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Fix wrong id being given to doc comments
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Standalone documentation comments currently do not have an id. This id was
carried as the accumulator of the field, which yielded wrong results!

Signed-off-by: Paul-Elliot <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
panglesd committed May 3, 2024
1 parent 9624fc1 commit 58c3497
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Showing 6 changed files with 121 additions and 86 deletions.
76 changes: 47 additions & 29 deletions src/model/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,20 +11,24 @@ type item =
| Class of Class.t
| Extension of Extension.t
| ModuleType of ModuleType.t
| Doc of Comment.docs_or_stop
| Doc of Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t * Comment.docs_or_stop

let rec unit ~f acc u =
let acc = f acc (CompilationUnit u) in
match u.content with Module m -> signature ~f acc m | Pack _ -> acc
match u.content with
| Module m -> signature ~f ( :> Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t) acc m
| Pack _ -> acc

and page ~f acc p =
let open Page in
docs ~f acc (`Docs p.content)
docs ~f ( :> Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t) acc (`Docs p.content)

and signature ~f acc (s : Signature.t) =
List.fold_left (signature_item ~f) acc s.items
and signature ~f id acc (s : Signature.t) =
(signature_item ~f (id :> Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t))
acc s.items

and signature_item ~f acc s_item =
and signature_item ~f id acc s_item =
match s_item with
| Module (_, m) -> module_ ~f acc m
| ModuleType mt -> module_type ~f acc mt
Expand All @@ -38,12 +42,12 @@ and signature_item ~f acc s_item =
| Value v -> value ~f acc v
| Class (_, cl) -> class_ ~f acc cl
| ClassType (_, clt) -> class_type ~f acc clt
| Include i -> include_ ~f acc i
| Comment d -> docs ~f acc d
| Include i -> include_ ~f id acc i
| Comment d -> docs ~f id acc d

and docs ~f acc d = f acc (Doc d)
and docs ~f id acc d = f acc (Doc (id, d))

and include_ ~f acc inc = signature ~f acc inc.expansion.content
and include_ ~f id acc inc = signature ~f id acc inc.expansion.content

and class_type ~f acc ct =
(* This check is important because [is_internal] does not work on children of
Expand All @@ -53,26 +57,32 @@ and class_type ~f acc ct =
if Paths.Identifier.is_internal then acc
let acc = f acc (ClassType ct) in
match ct.expansion with None -> acc | Some cs -> class_signature ~f acc cs
match ct.expansion with
| None -> acc
| Some cs ->
class_signature ~f ( :> Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t) acc cs

and class_signature ~f acc ct_expr =
List.fold_left (class_signature_item ~f) acc ct_expr.items
and class_signature ~f id acc ct_expr =
List.fold_left (class_signature_item ~f id) acc ct_expr.items

and class_signature_item ~f acc item =
and class_signature_item ~f id acc item =
match item with
| Method m -> f acc (Method m)
| InstanceVariable _ -> acc
| Constraint _ -> acc
| Inherit _ -> acc
| Comment d -> docs ~f acc d
| Comment d -> docs ~f id acc d

and class_ ~f acc cl =
if Paths.Identifier.is_internal then acc
let acc = f acc (Class cl) in
match cl.expansion with
| None -> acc
| Some cl_signature -> class_signature ~f acc cl_signature
| Some cl_signature ->
class_signature ~f
( :> Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t)
acc cl_signature

and exception_ ~f acc exc =
if Paths.Identifier.is_internal then acc else f acc (Exception exc)
Expand All @@ -88,8 +98,10 @@ and module_ ~f acc m =
let acc = f acc (Module m) in
match m.type_ with
| Alias (_, None) -> acc
| Alias (_, Some s_e) -> simple_expansion ~f acc s_e
| ModuleType mte -> module_type_expr ~f acc mte
| Alias (_, Some s_e) ->
simple_expansion ~f ( :> Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t) acc s_e
| ModuleType mte ->
module_type_expr ~f ( :> Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t) acc mte

and type_decl ~f acc td =
if Paths.Identifier.is_internal then acc else f acc (TypeDecl td)
Expand All @@ -100,27 +112,33 @@ and module_type ~f acc mt =
let acc = f acc (ModuleType mt) in
match mt.expr with
| None -> acc
| Some mt_expr -> module_type_expr ~f acc mt_expr
| Some mt_expr ->
module_type_expr ~f
( :> Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t)
acc mt_expr

and simple_expansion ~f acc s_e =
and simple_expansion ~f id acc s_e =
match s_e with
| Signature sg -> signature ~f acc sg
| Signature sg -> signature ~f id acc sg
| Functor (p, s_e) ->
let acc = functor_parameter ~f acc p in
simple_expansion ~f acc s_e
simple_expansion ~f id acc s_e

and module_type_expr ~f acc mte =
and module_type_expr ~f id acc mte =
match mte with
| Signature s -> signature ~f acc s
| Signature s -> signature ~f id acc s
| Functor (fp, mt_expr) ->
let acc = functor_parameter ~f acc fp in
module_type_expr ~f acc mt_expr
| With { w_expansion = Some sg; _ } -> simple_expansion ~f acc sg
| TypeOf { t_expansion = Some sg; _ } -> simple_expansion ~f acc sg
| Path { p_expansion = Some sg; _ } -> simple_expansion ~f acc sg
module_type_expr ~f id acc mt_expr
| With { w_expansion = Some sg; _ } -> simple_expansion ~f id acc sg
| TypeOf { t_expansion = Some sg; _ } -> simple_expansion ~f id acc sg
| Path { p_expansion = Some sg; _ } -> simple_expansion ~f id acc sg
| Path { p_expansion = None; _ } -> acc
| With { w_expansion = None; _ } -> acc
| TypeOf { t_expansion = None; _ } -> acc

