Dev meeting 2021 02 11

Jon Ludlam edited this page Mar 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Odoc dev meeting 11/02/21


  • @jonludlam
  • @lubegasimon
  • @lpw25
  • @drup
  • @lukemaurer
  • @Octachron
  • @Julow

2.0 Release

Outstanding issues:

Documentation / Reference driver

New implementation - previous one 'blossomed' into the driver for and got too complicated:

Driver implemented as an mdx file:

Current output:


Does anyone have issues they'd like to add to this list?

  • #585 (references aren't working right) - Unassigned - why did this not get caught in CI!?

  • #557 (Command to extract errors from odocl files) - Unassigned

  • #508 (overridden values of modules included in another module still get rendered) @lubegasimon working on it (

  • #560 (Dead links to hidden items appearing in documentation) - @lubegasimon working on it (

  • #541 (Alignment "styles" (Center, Left, Right) are not supported) - Unassigned

  • #478 (Top-level doc-comments of module types are discarded) - Unassigned

  • #460 (reference driver needed) - addressed above

  • #573 (docs are bad) - addressed above

  • #297 (!modules should splice in docs) - Unassigned

  • #586 (CSS regression) @lubegasimon to fix

  • #587 (include Subst failure) - @jonludlam to fix

  • #558 (Support canonical on module types, types, etc.)

  • #559 (Canonical does not work on compilation units)

  • #577 (Support {!indexlist}) design

Syntax of mdx-enabled comment blocks

From the slack chat, reproduced here for posterity:

Suggested syntax for passing metadata to mdx:

{@ocaml env=f1 version>=4.06 [
let promoted = code

and for other languages explicitly enumerate them

{@sh [
# rm -rf /

and for a toplevel

{@ocaml version=4.10.0 [
# let x = 1 ;;
val x : 1

Syntax for refences needs some escaping for references to allow page names with hyphens or dots in

Current: {!baz:foo-?} ?1, ?2 ~= ocaml module ident | '' .... '' bar,foo,baz ~= [a-zA-Z_-]+ There's {!module-type-foo}



TODO: make an issue for this!