and functor_parameter ~f acc fp =
match fp with Unit -> acc | Named n -> module_type_expr ~f acc n.expr
match fp with
| Unit -> acc
| Named n ->
module_type_expr ~f ( :> Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t) acc n.expr
62 changes: 51 additions & 11 deletions src/model/fold.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,23 +17,54 @@ type item =
| Class of Class.t
| Extension of Extension.t
| ModuleType of ModuleType.t
| Doc of Comment.docs_or_stop
| Doc of Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t * Comment.docs_or_stop

(** Bellow are the folding functions. For items that may contain
(** Below are the folding functions. For items that may contain
others, such as [signature], it folds recursively on the
sub-items. It does not recurse into internal items. *)
sub-items. It does not recurse into internal items.
The LabelParent identifier is used to give an id to the doc entries. *)

val unit : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> Compilation_unit.t -> 'a
val page : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> Page.t -> 'a

val signature : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> Signature.t -> 'a
val signature_item : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> Signature.item -> 'a
val docs : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> Comment.docs_or_stop -> 'a
val include_ : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> Include.t -> 'a
val signature :
f:('a -> item -> 'a) ->
Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t ->
'a ->
Signature.t ->
val signature_item :
f:('a -> item -> 'a) ->
Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t ->
'a ->
Signature.item ->
val docs :
f:('a -> item -> 'a) ->
Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t ->
'a ->
Comment.docs_or_stop ->
val include_ :
f:('a -> item -> 'a) ->
Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t ->
'a ->
Include.t ->
val class_type : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> ClassType.t -> 'a
val class_signature : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> ClassSignature.t -> 'a
val class_signature :
f:('a -> item -> 'a) ->
Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t ->
'a ->
ClassSignature.t ->
val class_signature_item :
f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> ClassSignature.item -> 'a
f:('a -> item -> 'a) ->
Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t ->
'a ->
ClassSignature.item ->
val class_ : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> Class.t -> 'a
val exception_ : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> Exception.t -> 'a
val type_extension : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> Extension.t -> 'a
Expand All @@ -42,6 +73,15 @@ val module_ : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> Module.t -> 'a
val type_decl : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> TypeDecl.t -> 'a
val module_type : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> ModuleType.t -> 'a
val simple_expansion :
f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> ModuleType.simple_expansion -> 'a
val module_type_expr : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> ModuleType.expr -> 'a
f:('a -> item -> 'a) ->
Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t ->
'a ->
ModuleType.simple_expansion ->
val module_type_expr :
f:('a -> item -> 'a) ->
Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t ->
'a ->
ModuleType.expr ->
val functor_parameter : f:('a -> item -> 'a) -> 'a -> FunctorParameter.t -> 'a
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/search/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ and entries_of_doc id d =
| `Math_block _ -> [ entry ~id ~doc:[ d ] ~kind:(Doc MathBlock) ]
| `Table _ -> []

let entries_of_item id (x : Odoc_model.Fold.item) =
let entries_of_item (x : Odoc_model.Fold.item) =
match x with
| CompilationUnit u -> (
match u.content with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,5 +219,5 @@ let entries_of_item id (x : Odoc_model.Fold.item) =
(entry_of_extension_constructor te.type_path te.type_params)
| ModuleType mt -> [ entry ~doc:mt.doc ~kind:ModuleType ]
| Doc `Stop -> []
| Doc (`Docs d) -> entries_of_docs id d
| Doc (_, `Stop) -> []
| Doc (id, `Docs d) -> entries_of_docs id d
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/search/entry.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,5 +61,4 @@ type t = {
kind : kind;

val entries_of_item :
Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Any.t -> Odoc_model.Fold.item -> t list
val entries_of_item : Odoc_model.Fold.item -> t list
32 changes: 5 additions & 27 deletions src/search/json_index/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -193,42 +193,20 @@ let output_json ppf first entries =
first entries

let unit ppf u =
let f (first, id) i =
let entries = Entry.entries_of_item id i in
let f first i =
let entries = Entry.entries_of_item i in
let entries = (fun entry -> (entry, Html.of_entry entry)) entries
let id =
match i with
| CompilationUnit u -> ( :> Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.t)
| TypeDecl _ -> id
| Module m -> ( :> Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.t)
| Value _ -> id
| Exception _ -> id
| ClassType ct -> ( :> Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.t)
| Method _ -> id
| Class c -> ( :> Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.t)
| Extension _ -> id
| ModuleType mt -> ( :> Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.t)
| Doc _ -> id
let first = output_json ppf first entries in
(first, id)
let _first =
Odoc_model.Fold.unit ~f
( true,
( :> Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.t)
let _first = Odoc_model.Fold.unit ~f true u in

let page ppf (page : Odoc_model.Lang.Page.t) =
let f first i =
let entries =
Entry.entries_of_item ( :> Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.t) i
let entries = Entry.entries_of_item i in
let entries = (fun entry -> (entry, Html.of_entry entry)) entries
Expand Down

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